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Everything posted by Jezyorkshire

  1. What’s the weight on this? Think it may be too heavy for me as I’m a weed lol
  2. just found this thread, ive just ordered a Bass Collection Detroit and its expected to be delivered on Tuesday!
  3. Hi Martin, just been offered some work and i need to get a P bass as its lots of Jamerson stuff, sorry man, regards , Jez
  4. Hi man, I'm over in Todmorden, can come over and have a play if still for sale? regards, Jez 07760444339
  5. That’s a shame man, would have liked to have a look, good luck with sale man
  6. Where are you man?
  7. Hi Nick, it worked without but was compromised on volume as there wasn’t enough signal going into the input, the Headway provided lots more input.
  8. Headway EDM1 came , tried with 2 new very low capacitance leads and with headway volume at 2/3rds and pre amp on PJ Flightcase halfway it’s just short of clipping when played very hard, volume is nor twice as loud out of the Flightcase, lots of volume
  9. Aye but where is your house!
  10. I have ordered a Headway EDM1 that was on offer on eBay brand new for £99, couldn't resist the temptation, i may be being over critical off the volume coming from the PJ Flightcase, my main concern was not being able to get enough signal going in to the input, this should certainly sort it!
  11. Have been looking at YouTube and comparing the Godin and the Ibanez, I think that even though the Ibanez seems less versatile it looks better value for money and the Godin comes across not much different that an electric bass?
  12. I’ve seen the used A4 on eBay if it’s the one you mean, it’s just got the pickup under the bridge rather than the extra pickup on the new A4 ultra, I have read reports that some have had sound problems with them but maybe that’s the older ones it may seem?
  13. Funnily enough I was thinking of going to Gear4music to try one of these and the Godin A4
  14. It would seem to me that it does need a good input signal, I can’t get the input clip light to come on with the gain full up and playing as hard as I can!
  15. Just got a Phil Jones Flightcase and i am using an Underwood pickup , with full gain on the input of the amp the clip light doesn't light even when abusing the strings very hard with my right hand, there doesn't seem much volume and im assuming thats because of the input stage not being loaded enough? would a pre amp of the right sort solve this and also would it improve the tone spectrum of the pickup with the right impedance match? any other advise also would be good, thanks, Jez
  16. agree see a luthier if going adjustable, i was meaning you could shave the top down if the height is ok and bridge is ok apart from deep grooves?
  17. you could fix that yourself easy enough? if the string height is ok?
  18. Not in a position to buy another bass at minute man, but thanks for letting me know, i am waiting to see if my rsi stands up to playing more over next 6 months or so as have injuries that stopped me playing a while back
  19. the ethical situation doesn't end there though with how its all glued together!!! i was vegan for about 5 years and thought about this but i cant see any substitute glue being available either?
  20. Just received my double bas strings, all good mate thanks, Jez
  21. Some on eBay lightly used I think at minute?
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