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Everything posted by rungles

  1. Scott bought a Hohner B2-A headless bass from me and is a great guy to deal with. Paid exactly when he said he would and great comms. Thanks for a smooth deal Scott! The 'other' Scott.
  2. Now £220 posted
  3. Only taken out if the box to test so totally as-new. Includes the cradle too. Fuzz and low-pass controls. £60 posted in the UK
  4. Great condition and comes with a brand new set of status Hotwire 100-40 strings fitted. New Warwick rock bag also. 2 band active EQ and d-tuner on the E string. Fold out leg rest. £220 posted in the UK.
  5. Dan bought my Warwick Thumb and is a great guy to deal with. Paid instantly and kept great comms throughout. Deal with confidence! Scott.
  6. Doug is a ridiculously good player and a very nice guy. The two don't always go hand-in-hand.
  7. I bought an MXR Fuzz pedal from Andy and it arrived safely and exactly is described. Andy is a very genuine guy and great to deal with.
  8. Have a Bossa Nova Christmas. You're welcome... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7H3ESYy24o
  9. It's funny when you're on a site like YouTube to see where you end up - which is usually a million miles away from the song you originally started on. All good stuff though, as you said.
  10. The younger me once put 6 mini-toggle switches on my strat (3 x on/off and 3 x phase) a la Brian May but at least I had the good grace to make another scratchplate.
  11. As a great man once said... "Merry Christmas Everyone" [attachment=207855:shakin_stevens.jpg]
  12. I bought a Hohner B2A from Eddie and he is a fantastic guy to deal with. The bass as exactly as described and was packed to survive everything that Royal Mail could throw at it, plus a bit more. Deal with confidence!
  13. Prince! Both as a bass player and a band leader. Probably my single biggest influence.
  14. As an ex-guitarist I totally agree. I'm not a guitarist who plays a bit of bass or a failed guitarist - I made the concious decision to change and I am a bass player! I've gone to great lengths to craft my playing style and my sound - to the point where people seem to have forgotten I was ever a guitarist! (I live on the Isle of Wight which is quite a close-knit musical community).
  15. You won't regret it Mike. Great price too.
  16. I use a EHX Bass Soul Food - cracking little pedal which works beautifully as a 'leave it on' thing. The 'blend' control is especially useful. I sold my LM3 when I got my BX500 - fantastic amp.
  17. Awesome! Our last gig of the year and it was in a fantastic 'real' boozer called The Solent Inn in Ryde on the IOW. Great atmosphere, great crowd and the band hardly missed a beat. Roll-on 2016!
  18. Just recently I've changed by whole sound. I was always into the totally clean scooped mids thing which I thought was the only way. I couldn't have been any more wrong! I've boosted my mids and added a little dash of dirt which has made such a difference. I play in a three-piece funk band that always sounded good, but didn't sound fantastic - until now. I didn't realise how much of a gap there was in our sound. The audiences have noticed too and we now get complimented on our sound as well as our playing. Has anyone else had a similar ephiphany? Scott.
  19. Ready to pay for this Eddie. Scott
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