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Everything posted by Geek99

  1. To be fair, it’s really hard to tell that from reading your output. Your few mistakes are ones that English native speakers from some regions also make I have IELTS grade 9 and I notice things like that
  2. Stick it on Facebook, or contact @Len_derby his charity may be able to use it
  3. I have the house to myself today, I should probably try those
  4. Is it, dare one ask, any good for metal ?
  5. Holy tuck I wish I didn’t already own an acoustic bass
  6. Doesn’t he say he does that already ? perhaps I misunderstood
  7. I would have thought that the best approach was both. Learning by ear to survive real life and also notation / theory to learn things that you cannot directly listen to, and to communicate with others
  8. It’s something about my particular physiognomy. He was right
  9. My teacher told me that my automatic choice of leading finger was leading me to swing time. He was 100% right i now lead with my middle finger
  10. I think I’ve played this, or an identical one at a bass bash, attended by @Prosebass
  11. I point you to the work of Duck Dunn, watch the two Blues Brothers movies and you can see a groove genius at work - his work is simpler to learn than James Jamersons and more groove than funky imho. before I get flamed, I hugely admire both of them
  12. I’ve never left it, but with your last paragraph you are straying to The Dark Side and I urge you to avoid it like the plague Yoda would be proud, stick to the righteous path of bass, avoid the six string w**kery
  13. I tried one of these many moons ago in PMT Leeds and it was very nice indeed. Partner told me to buy it but I could not justify it.
  14. They’re quite good enough for me and so very quiet. Result
  15. It’s not about being a people pleaser, you’re being a bassist-pleaser and supplying us with valve-porn. It is righteous work
  16. I watched her with gwen stefani she was singing early winter whilst gwen got changed. Gail Ann is a very talented lady at one point, gwen, Gail Ann and their tamed guitard were a few inches away. He was playing a telecaster shaped toy bass
  17. Pictures, please pretend we are guitarists and cannot understand words
  18. Thanks to herr Google, it’s not a bad translation. I did however check it myself regarding the thread “make up a lie about the previous poster”, I suggest that you avoid reading it if you value your sanity. it is here - I suggest that you might need a large shot of Stroh’s Inlander Rum 80% to make it through the full 41 pages
  19. @ghostwheel @Richard R refers to my characterisation of him as “stig of the dump” a caveman who learns to speak English through association with a modern human boy. The phrase “modern human boy” obviously excludes most bass chat members who are mostly boys,only slightly human and definitely not “boys” any more this all comes from an old basschat thread where the game was to humoursly insult a fellow member who had recently replied
  20. My colleague and I, he much better at German than I, never really understood the passive voice in German. We would go through this circle of “wurde”, “senn wird”, “geworden ist” and some others before we saw the sunshine of understanding on the listeners face as we finally got the correct voice in passive and they got what we were trying to say
  21. It’s better than your command of English, Stig. 😛
  22. Wenn Sie das Wort „Blödsinn“ im richtigen Kontext verwenden können, dann haben Sie es mit Sicherheit geschafft. Ich lobe Sie für Ihren hervorragenden ersten Beitrag und als Hochdeutsch-Lernender, der in Wien abgesetzt wurde und von dem erwartet wurde, dass er untergeht oder schwimmt, fühle ich mit Ihnen Ich wurde von den Wienern immer sanft bezüglich meiner Fehler korrigiert, das ist Teil der Lernkurve. Ich habe zwei Jahre in Wien gelebt, da ich in der Jacobs Kaffee Fabrik im 14. Bezirk stationiert war herr schoenhofer hat mir ein buch „weinerisch für anfänger“ geschenkt, damit ich die leute im lagerhaus verstehen kann
  23. https://amzn.eu/d/2UuJoHo rechargeable transmitter / receiver in real plastic wood (thanks Peppa pig) cheap as chips and worked right out of the box. (Once paired) no noticeable latency or noise
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