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Everything posted by synthaside

  1. Hi I've not had a bad experience using the wanted section , usually people have not been able to find me exactly what i was after but i'd always been offered things in the right ballpark by PM. I would ask you really look at your last post and consider the following ? I'm not trying to be rude with these questions but like with everything the wanted section its a game of luck / chance which one can make it really hard for ones self. 1. Are you looking for something REALLY bespoke or specific If so your wanted add is probably going to struggle ? 2. Are you Perhaps under offering money wise for the item you want ... i think of wanted adds as a "last resort to tempt a person to sell something that they wouldn't list normally so you might need to make the deal a bit sweeter. 3. Is it an item that isn't too expensive , hence worth the sellers time to deal with or would be quite a challenge to ship for a seller this is again going to make it a challenge to get people to want to deal. Good luck out there , i assume you have tried all the other aveunes ... ebay , the Facebook guitar exchange websites which i've done some great deals myself on along with any specialist sites ... IE status for status basses .
  2. The problem is that a Mexican is not always a Mexican Standard and a US jazz is not always an American Standard think for example of the highway one stuff . The Deluxes's , special edition stuff, Atrist models like the geddy or even MIJ there's lots inside the fender stable so many different permutations , premium features like block inlays and binding on multi peice bodies ... do you want string through body , or bridge ... Was looking to do this exact thing a few weeks ago , buying a fender Jazz I tried Mexican standards American standards and I actually settled on one of these http://intl.fender.com/en-GB/basses/jazz-bass/70s-jazz-bass-rosewood-fingerboard-3-color-sunburst-3-ply-bwb-pickguard/ My Advice to you is .... you are looking for the " Right Jazz " which is going to be a sum of its parts make a list of the features you want to see on your jazz and then the right bass will be apparent to you For example here was mine as a MoSCoW analysis [b][i]Must have ( M)[/i][/b] Fender on the head stock 38mm neck Passive [b][i]Should have (S)[/i][/b] Maple fingerboard bound and block inlay's [i][b]Could have (C)[/b][/i] Can see some wood grain in the finish Satin finish on the fingerboard [i][b]Wont have (W)[/b][/i] Black body White scratch plate
  3. Karl , I'd not worry about the pickup covers to much I've changed mine loads of times , I really don't like lables on my bass'es for every person is perturbed because the pickup cover plastic doesn't say "duncan" , EMG or alnico then im sure theres one like me who considers them like wearing a large branding NIKE hoody.
  4. Funny, to hear everyone saying dump the rounds but i play this song on a jazz with flats and get a great sound for it . It does require a little bit of setup to get the sound so i prefer to do it on the set break as i'm not the quickest at changing patches mid set So here's how I achieve the driving tone through my fairly flat trace, i use a Jazz bass usually fairly flat So before the song starts set the bridge pickup at 9 ish and neck pickup at 2 , dime the tone (cringe a bit as i like a more dubby sound normally) Then play hard with a pick and be prepared to palm mute for the breakdowns, this is the only song i use a pick for it for and its played with vigor over the bridge pickup. I use a Tube screamer patch from my zoom B3 , this acts as my mid boost and bit of dirt but you could probably get away with using an amp tweak to raise your mid's and a bit of drive if you dont have access to a multi effects unit but are willing to spend a little to get that tone i hear very good things about these clone tubescreamers [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/JOYO-JF-01-Vintage-Overdrive-Guitar/dp/B004FEGXDK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1456309572&sr=8-1&keywords=Joyo+JF-01"]http://www.amazon.co...ords=Joyo+JF-01[/url] or in the cheaper behringer flavour http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-TO800-TO-800-Tube-Overdrive/dp/B000KIRT74/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1456309725&sr=8-1&keywords=BEHRINGER+VINTAGE+TUBE+OVERDRIVE+TO800
  5. I think a full size Harley Benton Jazz would definitely be the order of the day . Or perhaps an Ibanez, which has more "metal Cred" If they are drifting towards that pointy "alternative " phase , I started with an Aria SB loaned off a neighbor about 11 Shame because that bass was far better than I deserved and there known for being a little shorter of neck . I strongly lusted after an explorer bass .. Took me growing up a bit before I realised that being able to play the thing really well is far cooler than stabbing at chords with the thing around your knee's and having corners that could take an eye out .
  6. I've got one of these , i decided I'd grab one on a punt with some Amazon vouchers and it seemed the best well reviewed , Im very happy with my choice. . [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B010DLUSS4?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00"]http://www.amazon.co...ailpage_o01_s00[/url] So far no complaints with the actual function of the thing . minor niggles are the fact that its own power supply cable from wall to unit isn't particularly long ,but I swapped it for another identical one from another pedal with a longer cable. I'm using it to power a Zoom B3 , at 9volt BDI21 at 9 volt , digitech bass synth at 9 volt and a wireless unit at 18Volt , I was even using it to power my little hot-tone mini bass head which was also at 18 volt .. Another minor downside for me is that all the included power leads are the same length it would be nice if some were shorter ... but i was able to tidy cables up underneath pedal boards etc. It introduces No discernible noise in the chain ... its compact and being able to turn on all the LED's was amusing when we decided to turn the lights off in the studio to test how well we new some songs.
  7. from what i remember from owning my SB which was the single passive pickup , it was never the "hottest" output bass , if your looking for a level boost then perhaps somthing like a Behringer BDI or sansamp so you can give it a little boost.
  8. I'd second Chandlers in Hampton wick , He's done a great job with my Status , didn't scoff when i brought in my sentimentally over-valued T-bird to have more work than its worth done on it after loaning it to a moronic user. Walking into the shop is like going back in time to the 80's mind ...you. Its no glass superstore displaying guitars like an art gallery ... More a mom and pop type store where one counter is sales and the other has have charlie hunched over the bowel's of some poor knackered instrument and the vertically gifted beware of the low hanging guitars/ basses in the roof.
  9. Considering my trace combo weighs 37 Kg on its own ;-) its not so much the weight more the challenge of grabbing both of the handles and carrying it for any distance that a pain in the arse ... Easy if theres two people but .... usually other band members are busy moving their own stuff .
  10. ha ha , twin-cam , that's exactly what I'm considering I have a Trace SMX GP 7 combo which is 300 watts or 500 with the 15 inch expansion cab ... i'd been looking into gettin a class D head such as a TC or perhaps even Orange bass terror . I love my trace but its old and as heavy as plutonium , I do like the tone and i like the fact that i can pretty much treat it like dirt / not worry about It living at the cold studio but yet still rely on it to do what it needs to to on stage. Also 300 watts of trace as we well know is not 300 watts in other peoples money ;-). Someone should really organise some form of event where ... people could bring there things and repsective basschatters could try differnt amps and instruments , perhaps hosted in a school or other location ... ;-) .... what would be a good name for such an event .... bass boogie .... bass bring and buy ... maybe bass bash ;-)
  11. Hey folks .. Been looking for a new / REAL jazz to replace my Bista for a while , been considering maruszczyk's and fender and have basically been spamming wanted adds hourly checks of the for sale section / facebook~ groups to find that "right jazz". Turns what i wanted wasn't what I thought I'd been dead set on a maple neck but I was pretty bummed out when I missed on a 75 AVRI from [url="http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/"]http://classicandcoolguitars.co.uk/[/url] It made me think again about what i wanted because it wasn't white ... Basschatter who bought it you know who you are * shakes fist* So when this popped up on a Facebook group I peruse I snapped it , up great price paid too its a 2013 bass but bought from Anderton's in 2014 ... When i say immaculate I mean you could take it to the store and sell it as new and people wouldn't know. Its the Mim fender 70's re-issue , as far as i can tell its a 2 piece body and maybe 8-9 pounds , price paid £460 which I think is pretty damn good :-) Images a mixture of the sellers ... and mine as its rather dark right now , and my phone isnt the best. [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/synthaside/media/CD70D8BCB2D1A0B39A99514E343FB61FEFCA1121497FDD8503pimgpsh_fullsize_distr_zpsadslkmpg.png.html"][/url] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/synthaside/media/IMG_04022016_163006_1_zpsajyj8kzd.png.html"][/url] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/synthaside/media/573CA9ECBD522B6AF87E788C7CA9C2184BEAA6D01D99D71487pimgpsh_fullsize_distr_zps41gypk3t.png.html"][/url] [url="http://smg.photobucket.com/user/synthaside/media/IMG_20160207_1949571_zps0w5ooeak.jpg.html"][/url]
  12. You know like camdenrob said pricing correctly really is the Key , its a supply and demand driven marketplace ... lets face it members here are usually pretty informed buyers , and while i think its always best to be polite when dealing with fellow members , something that doesn't sit right with me is when people are pricing an item at the very top of its price range or based on the value of something listed but unsold on eBay I usually expect that seller to be waiting for a very long time. Not so long ago I saw an 3-4 year old "STOCK" instrument still available new for about 60 pounds less than sticker price ... I'd never want to start an argument on a persons for sale thread but lets face it for 60 pounds ( half of which would be the free shipping that thommann would cover at that price ) 99% of people are going to prefer a new one ... No matter how much the seller mentions its a one of a kind ...mix of mass produced wood ;-) the moment it leaves the store just like a car it pretty much devalues by 20-30%
  13. I use a zoom b3 with the SVT amp model and the mark-bass amp model (different songs require different sounds) A line-out goes out via XLR to the Front of house / a Zoom R16 for recording at rehearsal a line going into the effects return of my Trace , bypassing the first stage of the amp entirely and using just the Power amp on stage for volume I like how it sounds a lot and since going wireless from my pedal-board its great to be unshackled from the amp.
  14. Yup , that's what i was after Black blocks on a maple neck jazz ....heaven ... now im stuck looking at one with a rosewood board ,2002 for £750 ... trade ???? (joking) Fortunately i'm young enough that back problems aren't really an issue :-) Enjoy it ... but if you ever decide its just too heavy PM me
  15. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Maruszczyk ??? buyout ??? ... is this speculation or based on fact ... do i need to go order one before they double in price to there actual value.[/font][/color]
  16. Dammit ! You were the one who bought that , I emailed him the day after seeing the topic, once I had sold some gear to win me some credit with the other half. He said sorry its on Hold >.< , but if that person drops out he would be in touch. Bahhh ... keep me in mind if you suddenly develop a hatred for it. Honestly though , how is the neck? Another reason why i didn't pounce right away was, that I wanted to research its older C profile compared to a modern C profile is it significantly differnt .. do you have a standard J to A / B it with. Grumble grumble * plots a trip up to the midlands with a balaclava * Happy New bass day ...
  17. Darn it why isn't that green Jazz a four string . >.<
  18. So from my experience of it I've responded to / successfully traded and have advertised / am currently advertising on the wanted forums. Admittedly I'm looking for something quite specific which means im turning stuff down. It works via PM's directly ... people are polite friendly and I've had some great conversations even If they don't always have what i need. I'd say it was a lot better than just blindly scrolling the for sale page every hour . good luck :-) *cough* NO STEALING MY MAPLE BOARD JAZZ BASS Cough*
  19. I'm considering getting a limelight made , I want a 1975 RI Jazz ,in natural with black binding and blocks and maple neck. However the kicker is im wondering if i can ask for it to be mint ... >.< ... funny old world, im annoyed because i missed out on buying the avri he had up for £675 .
  20. Bought a Compressor from Adam , he's easy to deal with posted promptly and trustworthy ... even threw in a free sharpie ( probably an accident ) Use with confidence.
  21. Another one for chandlers in Hampton wick , great place ... Shame about all the tempting vintage gear .. Hanging from the ceiling .. But worrysome for a giant like myself.
  22. Both methods are valid ... The last minute snipe method does have more chance of getting a lower price as a competing bidder bidding in a conventional way will not have time to respond to the over-bid. The bid what you want and forget about it until you win or lose method has the advantage of convenience . Using automated tools to bid .... has the advantages of both but the cost of having to hand over your Ebay details to a 3rd party. There's opportunity cost in everything , That lovely bass i couldn't buy because ive spent my money on other things instead
  23. Lyle's top tips for ebay buying , when you 1000% want that item and want it cheap :-P 1. If there is no bid on the item.. bid £201 this will suss out if there is a hidden reserve price , If so[b] walk away[/b] the person has usually put what he expects to get and isoverpricing the item. Enjoy having to relist it when it doesn't sell . 2. If you become the highest bidder and the reserve is met , Wait a few hours to see if the seller has Shill a bid ( over your £201) usually this can be quite quick especially if the seller is using automation to deal with it. If so [b]Walk away [/b]... 3. The waiting game ... your first test bid is your last bid on the item until the last possible moment , I'd [b]wait [/b]until 30 seconds before the end of the auction then stick snipe bid in of the Very maximum you are willing to pay ... ebay's automated system will drop the value of the bid to the highest value to beat the last bid but not more .., avoid a round figure ... I like things like 203.65 for a 200 pound sum :-P 4. Ebay is a legally binding contract , if the bass gets a bid he cant re-list it repeatedly without incurring charges / marks against his account that 201 bid you made and His return shill bid to drive the price up put paid to that. 5. The re-list .... the guy may try to re-list it AGAIN at his cost ... guess what your gonna do again ;-) until the seller gets bored / annoyed and you win. Good luck and bring it over when you come try the status :-P
  24. Now , ive spotted somthing on the website ... that might make a 3 hour drive worth it >.< damn you
  25. You could easily drop an email to the fighting cocks in kingston , Im pretty sure they let out the Gig room for rehearsals and other such things in the day time / when there arent gigs on. For reference ... been a long time since i played the place mind you and this is a stock image from google .... Im not putting awful images of me ages 18 on here :-P
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