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Everything posted by Jezyorkshire

  1. Bought this bass off EBay last year, listed as solid wood, took to Sam Wells in Altrincham to have work done on it, he said the front and back are definitely solid wood and the ribs maybe as well? work done was shoot fingerboard (Ebony)and glue a seam and a small crack, adjust sound post, new tail wire and fit new strings, it has Spiro Solos fitted, plays easy and has a good sound, he said I would need to spend about £3000 to get a better sounding bass! even though it is a bit tatty! he didn’t think it necessary to fix the finish lol. Message for any further info and to have a look/play or cup of ☕️! No case, just the bass as seen in the photos
  2. Beautiful man! Wish I was nearer to have a look!
  3. 4/4 Spiro Mitts big improvement on the e string but too much tension, took em off again after a day, solos back on! Might try the Weichs later.
  4. What physical shape are you in at the moment, particularly in the upper back and shoulders? I injured myself playing 5 years ago and it’s taken me until recently to get back in shape, I had similar pains to you but worse and it was mostly down to muscle wastage and being out of condition, I had to build muscle with exercise in my back and I also learnt to do Chi Kung to gain more flexibility and strength . Another thing that has been very helpful is having a very good physical trainer who is a great massagist and has given me the right exercises to help me play again
  5. Aye, I’ve had to put lighter strings on while I built my strength up, it did have heavier ones on, I suspect it likes more tension on the top, I’ve got some 4/4 Spiro Mittels coming which should be ok as my string length is only about 41inch so shouldn’t be much more than 3/4 Weich tension wise
  6. I’m in my living room mate! Unamplified by myself lol
  7. I probably only play up to the G# on the E string with the very occasional higher note, I’ve just been doing a chromatic exercise on all strings and noticed that the clarity/focus of the notes on the E string is less than the other strings which makes it difficult to find the centre of the pitch, around the middle of the neck and higher in particular it seems the notes are more of a thump than a pitch, is this normal or any one else experience this?
  8. I had my bass setup a while ago and the Luthier said that it was solid top and back and that the sides may be as well but wasn’t sure, is there a way of telling if the ribs are solid or laminate?
  9. The strings lengths seem very long considering they have been snipped, are they for a 4/4 bass?
  10. I have Spiro Solos on my bass, thought I would retry my Weichs now I have got my hand back in a bit. Went to my spare string draw and what do I find, the super silvers that I should have posted to a guy on eBay, looks like he has got my nearly new Weichs! For £45! He never said owt lol, what’s worse I just checked the eBay listing and it has the Spiros on the photo in the Innovation box lol, I didn’t even notice,
  11. Aye saw his on FB this morning , exciting!
  12. I’ve had a Golden Strad and it does look very likely?
  13. Sorry to hear man, hope your feeling better!
  14. aye were waiting man lol ?
  15. I have been hearing him over many years not realising who he was until last week and was shocked to learn this morning about his death, what an outstanding musician,very sad.
  16. I’ve messaged him about the Squier Jazz bass and I’ve asked for the serial number and he hasn’t given me it, I’ve sent him 2 messages and his second reply was “ he can’t keep replying to messages” he’s got some very odd listings for cameras and a lens with no photos and no real descriptions, I would be very wary of this seller?
  17. Got the Ernie ball Cobalt Flats, had em on about 2 hours, so far really great, tension is perfect and just the right brightness, thanks guys x
  18. What band were you playing with mate, I live just down the road in Todmorden, regards, Jez
  19. Recently bought a Bass Collection P bass which came with Elite Flatwounds on it, not having any experiences with flatwound strings I have nothing to compare them too, tension seems slightly higher than round wounds of the same gauge, they have now been played for about a month and I’m considering replacing them, the only thing that I’m not sure about with these is the E string seems a little deader that the other 3 strings now they are played in and also slightly less tension would be good but not like TI’s I’m considering the Jim Dunlop flatwounds or Daddario Chromes, but the Chromes I have read are high tension and can be unbalanced in the set , string to string tension wise? I probably would prefer a modern flatwound that sounds great also with the tone rolled off but still has good definition. Any opinions welcome
  20. PM’ed man
  21. Wow, lovely, had the short scale version back in my younger days when I was Jack Bruce!
  22. It’s great, they were in a mad rush when I ordered it and I had to tweak the setup which I was surprised at as I was told it would be very well setup, I took it to a friends to compare with an American P bass and it’s just as good in my opinion, particularly the pickup, in fact now I have tweaked it to how I like it the neck is really great, much better setup than my friends P
  23. I used one for a while, i ended up with severe sciatica! I thought I was being clever lifting it myself, ridiculous
  24. i sold my Markbass combo as it was getting too heavy for me and that was 39Ibs !
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