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Everything posted by Jezyorkshire

  1. Recently bought here on basschat , heres the original topic; [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/231188-sold-restoration-project-fully-carved-34-double-bass/"]http://basschat.co.u...34-double-bass/[/url] Thought i would have access to a workshop and tools but mate has closed business, and on going RSI injuries not sure when i will be in a position to play double bass again, so up for sale, im in Kinsley, West Yorkshire, mobile is 07760444339, thanks , Jez
  2. aye thanks for posting , sounds great!
  3. Waiting for appointment to see physio, spoken to doctor and may have trapped nerve also
  4. Have spoken to doctor and am gonna get an appointment at surgery with visiting physio
  5. Theres a limit because after 35 years of wear and tear playing guitar/ bass and saxophone with weight round my neck and shoulder and recent history of frozen shoulder , i cant carry on working in the same way, i play in a corporate band were the emphasis is on providng entertaiment, where it is expected that you perform stood up 99% of the time, hence why i need a support to play stood up, or like you say , i give up doin that line of work. at 54 year old with the issues i have with this problem and an older history of sciattica im not good employable material ! I dont mind playing sat down but that wouldnt be acceptabe for the kind of paid gigs i do.
  6. Mbracestand.com Thats the support in the video, i messaged the guy on facebook, said he got it from ebay, though they only look to be for sale in USA
  7. strap length exactly same sittin or standin, but no longer an issue as i cant bear to stand with weight on shoulder , i am in process of doing physio of which some is exercises for when i had frozen shoulder that i got given from hospital and others from book on rsi that i listed earlier, 2 weeks of exercises have been undone by just 1 hour of playing stood up, im no longer prepared to play stood up with any weight on my body hence my initial post, im felling sore on my left side( shoulder and upper back) from exercises and i get tingling in my left wrist and elbow
  8. Thanks guys for all the advise, i play a Fender Jazz through a markbass cmd112, any weight on shoulders is out of the question it is that bad, i have got a book with stretching exercises : http://www.amazon.com/Conquering-Carpal-Syndrome-Repetitive-Injuries/dp/1572240393 There is a lot of locked up tension in my upper back,neck and shoulders more so on the left where the weight has been carried, on top of that i have a previous frozen shoulder on the left from about 3 years ago. I cant chance aggravating it anymore, i had done 2 weeks of stretching proir to last gig and was feeling benefit which was completely undone by a one hour set and actually made it worse, thanks, Jez
  9. Would definitely get sack if i played a corporate gig on one of them lol
  10. Aye , was thinking of that, but as some of my work is doin corporate gigs dont think that will go down to well !
  11. Am having issues with weight around shoulder which is causing problems, will be 54 next month and 30 years of wearing a bass is taking its toll ! Has anyone played stood up with bass on a stand of some sort? thanks, Jez
  12. I think you might be better with that "Golden Strad" for sale in Brighton for the money, i had one and it was really nice, and would give you change if you wanted to do anything to it?
  13. I personally would rather play a double bass but wouldnt want to play something that didnt sound decent and it can be very frustrating amplifying it, but theres something very satisfying in playing the double bass even if its only simple, ive recently been playing some country/bluegrass which is mainly root n fifths but when you get the groove happening its just great, and i think a big part of that is pulling the sound from an acoustic instrument and the look!
  14. HI Mate, your playing on that soundclip sounds fine, good intonation, what would you be most happy playing? I watched a band a few weeks ago and the guy playing the Double had a cheapish bass i think and looked to be using a bassmax pickup and a low action, it sounded worse than your Rob Allen, if you get a double make sure it has a decent acoustic sound to start with.
  15. Im sure i saw this bass at Peters workshop on monday? would recognize that fingerboard anywhere lol
  16. you need a pre amp with a notch filter and high pass filter and a phase switch ideally
  17. Spiro weichs are as far as i know quite a bit more, tension wise than Animas
  18. Jake, thats becoming apparent ! the whole of my left shoulder/upper arm area feels like its stuck together, i can feel its affecting my neck as well on the left more than on the right
  19. i should have said 2nd or 4th finger lol
  20. had a bluegrass rehearsal tonight , half hour playing and left upper back/shoulder/upper arm muscles are protesting and cant keep 2nd or 3rd finger stopping a c or g note, its interesting how these muscles when fatigued affect fingering! got home and done my physio exercises.
  21. Tom, your right about the physical thing, im obviously weak in the shoulder area from my previous frozen shoulder, i developed this after i stopped playing double bass ! It also means im using the wrong muscles when lifting arm up to a degree, while bass is with Peter Hall for seam gluing and will get him to make it easier to play in half/first position will be trying to get my shoulder sorted with exercises and take it slow when get it back, i have been going manic with practice, one day i did 3 hours which is crazy. Hector, let us know how it goes and how your full circle sounds.
  22. just done the exercises for my left shoulder that i was given when i had the frozen shoulder problem couple of years ago, bleedin hell, its definitely in a state, the sensation im getting in my wrist may be referred pain/aching from this problem , this is obviously having an impact on getting my elbow up and the shoulder muscles/shoulder rotation working properly.
  23. Thanks Timbass, technique is a work in progress, been rushing on some things, i think some of my issues are due to a frozen shoulder i had a few years ago, im having a rest for a week after this week while my bass is at luthiers, im gonna get it to play a bit easier in half/first position so an adjustment on fingerboard relief and do some exercises i was given when i had physio.
  24. i have just remembered that about 2-3 years ago i suffered from a frozen shoulder, im wonderin if some of the symptoms im experiencing are due to the raised arm position when playing double in relation to this previous problem, i went for physio and was able to sort it, i still have the exercise sheets somewhere and a stretchy piece of material that i used for the exercises, ive also sent for this [b] Conquering Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Other Repetitive Strain Injuries by Sharon J. Butler[/b]
  25. http://youtu.be/nTEJ0vndNO0
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