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Everything posted by synthaside

  1. Oof that's rather lovely, Interested in any trades or is this cash only ?
  2. Well in that case its in the hand holding the pick , and the big muff ;-)
  3. I find I tend not to worry about touching my amp, I used to worry a lot about trying to get the right tone for each song, found i was tap dancing / knob twiddling too much on songs. Which was counter productive as you want no more than 3-4 seconds between songs. My setlist is pretty varied but my method is as follows. I use a passive J so perhaps for your gig's keep it simple and go for a bass mid and treble all on the zero or / centre detente just change your sound with pickup blend. 1. Find a good tone for the stage/play area and set my amp a little louder than I need. 2. Roll my pickups to about 70% , along with my tone to about 50% , this is my default rock tone, i use a 70's spaced Jazz so its a bit clankier than most. also i've got a bit of easy headroom for when the guitarists seem to creep a bit higher 3. Use effects only on songs that REALLY need them, uptown funk, ( synth part) 4 Otherwise just adjust my pickup balance ( volume controls for me) / play position or technique pick , fingers or for motown stuff i've even been known to thumb pluck palm mute
  4. I've always been amazed how well our cover of, Animal Nitrate goes down, same with Inbetween days by the cure. But for some real oddball's A few years ago we did a Disney themed costume company, Christmas party and played, Punked up versions of some Disney songs, frozen had just been released so we dragged up all the Elsa dressed staff , for a cover of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U56r4KaaBEc . There's also a great video of me holding my T-bird vertically and playing ... I wanna be like you then dancing around like a monkey * even funnier because I was dressed as Captain hook with the reason of the band all dressed as characters from Peter Pan. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BD8gS--6VgY It was based on this version but a little closer to the original in feel ... No your not going to get the vid ;-) Covers to fit the mood / party / I think we've got a rule of trying to do a learn one new song each time we do a gig , keeps it feeling fresh.
  5. Thank you so much, I'm basically after an expansion cab to use for some outdoor gigs which I have coming up, I previously used to have a huge old trace 1x15 leftover from my trace stack which i'd stick on floor front of house and use the markbass for me , sadly I sold it on when i bought a daft car that it didnt fit in the boot of. I see you also have an Ny1X15 , i have been looking at how silly the 121p would look on top of that , rather than pay for a ny121 , i didn't even know this 1x6 existed .
  6. Hey matt , you say in your sig you have a markbass 12 inch combo ... I assuming thats a CMD121P , does this cab fit underneath the 12 inch combo , and look sensible. if so this could be just what im after to beef mine up Regards lyle
  7. RIght , bit of a thread necro going on here but looks like these are coming soon https://www.sire-usastore.com/shop/bass/sire-marcus-miller-p7-bass-guitar-4st-ash-natural-color/ https://www.thomann.de/gb/marcus_miller_4_string_p_basses.html?viewMode=block Looks like there running with a J width neck :-) ..... looks like I might have to flog something.
  8. If I sell anything " Mates rates " to real mates or a few well known basschatters im on excellent terms with Unless I really want shot of an item that isnt working for me. I will sell it on the proviso that if they want shot of it I'll more than likely have it back for what I paid them, barring some sort of massive price hike Its sort of a first refusal type affair , after all i'd not let it go for mates rates if they are looking to sell to make a buck .
  9. I remember when i used to write out the fretboard , on an a4 pad , helps with getting the fretboard really cemented in the mind , Tthen once you have your fretboard you can start thinking about chords , and theory which work , in differnt keys .
  10. I'm pretty sure Karl was selling one of these on facebook , that might be exactly what your after https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-0/p600x600/17505220_1407282065958522_9212121161936486737_o.jpg?oh=e53245cbe9cef13d88170cc83341a643&oe=5956D2FA
  11. Greetings from Kingston .
  12. Ultimately somthing has to give when your talking the Cost , Weight , function triangle , you pick your Two and go with it If its cheap and light it wont sound good, im looking at you cheap backless combo amp for 50 quid If its cheap an made of pig iron it might sound ok horses for courses ... if you're in a position to worry about weight then its gonna cost more
  13. If you can find one on ebay i'd suggest one of the old Behringer BX1200 Combos these were the direct Rip off the Hartke Kickback stuff mine was amazing for this purpose and it was Built like a tank part of the problem as its not exactly light. Discontinued because they were just FAR too blately a rip off , Aluminium cone and all mine was even used as an Active PA monitor for while even abused by an electric drum kit without skipping a beat , eventually sold to a guy who wanted to use it as a Pit Amp for peanuts. They are also dirt cheap as no-one knows or really looks for them anymore . 120 watt's 2 channel I even remember linking the Octave "ultrabass" feature they did a smaller 60 watt version but i've not used it [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Behringer-Ultrabass-BX1200-Dynamizer-Amplifier-/132132506921?hash=item1ec3b60d29:g:03AAAOSwtfhYo16X"]http://www.ebay.co.u...3AAAOSwtfhYo16X I[/url]f you do buy one I found the footswitch for it the other day after thinking it left at a gig which i'll gladly pass on.
  14. I use an aria electro acoustic bass with a little 3 band eq on it when occasionally frequent a jam / open mic in Hampton wick . When I first went down I assumed as they advertised it was 100% an acoustic affair ,that there would be no amps but as it turns out the organisers bass player had a rather nice valve mark bass Amp on top of a 2X10 . When I offered, To plug straight into the PA they were using for vocals , the three band on my acoustic bass is usually more than enough to shape a tone plugged into a PA .) The Bass player was borderline offended and insisted on my using the markbass and his stool right next to the cab. Sounded very good though , got comments on the tone out of my black nylon tapewounds , So my question what the hell kind of volume was the open mic at to risk damage to your [color=#1D2129][font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Walkabout. I'd have thought that unless your amp was set up for an active bass with huge output, the volume you set on the mesa would have been more than loud enough , unless the guy was totally deaf or trying to get Punk P bass tones out of an instrument not designed for it.[/font][/color]
  15. I'm just bitter , i wanted a J neck without having to buy Two :-P
  16. I can see the post with both neck's , but where does it actually say it's coming with a baseball necked P neck and an optional J neck rather than the other way round ? It seems a touch daft , I dont want to buy an extra neck and If people wanted a PJ with a P neck when can pretty much get them anywhere , One with a J neck is a bit harder to come by.
  17. I use these , http://www.woodieshanger.com/product-category/hangers/ , there Ace , easy to take off and on invisible and they provide no tension on the necks , as the guitars are being held by their strap buttons , IE what we use to hold the damn thing on us when playing anyway. http://www.woodieshanger.com/product-category/hangers/ Mine are here , https://goo.gl/photos/g8QeFv2Hp3wVqfdg8
  18. I love the look of these , but i always found they came up a bit short when i owned an SB400 it was certainly 34 scale but it just felt very small , an advantage for some but not this gentle giant.
  19. I've just agreed to purchase of one of these ( should be in my paws Tuesday) the refinished Sherwood Green one from the classifieds, my plans for it were to wrap the scratchplate in black Nylon wrap, like I've done before on a Bitsa jazz . Then see what needs doing with the pickups, supposedly the seller fitted one of these. http://www.angela.com/fenderamericanstd5stringprecisionbasspickup.aspx . I guess I shall soon find out
  20. I presume shes's staying with some friends or something as Northolt isn't exactly a buzzing music hub of west london. I used to practice in a place in Perivale although I live much further south these days SPECIFICALLY for this reason. locally the best bets for entertainment would be Harrow , or Ealing, The Usurp Art gallery might be worth checking out AS would be the trinity bar alhough it seems to have become a big more Dj oriented, these days. For my money I'd wager the group will spend most of there time over the other side of london , areas like hoxton , Shoreditch " the Hip part of town " . Christ i sound old ...... it was only 5 years ago when those places were paradise ... now i want a jam night at a local pub that i can get a table and server in under 5 mins not standing room only in a packed out lounge.
  21. Jaxx , how dare you spec my IDEAL bass . * Bass Envy mode engage* [quote] really light relic finish, period correct tarnishing to metals, colour fade/darken Sherwood Green with matching Headstock, block & bound rosewood fingerboard.[/quote]
  22. At the same time , I was in a music shop a little bit away from my house trying out my status post setup. ( the place I use for setups as chandlers take weeks ) Guy comes in with a rather nice PRS SE Kingfisher , Hardcased , its bit over year old, Includes receipt from Andertons and all the finance gubbinz for around 700 odd quid. The' guys a drummer, who bought it for some recording and is now leaving the country for a cruise ship gig . Best the shopkeep could offer the guy was 150 quid , cash final offer .... he didnt really want it " felt it would sit in the store " The guy took it >.< Its not my place to judge, / get in the way of a free market forces BUT OUCH , thats gotta sting.
  23. We lost one in the center of Kingston ( Hands music) ,it was always more focused on non-guitar oriented , stuff like sheet music and consuables , with a limited range of guitars upstairs I had been using it over chandlers due to the fact Chandlers have borked far too many repair jobs for my taste . A rewire job that went back 4 times, each time taking at least 2 weeks . Apparently that's how many times its takes before they actually get charlie to look at it , and a repair to a les paul studio headstock that took 3 months and then broke when they were restringing it to take another month. I did briefly dream of the idea of renting a vacant shop next door the fighting cocks, ( Rock metal Venue/bar), to open a guitar store that also did coffee and the occasional instore jam night. But I just dont see how it would compete with the big E-retailers / stores like Andertons / Thomman. You can tell i want to be at my desk this morning right ?? ;-)
  24. It was stupidly fast, next day am post. Actually a perfect fit to the hardware which i'd describe as nicotine white and the toggle itself which im not sure i could get off without pliers.
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