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Everything posted by synthaside

  1. Can you be tempted by a trade rumple , Part exing my semi telecaster 6 string copy its a nice player branded aleisi Ii'd planned to use it for a project but its too nice a player for me to cut to pieces its had fresh set of strings and setup by our guitarist who actually really likes it and was convinced i'd spent much more on it than i had. Part ex with some cash your way ? [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/synthaside/IMG_20141211_004658_zpslk8hnwp0.jpg[/IMG] claws off the status telebass though ;-)
  2. If these go separately i'd be interested in the B3 sorting somthing out with somone else for the expression pedal
  3. What time sunday i'll pop in an lurk, you could hit the moot house with a plywood Encore bass from my house.
  4. Remember [font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"][color="#282828"]Thomman do a 30 day no quibble returns service sadly its only free inside germany , BUT if you dont get on with the CV you can return it , for probably around 10-15 quid that makes the risk substantially less.[/color][/font]
  5. Offers wise I've got a Russian Big Muff , this one [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/big-muff-pi-russian"]http://www.ehx.com/p...muff-pi-russian[/url], 7/10 condition modified to take a PSU as i hate chugging through 9volt's , Velcro bottomed plus a crisp 20 your way. Or an akai unibass Mint boxed with PSU , (we now have two guitarists so never gigged )that would require a bit of money my way Right out there is a Trace E cab think its a 1153T but i'd have to check when i get back to the house ... taking up space behind my living room door.
  6. I wonder if the moot would host a kingston basschat bash there resident sound guy is pretty approachable and we can drag out some of the hermit dad's :-P
  7. Hah its essentially an akai unibass with probbaly miles better tracking for 240 quid ... ouch
  8. What kind of trades NJR911 ?
  9. As another self confessed big bass playing dude ( 6'4 odd and of Hunnish decent) I find most modern basses a bit on the small side thus i've settled happily on a t bird for live play the same reasons why people find them a little unwieldy ensures however a way of getting that P tone without the P body ( as jazz basses or indeed 51 non contoured ( SLAB) bodied basses are bigger I'd suggest a Scheter model T as there quite a bit bigger than a regulation P'J or what ive got my claws on a Status vintage P ( with a telebass style body)
  10. That call for any questions thing , is pretty common IE my dad who i set up ebay stuff for often sticks this on because uses this rather than logging in , or having some push notification pop through which he's not going to notice the its much less hassle It can also make people feel a bit more secure with the whole ebay purchase ..... if a seller wants to dodge fee's they'll find very quickly that ebay wont put up with it and losing paypal protection for a buyer is not worth the hassle.
  11. A friend of mine from work who is a ultra keen cyclist shared this gem of wisdom from the "rules" ( they have a document these cycle people) The correct number of bikes , or basses in our case is n + 1 , IE the n being the number we currently have plus the one we want. this equation can also be written as N = S -1 , where S is the number that would result in separation from your significant other ;-)
  12. The other day i broke my set of in ears ( at work no music = very crap day ) so I figure get a cheap set to tide me over and order a decent set online [url="http://www.ryman.co.uk/groov-e-metal-buds-stereo-earphones"]http://www.ryman.co....tereo-earphones[/url] There brilliant for the price and made of metal I've not bothered replacing them ;-)
  13. I was in there on Sunday evening with my guitarist lurking at the back As is our custom. Arrived mid set and left pretty much when the band was packing away some good as far as i could tell original's. I remember one called at the workhouse ?? I also remember we thought the harmonies that were being pulled off were very tidy indeed. some respectable chops from the lead but rhythm guitarist could probably turn up a touch. All in all very tight . However ... sunglasses indoors at night Is a sin even for a guitarist ;-) I actually think the moot house might try and take the crown from the grey horse , we have enough "dining experiences" in the greater Kingston area and while the stage/ performance area may be nowhere near as good as the grey horse. From a punter perspective i always thought the grey horse was a bit of a sh*te pub with a good venue attached to it.
  14. I live mere seconds from the old moot , and since they added Sierra Nevada to the draft its hard to say no to live music and great beer. I'd be in there tomorrow if it wasn't the other half's birthday , we have dinner plans on the posher side of the river ;-) I've signed up my lot for the open Mic on a Thursday for a few week's we'll be crap but will hopefully have a laugh and it will help break the ice on new band jitters , you'll know us because of the singing drummer ;-) ( used to be the front man but only one who knew how)
  15. Doest my status vintage P count ;-) she's a telebass but not as we know it
  16. What an interesting thread I must have been busy at work to have missed this yesterday ;-). I have a completely stock 90's Korean Epi bolt on t-bird from before the Pro was a thing and I can say the sound I get out of it is , Is much less wooly but more wooden and more punchy, like the jazz tone on the pro recording ( I have very old round's on it which if one broke I would have to find second hand or settle for flats) I will actually be doing some scratch recording on Thursday with it using a DI box straight into a very old digital multi tracker , nothing complex just a couple of bits for my covers band , to onboard a new guitarist so I'll upload and share with what I consider totally flat eq. I think what defines a t-bird is the shape and style its essentially a twin humbuckered bass which there are thousands of variations of in every flavour, so pickups and tonality of wood will give differnt sounds and as there isnt a "Trademark sound / tone attributed to a tbird like a P or Rick the builder / designer can be a bit more flexible" . I'll say one thing about tbirds is that they do not encourage static hand placement , weird to explain but on my P orJ basses my hand is glued to the front P or rear J pickup. On my tbird I move my hand and play all over the neck pickup with the same level of comfort to get a tone I feel more suitable for the song. The sculpted ridge where the wings join the necked body can be as comfortable to me as floating on the E or resting on one of the pickups Just an idea
  17. I know a great female bass teacher in Ham if she expresses any love for our instrument of choice , however through Rockshool @ who do stuff at airplaystudios in sunbury and tiffins in kingston ( [url="http://www.britishschoolofrock.co.uk/where-we-are/"]http://www.britishsc...k/where-we-are/[/url]) which might be a great way to expose her to some strong rock female role model's as they do from 8 to 18 I know they use [url="http://drummingteacher.net/tutor/kirsty-martin/"]http://drummingteach.../kirsty-martin/[/url] . Good luck and hopefully see you as a family unit in a few years in the grey horse or the moot house ;-) perhaps we should start a Kingston basschat splinter group synth
  18. I've got one of these https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVby-BPyrnE An Akai unibass essentially its an [color=#333333][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3]octave up pedal with built in distortion ( roll your own ) and chord options ,[/size][/font][/color] On its own it sounds a bit synthetic but that isn't what its designed for its for filling out the sound and it does wonders when the guitarist runs off up the dusty end and i've got to keep the whole song going without him .
  19. I've actually started to use our rehearsal place's "free storage" [i]( unused room without carpet and soundproofing thats too small to use as a rehearsal space) [/i]for my trace 715 purely because lugging it in and out of the car boot was becoming an annoyance It's free and i feel fairly safe about leaving it there because its by far once of the cheapest rigs in the store room , lots of fancy JCM's and mesa guitar kitkeeping it warm overnight to attract prying hands. At home I've got a Behringer 120 watt Alu coned kickback that does me fine for home practice it lives underneath my pc desk in our office net to the tower. I wonder if i'm going mad sometimes as the sound that comes out of it is rather pleasing and very clean and leaves me feeling a bit underwhealmed by the boom out of the trace.
  20. If portability needs to be considered , i'd suggest either https://www.hwaudio.co.uk/Product/Ultralite-Tanglewood-Guitar-Stand-UBTG1-p428622?gclid=CLfZnOTwtsUCFQn3wgodpRoANA or this http://www.gak.co.uk/en/ultimate-gs55-compact-folding-guitar-stand/70544 If your travelling DI only to gigs surely you want a more portable offering than a full sized stand.
  21. Free falling Tom Petty and the heart breakers.... please end now ... before i die of boredom .. I suggested swapping it to good enough because at least that interesting Looks of horror from the rest of the group.
  22. I'm actually a bit in this position myself , i have a fantastic status that looks drop dead gorgeous I GAS'ed after very badly and is very special as my mrs bought it for me ... when push comes to shove and i'm loading the car to go rehearsal The Epi Tbird goes in and the status stays at home , Im more at home on it I can make it generate the sound I'm looking for in each song we play its and old shoe , i know exactly what to expect from it and my fingers dont have to think. Im bonded to my bass there are many like it but this one is mine.
  23. Ha Ha reminds me of a few years ago , at a gig I was spotted by the best mate of an Ex , who decided ... she would essentially leap onto my lap without me noticing. The look from my Mrs who was sat on a sofa opposite could have melted the poor girl into goo. Dina still hates that pub to this day.
  24. No your not , its totally natural , Ive been caught Spamming F5 like a child on Christmas Eve on lots of orders im excited about ...
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