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  1. I'll take a picture with the beast on a scale! When I was checking the order I had in wich it came in the DHL site, there was a package weighing 15kg I thought was the bass + case, but there was also another package weighing around 9kg wich made no sense as the only things left were a bunch of string sets, a Focuarite usb interface and a couple of patch cables. I also remember that when I was unboxing it I nearly twisted my hand. It's unbelievably heavy, but surprisingly well balanced on a strap, I just try not to spend a lot of time playing it sitting, the thing will bruise your leg!
  2. [quote name='biro' timestamp='1410868653' post='2554023'] Did you get the uraniumburst version? [/quote] It is heavy! Now I can play it smoothly , but when I first got it I couldn't get used to the thickness of the sound, it's so embodied due to the high mass of the body itself, but I also replaced the Wilks with a set of Fender ones that came out of a Jazz Bass Walnut, as it was a direct trade I didn't even think, but now I kind of regret it, the Wilks were much more expressive.
  3. Be my guest!
  4. I just love to stop near the woods, set my little rig and get a completely lost in it. Most of my good ideas come to me this way. As far as wearing new acquisitions, I call it licking the cub, when they arrive I must have them always on direct point of view, so I think bass minds think alike.
  5. I'm guessing both.
  6. So, I will be getting my first short scale soon, something that I have wanted for a while because I can really put it to good use. Most sundays I go for a walk on my own, just to strech my legs a bit, and some time back, I started bringing a bass along, then I got myself a Fender Mini Tonemaster wich sounds killer on bass if you use a nice set of headphones. But it gets harder to carry a full sized bass around for a walk, even on a pretty comfortable bag, the solution I think will comes in the form of a massively inexpensive Harley Benton P-Bass shorty I managed to scoop as a decoration item for 28€. Most shorties I looked at where too expensive for what they actually were, and I never fancied traveler instruments wich also have higher price tags than what I think they should! The plan for this "throw-in-the-back" bass is to refinish it in vintage white, get some cream closed PU covers (because I often stroll to the beach and sit for a while playing) and I was thinking about nylon tapewound flats, but I wanted white ones and can't find them anywhere! What do you recon of the idea?
  7. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1413450532' post='2578289'] Did you do the refin yourself? Otherwise for the cost of a HB + refin you could've got a Squier Classic Vibe that already comes in the same colour! [/quote] I did, plus all the mods too, I try to do everything myself. I've tried different squier 51s and none quite fell into my taste, both soundwise and also in terms of ballance, they were all a bit neck heavy, while the body was too light. Also, this bass came with a quarter sawn neck, I had it checked by a luthier friend of mine who was very surprised by this fact. I'm nearly finished with the relic job too, so I will be posting some pics of that later on.
  8. My, oh my! Keep them coming brothers!
  9. basshead56, very nice crop pf basses, and that blue P is a beauty!
  10. Sorry buddy, forgot to add one, it should be fixed now!
  11. Here is my Harley Benton PB-50, just refinished in blue (a kind of lake placid blue). [url=http://postimg.org/image/guw1nirtz/full/][/url] [url=http://postimage.org/]free upload image[/url] Next up I'll relic it, just some light relic but with (I hope) a proper finish aging and hardware wear. I am going for that Fender CS 55' relic look. Also, the bass has been heavilly modded with all new electronic and wiring, the only thing stock is the wilkinson pickup, but I'm planning on swapping it for a Duncan Antiquity. This is my main bass (dispite the price) and I love it! So, what are your thoughts?
  12. Hey mate, I have one of those too, but I notice a few differences about the woods, in mine, the body is of a lighter shade, and the wood veins are much more dense, it's also very heavy (14Kg), the maple neck is a bit weird as the wood kind of looks like a burl, and the fretboard is flamed. I absolutely love it, it isn't my main bass, that one is another Harley Benton, the PB-50, but the JB-75 nat is a peach! I got it as a "deko" item, payed 45€ at the time, I think, and it has no faults except a scratch in the G string tuning key. I just have one advice, you should redo the ground and shielding, I also changed the pots and jack in mine, but the overall difference wasn't that notorius. Oh and the pickups, last month I swaped them in a trade for a pair of J's that came in an American Standard Fender Jazz, a deal which I regret as I think the Wilks sounded better, at least they were more balanced, this set has a very poor mid and high ranges, I'll swap them for a set of Malagoli Custom 60 when I can. Great buy, congratulations!
  13. Congratulations, this is impressive!
  14. If it's Ebonol I think you're fine, the stuff will be around and mostly intact when you and I are pushing daisies for a long time... heck it might even be around after the whole bass has rotten and rusted to nothing... Archaeologists of the future will be pulling hairs to figure out why the hell are all these black slotted slabs... hmmm... And Ebonol can be polished up, when I bought my five string, the Squier Jazz Deluxe, some of the frets were kind of damp looking, so I used just a bit of polishing paste, and was ready to go.
  15. Bradwell, that's actually a very good idea regarding the carbon battens, I have the same problem on one of my favourite precision basses, just can't get the action low enough, and I'm not the kind of guy who uses super low action, but the strings are just too bowed in the middle.
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