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Everything posted by andybass87

  1. ashdown rootmaster looks quite versatile, good set of features for the pricetag. I wouldn't rule out a separate head/cab solution though, this can work out lighter and just as wallet friendly. I use a TC BH250 with an EBS 12" cab. I believe it cost me in the region of £500 or just under. stands up to all the wedding venues I have played so far, large and small.
  2. We introduce every song with the word 'the' before it. childish, but gives us a giggle before going into another mind numbing rendition of 'the sweet home alabama' or 'the valerie' the get lucky' etc. Could thrown in who its by also, 'the daft punk'
  3. Can verify PaulWarnings advice, my Fiance is an audiologist, and will not let me leave without them!! High and low frequencies can go, but more likely the lows that will go with age, they are also the ones associated with hearing speech, apart from all the 'th' 'sh' and 'ts' sounds. So get the ear plugs in!! any are better than none, but I use the music safe pro ones for the record.
  4. I use Chordbot on android, but i believe it is on IOS, not perfect but allows you to input any chords you like, and loop etc. I use it for improvising walking bass lines over chords. does the job in that sense.
  5. Thanks for reply, do you happen to know of anywhere I could hear a sound sample?
  6. Been looking at purchasing a cheapish EUB for first time, possibly a stagg or one of the thomann offerings. Was just wondering if anyone has any videos/sound clips of one of these basses being used with a bow!? Cant find anything on youtube, and all pictures on here show people using them without a bow! Please also let me know if I am being completely dense and they cant be used with a bow!!
  7. seen one on gumtree this morning for a silly price. don't know if I am allowed to post a link or not??
  8. Social Club, £1.75 a pint. Nuff said!!!
  9. thanks for that too! like the price!
  10. Cheers, Il check it out!
  11. sweeeeeeeeet!!! that neck looks amazing. Do you need to fit your own tuners??
  12. Hi was wondering if anyone can recommend any good books for helping with sight reading?? I know the internet is littered with resources, but really looking for something in paper format!! Cheers in advance!
  13. Im gigging with a 12" ebs cab, extremely light, and reasonably priced. as for the head im using a TC electronic BH250, which is only 250 watts but I take a line out to the PA anyway, so its plenty loud enough for me to hear on stage. beauty is that it slips right into the front pocket of my gig bag. Aguilar, markbass, GK all do similar sized heads, you just need to find a tone you like. But my back has thanked me for the change, cab in one had, guitar on my back, amp in pocket and im good to go!!
  14. Good one on Saturday, Particular highlight being the guitarist/singer belting out Rihanna's 'Diamonds' in copy key, when we had all rehearsed it a fifth below. Never knew he could sing so high!! Brides sister managed to start punch up the night before that! Rather eventful weekend!
  15. never had a chance to play the precision one, but im sure its probably pretty good!
  16. Very helpful! I also found myself gazing towards those horrible numbers under the score! There arealso a few apps that throw notes at you and you just hit the corresponding note. Try 'basscat' and 'notezart' for Android. Good for passing time on the train etc!
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