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Everything posted by IzzyT2807

  1. Having a been a professional singer for 8 years, if that voice goes it goes.. simple as that. plenty of good advice on here from the guys. Just remember its not his fault. its not like he can just change a string and carry on.
  2. that has always been the problem with metallica .. never hear the bass
  3. joinmyband worked for us when we were looking for a singer
  4. Im very interested
  5. they were awesome that night, only one wrong move that night. They did this really slow number at the end that just died on its arse but other than that they were fantastic
  6. sweet thanks man ... so i need a cab
  7. If the Marshall has the "sound you've always wanted", then this should be a no brainer regardless of weight etc. use the money from the mark bass to buy some casters lol
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1412513111' post='2569455'] Because it's a bassists forum I guess. [/quote] makes sense..
  9. Don't suppose headphones are an option ?
  10. I didn't know they were breaking up.... genuinely gutted! Saw them last year at the wardrobe in Leeds... they were out of this world
  11. still learning how to do this one.. I'm ok to a certain point then my brain just melts
  12. anyone ??? lol
  13. [quote name='bartelby' timestamp='1411997171' post='2564648'] When I joined an established originals band I asked them if they minded me changing the basslines. Their answer was "not at all, as long as your lines fit and suit the song" [/quote] that's an unusually level headed response from a guitarist/singer/drummer...
  14. as always... If it works for you - awesome! screw everyone else if it doesn't - don't buy it! screw everyone else
  15. Never really felt either way about them, good for the money i suppose
  16. like the other guy said... be upfront. ask them what they want, try both ways, stick with what works
  17. the drummer in my band is definable slightly ahead of the beat (to my own taste) I totally get the whole feel thing... problem is everyone has their own
  18. Hello guys, I wonder if you can help me. While I save up to buy the Ampeg Cab I am after, would it be possible to run a Ampeg PF800 Head through one of my Logic x150p Bass bins? I can't think of a reason why not but I just wanted to check, (I don't want to ruin either my head or my bass bin) What do you lot think ?
  19. Would love to see this... working sucks
  20. well handled.. sometimes remaining professional is the hardest thing to do.
  21. at least you've got some honour and are willing to do the gig that's already been booked... our ex singer just walked out (with 5 gigs booked) and refused to play any of them
  22. [quote name='NoRhino' timestamp='1411683294' post='2561979'] You're not wrong. Bass is a dark art known to a minority. Like goalies. [/quote] Genuinely made me choke on my coffee with laughter lol
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