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Everything posted by synthaside

  1. As far as my basic internet based research informs me it should, PM me and we can discuss the particulars of payment etc .
  2. I'll take This please i think this will fit my 70's Classic Jazz right ?
  3. hrmm , Yup 1.99 inc postage for Vintage Cream .... done deal , Consider this thread closed .
  4. Does anyone have a Stratocaster selector tip ( push on type) I could buy/ beg/steal for a guitar I'm doing up, Ideally cream or white as the Strats current plastic hardware is pretty cigarette yellowed but i'm not to fussed , this sort of thing. [url="https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Stratocaster-Pickup-Selector-Replacement/dp/B0081HH6VK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=14ar+switch+tip+ivory"]https://www.amazon.c...witch+tip+ivory[/url] Willing to pay postage etc , Lyle
  5. For a While We started with Gimme some Loving In E , blues brothers style, For some reason it was pointed out that popping up on stage and doing a quick tune up followed by a nod could easily turn into a blues brothers double of gimme some lovin , and Everybody needs somebody to love , which our vocalist wrote a clever introduction bit to rip off Dan Akroyd . Thinking back over it its cliche as hell ... we really ought to plan somthing else .
  6. Oh I wasn't , calling it a negative per say .... I was looking for some "pro's and cons" , and being brutally honest. I've no idea what the 70's pickups are supposed to be like, it can be annoying when I'vee got the sound just so for the venue, and I need to swap. We are talking about from 9 o'clock on the gain on my mark bass round to 12 o'clock , some people might call the weight a problem .... I dont , so i didnt list it there.
  7. I have a MIM 70's Jazz I bought it because I really wanted a bound a blocked neck, it is a fantastic bass, but on the heavy side ,mine is a two piece body. The join only visible on the rear due to a slight grain change, the finish is immaculate, dark smokey black to orange sunburst. That coming from me someone who associates sunburst with a white plate , ( the colour of cheap starter guitars) as one I'd never own is high praise. If you can get one of these for £400 that is right on the money, if not a bit of a bargain they play like much more expensive instruments. If I'm trying to be super honest looking for negatives the bass does seem a little lower on the output side compared to my Bista J with SD's and a kiogon loom. If i A-B them and put both up to full the bitsa has it on volume. Secondly, as this is my first " FENDER" with a skunk stripe I am a little worried that the rod is trying to come out the back I can feel a tiny raise with my thumb, but I may be being paranoid.
  8. I went to Arc Tangent which is a mathrock noiserock / doomcore festival ... With my other half , I like my metal but this is toooooo extreme for my tastes ... Turns out some of the earlier acts were very good ... Go for the musicianship and the beer . Just remind your SO next time they are moaning about spending too much time standing around at *insert bass shop of choice*.
  9. So an update .... i'm almost certainly returning the thing to him, plugged in it cuts in and out sporadically feeds back and crackles something awful, the pots are noisy the bridge is gunked up and would need soaking in meths for a week. i've stopped playing the bass because the smell of it is making me taste dampness. He wants £400 for it its a 2002 aerodyne Jazz (nonexport) surface jack model .... i think that's slightly under priced but not enough to warrant It , ive sent him an email but im not back at work till Monday.
  10. I've emailed the guy he's said he's happy for me to do whatever to it, I think a superficial clean up i'll take some snaps when i get it home so you can see for yourselves. I might fall in love when i plug it in but right now colour me less than impressed.
  11. Mmm , I'd agree people are far less likely to feel ok with the sellers fee if they have a cheaper item that they can flog on facebook , its simple economics , and a one size fits all model might not work out , I think the fee's for listing stuff are VERY reasonble if your selling a bass or a few basses anything over 200 quid or lots of items , but to sell a 70 quid neck its 10% of the sale price , and trying your luck with the various facebook groups is a better angel .
  12. Problem is , these aren't "that" common no means rare , but i've never laid my hands on a CIJ non export Aerodyne J and he has priced it reasonably .
  13. Hi folks I'm borrowing a bass from a colleague at work with a view to buying it, I've fancied one of these for a while , i was quite excited to try it . IT'S FILTHY ... when I say filthy I don't mean damage , i'm sure it will clean up fine . I mean it feels unclean, and smells a bit , the gig bag reek's of damp. I'm not sure I can play it in this state, I don't think I'm particularly clean or precious over my instruments, they get a rub down when they are bit dusty ... and I think I've oiled a fretboard once .... Is it acceptable to clean it ? ..... especially if I don't get on with it? I think it needs a serious strip down .... the bridge looks rank and the strings feel greasy . Opinions please folks
  14. I know It's VERY tempting to go for a second-hand amp, but I stress you head down to somewhere with reasonable stock and try a few out first I'm so glad I did. I'd gone into the store dead set on buying one thing and left with something completely different I'd taken my bass and spent 20 mins with the amp in question unable to find usable tones , then tried my markbass found my sound immediately and left with a grin the size of a house, skipping back to the carry carrying the stupidly light combo in one hand . Sound is very subjective, and amps definitely colour your tone, That being said for cost effective powerful rock tones, I'm surprised no-one's suggested one of the fender rumbles * [url="https://www.andertons.co.uk/p/2370606900/bass-combos/fender-rumble-500-v3-bass-amp"]https://www.anderton...500-v3-bass-amp[/url] * I doubt you will need more than the 350 watts that the combo produces right off the bat but it leaves room for finding that second cab if you do need 500 watts. Also before you go ahead and buy a gigantic 8x10 yourself what size venues do this band play? Will there be PA support, hell you may not even require an amp until you know the date of the first gig. I know its exciting to think about but I've found rehearsal room amps are getting better and better, one i'm going to in Clapham next week has my choice of markbass or GK :-S .
  15. I've Gotta admit I'm very surprised that you find an epi t-bird " small " , I find its one of the longer scale basses I own it feels significantly longer in scale than my fenders , my aria's or my status . This is one of the factors that i enjoy I'm built like a Viking , and standard 6 string scale guitars look like toy's in my paws. I would say the neck profile on the bolt on Epiphone tbird is in between a jazz width and precision width ( Jazz's tend to be more narrow across the nut than Precision ) What t-birds do it does do is sit very differently from any other bass I own when played seated , the body shape when resting on the rear knee pushes the bass forward . HOWEVER changes big time when you sit it on a strap ... before you part with your cash on an epi tbird , grab a strap and play it stood up . Also where are you based ? have you thought about asking a nearby basschatter with a large stable of basses to let you try a few .
  16. No , no I didn't specifically ask for a action setup from status , It went to visit them for an electronics issue and came back after a few months working correctly. It's no fault of Rob / Dawn or anyone at Status I'm trying to find out if I'm apparently a ham-fisted Buffoon , who's bad technique is totally hidden when playing a wooden necked bass or If something can be changed to hide minimise it. REGARDLESS the bass is back from the store , who have done their best and it plays much much better now , you can use the E below 5th without touching so lightly you'd get a harmonic.
  17. I know you said , No Jazz profile necks but what about a wider jazz , Would you consider a trade for this ? [url="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/synthaside/CD70D8BCB2D1A0B39A99514E343FB61FEFCA1121497FDD8503pimgpsh_fullsize_distr_zpsadslkmpg.png"]http://img.photobuck...zpsadslkmpg.png[/url] 70's classic jazz .... the profile is different to a modern C its more of a handful , just back from Charlie Chandlers and strung with rounds at the moment , Actual measurement wise the Modern C is about " 2mm narrower front to back to this 70's profile.
  18. Bass is more a supporting instrument in part its like drums its only sometimes used on its own .... there's loads of inspiration out there , for stuff to play usually if you hear a song and feel motivated to move the rhythm section is doing that for you , I'd say bass is the glue of music without it you have guitar doing stuff and drums doing stuff its not connected. That being said It can be tricky If your not ready for a band situation but want to get better at playing stuff, with other instruments, heres a few tips to get over this hump My first suggestion would be , Songster ... it's a service for learning songs, and playing along with the tab , its great for getting your basic chops in time https://www.songsterr.com/ , I'm still guilty of using it when i don't know a cover which I need to learn quickly . My next would be a cheeky one, some helpful people have uploaded to youtube's of all the Rocksmith stuff https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJWWEgzjNfHixUSpnUGcixc3ZgG1CArOD good luck
  19. Not the right song but .... capturing Pete Wenz bass playing spin seems rather hard . https://youtu.be/C6MOKXm8x50?t=158
  20. Great one. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Thnks Fr Th Mmrs, Sugar We're Going Down, Dance Dance - Fall Out Boy .[/font][/color] You've gotta nail the spin though ;-)
  21. Hah hah , Brightlinsea .... what a Small world . I've family there, spent ever summer there and was down the sailing club a few weeks back ,for a family thing , My uncle even sings in a local covers band . The middle / Sweetness jimmy eat world [i]classics they both go down a treat.[/i] Bubbles Biffy clyro , [i]Almost a modern classic and you get to break out the fuzz.[/i] Steady as she goes The Raconteurs ,[i] some nice palm muting for you and a good crowd pleaser .[/i] Helicoptor Block Party , i[i]mpossible to play the without a big grinning face[/i] Hounds of love The Futureheads , [i]WOOF with luck you have more than one person willing to shout.[/i] Hard to beat Hard-fi. [i]dirty driving bass .[/i] She will be loved / moves like jagger maroon 5 gives you Hell All American Rejects Hey there Delilah Plain White t's Oddballs .. Hey ya , Outkast , Break out that Autowah / synth from your multi-effects . Welcome to the black parade , My chemical Romance , One for the more rocky venues How to save a life The fray , If you have access to keys or someone who can fire a off the sample Good luck , let me know when you're playing the community centre ;-)
  22. So an update , after taking as much info in , I took the bass on Friday to a different store , explained the whole situation, and the guy played the bass ... who joked ..." well you can use the G string so get yourself an octiave pedal and you'll be fine ". its gone off to be looked at again , i've asked for a " higher action " lets hope its sorted this time.
  23. I did specifically buy some sets of hot wires for it and changed to another set of those when I swapped strings , perhaps a new set of d'addario's ...I've a set in my spares box , I do think the truss rod needs looking at , perhaps ill try a different guitar store apparently there is one not far from my office ... but they seem to send out rather than do in store.
  24. The buzz is very bad when you fret at first or second on E , It seems to be making contract around 5th fret on the E and a little lower on the other strings If you play very cautiously on the A ,D or G you can get away with it but if you relax or get into it.... it wants to buzz and because the bass has an F hole you notice it . ( I imagine with a set of rounds it would be much much worse) I didn't think I liked a Super high action , but perhaps a little higher than average I like to feel like I'm fretting with some positivity . It has a truss rod as its the current headed type Neck but the access is VERY tight to the truss as its recessed deep inside, the bridge saddles are a bit of game too .
  25. It's a full standard headed " status neck" , with no zero Fret shown here http://www.status-graphite.com/status/frames/index_home.html It's the Bottom one. I would say I vary my aggressiveness I can play softly and still generate buzz , but I don't attack it with a pick by any means The service with status was more for the electronics which did need looking at as it was discharging its pair of 9 volts even when not plugged in and by this I mean a pair in 3-4 days, they sorted this and did a setup for me with some factory strings I doubt I have a leg to stand on there I am happy with the work / service from status . Really I'm after another local basschatter who knows about setups to play it and tell me not mental ...
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