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Everything posted by Jezyorkshire

  1. Yamaha DG60 one 12inch speaker twin switchable channels , digital modeling amp, excellent condition, never been gigged, bought new for £325, will sell for £100 Cash to be collected from Pontefract, west yorkshire, may be able to deliver within reasonable distance for cost of fuel, cheers, Jez.
  2. PM sent, cheers, Jez.
  3. I would suggest that while listening to the song at a volume you can hear yourself think, without your bass in your hands, hum the bass line with the song and then hum a similar bass line with how you hear you would like to play it, the trick is hearing it and then finding it on your bass, if you try to do it on the bass first it is likely that your fingers will dictate what you play rather than your musical ear! good luck, Jez. p.s. do it in small measures at first.
  4. hey is that you Scott, Jez from Pontefract here, how ya doin man!
  5. I have had a phone call tonight from a friend wanting me to play double bass so looks like i have a reason to keep at it for now, will see how things turn out, thanks for the interest guys, Jez.
  6. I am considering selling my double bass, reasons are i have bought my son a new yamaha digital piano on the plastic so have to find some cash from somewhere and i am finding that although i have taken to the double bass quite well there is only so much one can fit in and i feel like i am trying to do too much. Its a chinese made with what looks to be a solid top and has no cracks or damage and has a good action, recently i have fitted some Spiros on it, there is some chipping /wear on the varnish in some places but not much. Comes with a bow, soft case, spare strings and a stand, will take £200 cash and will need to be picked up from Pontefract, Yorkshire, cheers, Jez.
  7. [quote name='TPJ' post='296590' date='Oct 1 2008, 01:38 PM']Hi Mate, hope you're well. Usually if the price is cheap, the sound will be too. I suppose if you want to try then go ahead but reading up on mics/pickups both here and on TB will hopefully clue you into what to look for in a good quality pickup or mic. You don't have to spend the world to get a good sound but IMO it don't come cheap either. Cheers,[/quote] Hi Tom, been busy playing electric in 3 bands so not much time on the upright, got some Used Spiros for a good price and they are now on, one of the bands i play with i may be able to use the upright a bit so am looking at getting a pickup, hope you are well too mate, are you playing much?cheers, Jez.
  8. Anyone know what these are like, item no 190248263349, nice price! cheers, Jez.
  9. I have had my Vintage icon(jaco thingy)fretless bass about a year now and have just put some TI flats on it and am really diggin them, did some recording at rehearsal with a trio(gtr/bass/drums) and they sound great, i found that with the roundwounds it was hard not to sound a bit like the jaco sound but with the flats you can sound more like yourself, and get less wear on the neck! I am playing through a markbass 112h combo and it is a great sound, the di from the amp is spot on, cheers, Jez. ps. reason i tried the flats is after hearing Pino playing with John Mayer!
  10. I have a Markbass 112h combo and it is excellent, i would be tempted if i was you to buy the markbass jeff berlin combo from the basschatter who has listed one for £600, a reytbargain, cheers, Jez.
  11. Had my Double bass about 5 weeks now and really lovin it, need to get a pickup so i can start using it at gigs, anyone using the k&k bass max, what are they like? Will my Markbass 112h combo be okay and will i need a preamp between pickup and amp input to balance signal, cheers, Jez.
  12. Just to set the record straight, the student mentioned in my original post has the same opinion as myself when we compared the basses mentioned, and it was initially himself that said that his sounded better through his 15watt practice amp. also while looking for a bass for him i tried plenty of other fenders including some signature models and i prefered the bass i chose for him. I had occasion to play a fender Precision Fretless, Tony Franklin recently and must say it is one of the best fretlesses i have played, cheers, Jez.
  13. Just to let you guys know i have now got a Double Bass, thanks to Jas (Legion), cheers, Jez.
  14. Someone mentioned resale value, if you think in % terms i have seen used MIA Fenders advertised for sale from about £450 , which means if i sold mine thats almost 50%, if my student sold his Squire at 50 % he would be losing £60ish. As for what is on the headstock, what impresses me is a persons musicality, imagine if you found out your favourite bass line by your favourite player was recorded on a chinese Squire, wouldnt bother me in the slightest, in fact, wouldnt it be really great if a top band was assembled that only used cheap squires or the like just to see what results they produced, now that would be interesting, cheers Jez.
  15. A while ago i got a squire jazz bass made in china for one of my students and before giving it to him i did a bit of tweaking to get the best out of , truss rod , string height, intonation. This weekend at his home where he has his lesson i thought i would take my fender jazz mia and my Markbass combo and see what differences there were now it had time to settle in a bit. The Squire actually sounded better through a crap 15watt amp than my Fender and through the Markbass combo my fender was just marginally better having a little more complexity to the tone. The neck on the Squire is better as i had to have my fender worked on by a luthier as it had a different relief on each side of the neck and the Squires neck is actually more comfortable towards the headstock. My fender cost £800 with case and the Squire was £125 with a cardboard box, considering the differences, which one would you be happy to get knocked about in the car/van/ pub ? It seems to my ears also that the pickups in both basses are of equal quality, so what am i paying for when i buy a mia fender? cheers, Jez.
  16. Gonna give this a bump, i got one of these and i think it sounds better than my American fender Jazz, a great bass, cheers, Jez.
  17. YAMAHA DG 112 twin channel, one 12inch speaker Had this about 4 years from new, hardly used, in shop soiled condition, been out of house 2 times and has not been gigged. I will take £150 for it ( was £325 ) it is in excellent condition. Phone no 01977 780818, located in Pontefract, west yorkshire. ask for Jez.
  18. Thanks Mr bassman, i have a gig late saturday night and wont probably get in till around 3am but can you remind me where and what time its on and i may be able to come but then i have the rest of family to appease so will have to se how it goes though it could be an excuse if it is a nice day for me and my son to take a trip on my Dnepr outfit, but that tends to take forever as it is a bit on the slow side, cheers mate, Jez.
  19. Jakesbass, have sent you a message, cheers , Jez.
  20. I have a late 90s american fender jazz and recently bought a new squire jazz(£125) for one of my students. i took it home to set it up and to be honest it is almost as good as my jazz, i have also recently bought the Vintage icon Jaco model (£250) and the pickups on it are better than on my american jazz , cheers , Jez.
  21. TPJ, have sent you an email or a message, cant remember which, cheers, Jez
  22. thanks for all the advice guys, i think i will hang on a bit and try and source a used one as i know that i wont like one that i dont like the sound of regardless of price, i will let you know of any developments, cheers ,Jez.
  23. I have checked and you can collect from shop so i will probably go and have a look at them to see what they are like, i am used to setting up me own electric bass guitars so i wouldt mind doin some nut/bridge adjustments if need be on one at there price. Other option would be to get a loan or put a bit on the credit card for something more desirable? but there is someone watching over my shoulder if you know what i mean. I have justified getting one by saying i need to learn it so i can get more work even though i dont know how i will get on with it as it is a totally different animal than bass guitar, just turned 48 the other month and the sound appeals lots more than playing electric, same thing happened with the motorbike, i could never get my head round anyone wanting a bike with a sidecar but now i have one, funny how things change as you get older, cheers , Jez.
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