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  1. Thanks Happy Jack that's excellent. Like i said i am not looking to sell it just wanted to know what i had to be honest
  2. I will take some time to read through the link you provided. The number stamp is 1072, i don't suppose you have any idea how much this guitar would be valued at? Not that i am looking to sell it at the moment, but its always good to know
  3. Hi People, I have been left this Hofner Guitar and believe its a 185 Artist i was just wondering if there was any way of finding out the year? I am pretty confident in saying its not a newer Reissue version Any information would be great. Thanks
  4. I look forward to what 'happy jack' has to say
  5. My grandad had a carpentry accident and did these to a lot of his instruments, its easy to get off and doesnt damage the base. I am not looking to sell them just wanted to get some info for me really. Thanks again people
  6. Cool, is there any way of finding out the year?
  7. Hi People i have the pictures of the Hofner and the Ibanez but not the yamaha as i was being lazy. The yamaha is a black BBN4 3 i think. Here is the Ibanez image Here is the Hofner image, there is like no markings on the hofner just this number stamp at the back which is 1072 Any Feed back would be great thanks Adrian
  8. Thanks guys, i work as a website developer so should be ok finding my way round the forum. I will get some pictures online as soon as. Thanks for your quick response!
  9. Hi Forum, I have just inhertied some Bass Guitars off a relative that sadly passed away and want to get some honest information about them as i don't know much when it comes to Bass Guitars If there is anyone out there that could help that would be amazing i have three in question a Yamaha, Ibanez and Hofner I can post pictures later after work if anyone thinks they can help Cheers Adrian
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