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About Geek99

  • Birthday 25/05/2012

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    Sunny Coalville

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  1. You’re my hero 👍
  2. Classic vibe jazz bass perhaps. Do the 70s ones have 70s pup spacing ?
  3. I reached agreement to sell something big today. I don’t have the money yet but it’s coming. I’m resisting the temptation to abstain from abstinence this year.
  4. Good work now hit us up with photo-pron before we boil over
  5. Maybe he mimed a response ?
  6. Use a screw extractor
  7. He has variously claimed it to be a 73 and a 75. It originally had a rosewood neck but he had the neck changed to maple jazz as he couldn’t see it properly in the dark and preferred the slimmer neck, calling it “more ladylike” you can see the neck quite narrow at the nut in that photo. The red has faded a lot, though that’s hardly uncommon I always thought the pickguard was black but it’s actually dark tort he claims to have been given it by his parents after “under a blood red sky” when he was playing an Ibanez of some sort and before Joshua tree so sometime around 1984
  8. London n13
  9. I’d get the squier
  10. Walk, is my vote
  11. Probably truer these days than in the past…
  12. Yes, like the green too
  13. There’s something not right about that, it’ll come to me in a moment 🫣
  14. Penicillin was discovered in 1928? One reason why fewer soldiers died in ww2 insulin was also discovered in the 1920s?
  15. Is that a lie ? Wrong thread Mister
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