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Everything posted by synthaside

  1. Mines rated for 300 , so I thought it was at least 150 @ the 8 ohm with the built-in but 300 with an additional 8 ohm the expansion cab . I've booked a day off for Friday to allow me to head to Andertons in Guildford who apparently have a Fender rumble 500 , to bring up from the warehouse . Cash is sat on the desk , I didn't fancy the weekend , I remember my last trip to Andertons of a weekend .... not the best environment to seriously try some amps I'll start a new thread .... asking for some advice on what else i should try when im there .
  2. For the longest time I wanted a magnum ..... specifically the passive 3 in the grey-burst finishe .... but after playing one in wunjo's a few years ago the sound .... it was not what I'd imagined. Welcome , to the forums
  3. You should trying driving my 6 series with it in the boot ... To say the front end gets a bit squirrelly and light is an understatement. Its around 42kg , So just about 90 lb's in old money ... Problem is the thing has tone for Week's and weeks , makes a rather fetching seat at rehearsals and will still be working long after cockroaches have learn to play bass post the end of the world.
  4. Whoops SMC not SMX Its a 715 GP7 SMC , Perhaps i need to consider more watt's I dont think the Guitard's are going to be convinced to turn "Down" and were talking 100 watt's Solid state through a single a 1x12. Not my photo' but pretty much my exact amp , I don't want to drag the expansion to every gig but maybe its time for a change.
  5. Discreet / all the other rumble users here , does anyone know the differences between the Rumble V3 , V4 V5 ? or even the 2014 edition that Thomman seem to stock . I'm sorely tempted , but trying one of these would mean a trip to Guildford . Over the Easter bank holiday weekend I played a gig at a social club beer festival and ran out of volume from my Trace GP7 SMX ive never before had to dime the pre-amp gain to squeeze a little more out of the amp just to compete on stage. The performance space was tiny so there was physically no way to accommodate my expansion cab unless. Usually the trace is enough on its own for this sort of pub / club gig, but apparently the only songs where I could be heard were Chelsea dagger * tubescreamer* and uptown funk where its just me for large periods of song. Our , Guitarists were running at about 6 /10 master on 100 watt fender SS gear , which we had raised ontop of the PA woofers in sound check because I was worried about their volume projecting into the room >.< apparently you couldn't hear even hear the drummer .
  6. Our drummer has used these for a number of rehearsal's and uses them for silent home practice even using his electric kit was proving to be too loud "he does hit quite hard and wakes his young kids . He is now looking at getting rid of them , not because he was unhappy with the sound but because he just misses the physical feedback from actually hitting a surface ... I think he was also VERY mad when his budget laptop blue screened mid rehearsal it was a £299 Argos laptop that was strugglign running the OS ... let alone aero drums. My advice as both a I.T. professional and musician who's seen it up and running , If you install it on a Crap laptop its going to perform poorly ..... I'd suggest Intel I5 or AMD equivalent .... the other annoying thing is the light sensor ... Its rather BRIGHT ... buy good sunglasses.
  7. Discreet , You've missed out on perfect opportunity to purchase a Green / Teal stingray ;-) SHMBO has just given express consent.
  8. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1457942584' post='3003096'] Why would people want the massive t-bird headstock? [/quote] I'm pretty sure I'd miss the massive amounts of neck dive , I mean what's my left hand for ? if not propping up my boat anchor of a headstock. ;-) Cant say i'm a fan of the Ibanez style stock either to be fair .
  9. I'm going to tell you to to try and find one of the Old Aria AMB50's on ebay if you can , sadly not been made for a few years so ebay will be your only hope. this type of instrument [url="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/usedphotosna/47576885_614.jpg"]https://s3-us-west-2...7576885_614.jpg[/url] I really like mine ... its a rip off of the ovation type guitar with a solid top and a moulded back. Sadly I dropped it a few years ago and split the headstock... ( its stable but ugly now) .. The ABS back really helps with projection and the onboard pre amp is great when you want to plug in to a Venue's desk , get one of the jack to XLR cables and plug it into a HI Z channel. Just make sure you set the volumes as low as possible set on desk / board and have the preamp volume at around 50% then raise channel volume on the PA until your happy with the sound. Or i guess theres always the REAL thing [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ovation-4-string-Electro-Accoustic-Bass-/201537006987?hash=item2eec8aad8b:g:2V4AAOSw-zxWpmzi"]http://www.ebay.co.u...V4AAOSw-zxWpmzi[/url]
  10. I have one of the 70's ones of these, the more premium Mexican range lets call them " fender's classic vibes " here was my NBD post http://basschat.co.uk/topic/278613-new-bass-day-70s-jazz/page__fromsearch__1 The bodies a two piece joined very cleanly and with consideration to the grain its string through bridge, the binding is flawless , and feel is head and shoulders above a standard MiM in quality the neck is isnt a wide paddle like a P but neither is it as thin as a rake like my Bitsa which has a standard neck on it. Mine has that 70's growl which I think is more to do with Pickup positioning than anything else All in all It feel's like it should and there's nice grain showing through the finish. It find it an oddly calm bass its not over light but very comfortable I might have struggled to justify the new price at a store over a second hand American but second hand for far less than a new MiM and I'm in love with it . I'm sure the 60's has the same level of fit n finish so you wont be upset with a purchase.
  11. I to have one of these and the expansion 15 incher ... this is a steal and its far better nick that mine too , everyone talks about trace watts and this is truth I feel that they rate well under what the the power actually is. Twincam can i suggest one of these instead of the bass trainer i love mine and it does everything your looking to do ' i've even run it into the Fx send of the trace to give my trace that knock off ampeg sound ;-) http://www.thomann.de/gb/hotone_nano_legacy_thunder_bass.htm?ref=search_rslt_thunder+bass_339912_0 GLWTS
  12. Did you do the old bolt on strap button mod 40hz ? this all but solves the neck dive issue when coupled with a nice grippy strap .... [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/synthaside/media/bolt_on.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v293/synthaside/bolt_on.jpg[/IMG][/URL] I never have had or experienced bruising though ... I thumb anchor on the bridge pickup mind when not using a pick ... which may be odd for some but is much more comfortable given how tall I am.
  13. As am I ... At 6'4 and with arms like a monkey the tbird is on of the better fitting basses on me . Well there's this poor unloved little gem if you fancy going to town with some paint thinner on the persons art and an somthing like T-cut on the bodywork. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epiphone-Thunderbird-Bass-Rare-Limited-Edition-Colour-Tv-Silver-Soft-Case-/172117792128?hash=item2813051580:g:HrIAAOSw~OVW1DOA"]http://www.ebay.co.u...rIAAOSw~OVW1DOA[/url] Dammit ...now i'm tempted to buy that and rip the hardware off for mine .... i always though the chrome pickup covers were pretty. Or this .... honest relicing ... i guess that must have been a niki sixx model ??? Its Korean from the unsung factory same as mine ... One of the better for quality control. [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Epiphone-Thunderbird/231859916573?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140122125356%26meid%3D7cf08f852ffa4de8997a5d8da9c2ddd2%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D172117792128"]http://www.ebay.co.u...%3D172117792128[/url] Buy that ... get Ki0gon of this here parish make you up a new wiring loom for the thing , if i recall its wired identically to a passive jazz. For about 60 quid you have a pretty baddas looking tbird ..which you can take to a biker bar and beat up folk when they invade the stage without worry.
  14. I'm a proud owner and user of the absolute entry level T-bird , thing is If you can pick up an older " well looked after " Classic IV ... especially one of the made in japan or made in Korea bolt on models , these can be truly fab instruments , Mine is a single piece body with a lovely grain .. and sustain for weeks as a result ... I actually really enjoy the TB+ pickups ... even if the output out of them isnt massive ( but thats what my amp's volume pot does ). The one let down on these is the 3 point floating bridge .. it "works" but there are so many great after market options which would work better. i've seen these go in bad condition for £99 and spending a further 50 on one will net you a fantastic beater bass .... a word to the wise though ... the neck and body weight are a handful if you are slight of stature
  15. I guess my problem is that I'm 30 and bearded with long hair , while the lead guitarist is also 30 but rapidly losing his . Perhaps i just shouldn't be trusted with a crayon let alone a keyboard .
  16. ^ this is why I write code ^ Not marketing material , thanks guys this is a big help.
  17. Hmm thanks big red , I didn't consider that, it is most certainly a permanent position in the band i have serious doubts that the lady in question will be able to do anything for the next 3 years , she works a very demanding job on top of the fact that shes going to want to do the mum thing to the best of her ability. Problem is we aren't looking to be doing 10 gigs a month we love doing this but rehearsals and 2-3 gigs a month in high season really is all we can stomach and as such don't really want to attract the people who are looking to do this as a their only source of income. I'll re-work it, our drummer funnily enough used to be our front-man he's on of those insanely talented people you want to hate but cant, when we lost the drummer he just stepped in so he's never stopped doing the male lead stuff. @ blue .....yes we're the definition of weekend warriors .. we said at least once a month because of low seasons , obviously there are some bands who can get 10 gigs in Jan but we struggle , to both want to and to find them in the post xmas lull The origionals stuff was because that response was slightly tailored to a person who said she'd like to try doing some origionals.
  18. Hey folks , My Ashford (middlesex) based covers band are looking for a new female vocalist due to our current one suffering from a very welcome but rapidly debilitating case of pregnancy . Cue lots of grief with me messaging people on various services like join my band , gum-tree etc. So many people just don't respond ... they read the message responding to their advert. In my opinion pretty much bang on for what they are asking for and just ignore it , Join my band has a nice (this user has read your message feature ) so you know they are actively choosing not to not respond ... I'm starting to think its Me , scaring people off. Generalised response to hide details of the users I've messaged . [size=1]Hi, We’re Vinyl Frontier a covers band who are losing our female vocalist to her upcoming pregnancy. While we're all very supportive of her and don't want to replace her we understand that she’s looking to step back, and as she should with a little one on the way. This means we are looking to find someone to front the band and sing twin vocals with our rather zany singing drummer, we’ve recorded a demo / sampler which is currently being mastered and if you’re interested it I can send it over to you when the mastering is finished. We're all working professionals aged from 30 to one very childish 40 year old. 3 of us are from Chertsey and the other 2 from the Kingston area. We practice once a week on a Thursday evening at a studios in Ashford. Ultimately were looking to enjoy ourselves doing this , It’s not going to be a major source of income or career for any of us we all work full time soy the aim is to gig around at least once a month on average. Music/ song wise, we will try to tackle anything people suggest usually by group consensus . Three of us have also been in originals bands and are quite capable writers So would not be against doing originals. At the moment we were focusing on floor-fillers for a few weddings, things like uptown funk, Love shack, a bit of Blondie, foo fighters, Bryan Adams /Mel C and the killers, but we've previously done a bit of everything from RATM through to punked up Jungle book tracks for a Disney themed Christmas party. If your interested in sending over your gig recordings as mentioned , either email me at * email removed * or drop me a message on here for a chat.[/size]
  19. I've got a pair of the snark's , [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Snark-Guitar-Violin-Tuner/dp/B004XNK7AI/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1456479585&sr=8-1&keywords=snark"]http://www.amazon.co...&keywords=snark[/url] I got tired of the guitarist asking to borrow it mid rehearsal and bought a second for him. works really rather nicely and im not sure how the work so well but they dont ever seem to pick up him bashing away when im tuning with my amp muted..
  20. I was pretty much in the same boat until a few weeks ago I'd just keep any instrument i'd bought , sling them up on wall's or leave in cases ... until I let the first one go , a guys son at work wants to start playing bass so i long term loaned one of my very old beaters ... which to be honest hasn't left the case in several years ... I understand he's amazingly happy with it ... and as i'd set it up and upgraded it way beyond what he'd have gotten from your average squire .... He will not outgrow it until he's craving Fender on the headstock. This opened the flood gates to the fact that i can get rid of gear without feeling terrible . Cue 4-5 sales and I've funded my new Jazz and have a pile of cash ready to fund the next acquisition. Tis a revalation.
  21. what the price difference tween them .
  22. Nope .... doing a bit of reading around ( yes i'm that sad and geeky) This is 5Volt smart media [b]Note the [color=#252525][font=sans-serif]reversed placement of the notched corner.[/font][/color][/b] [url="http://www.goudentips.org/smartmedia/img/2mb-smartmedia-roland.jpg"]http://www.goudentip...edia-roland.jpg[/url] The adapter is unlikely to work in your slot and you would also have to find and XD card of the max capacity of the device , I've found some resources talking about this very topic .
  23. Wow i had no idea that stuff came in different voltages .. im pretty sure that means mine will be the more common 3volt stuff . [color=#252525][font=sans-serif]SmartMedia cards came in two formats, 5 V and the more modern 3.3 V (sometimes marked 3 V), named for their main supply voltages. The packaging was nearly identical, except for the reversed placement of the notched corner. Many older SmartMedia devices only support 5V SmartMedia cards, whereas many newer devices only support 3.3V cards. In order to protect 3.3V cards from being damaged in 5V-only devices, the card reader should have some mechanical provision (such as detecting the type of notch) to disallow insertion of an unsupported type of card. [i][b]Some low-cost, 5V-only card readers do not operate this way, and inserting a 3.3V card into such a 5V-only reader will result in permanent damage to the card.[/b][/i] Dual-voltage card readers are highly recommended.[/font][/color] looks like you might have to , that guy who's selling it for a MASSIVE mark up is on to a winner though :-P
  24. ERM .... Neeph is bang on .....<-- hoarding IT geek here. Ray , i'll check my random old crap drawers ... i think i might have old digital camera ( from the 1 Megapixel era) that used to use those to store media ... I might even have a usb Card reader that reads them too. Do you know what the manual says about Min / Maximum capacity for It I have a feeling mine might be 8-16 meg then again my googlefoo is strong http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B00005KHXG/ref=sr_1_6_olp?ie=UTF8&qid=1456401019&sr=8-6&keywords=smart+media+card&condition=used £9 quid plus pnp is a LOT better value even if i cant find mine. lyle
  25. hey geofio do these need a speaker load to be used for with the headphone only ? I'm considering using it on my desk as a home practice amp. regards lyle
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