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Everything posted by Bassjon

  1. I listened to a Jaco live solo once. I didn't understand it. There was no time signature, it was just random runs with a couple of harmonics on the end. Then waiting for a few seconds then doing it again ..... and again. I put my humble opinion on what I thought next to the video - didn't slag it off, just said I don't get it and it's not for me and how I like to hear a cohesive catchy melody in a song format. Well the shitstorm of hatred I got was unbelievable! 'You're not a 'proper' musician' etc! So for me Jaco has been spoiled by all the fanboy jazz purists. I do like playing Come On, Come Over' though. Start there, its easy to listen to!
  2. I can pretty much guess what the Metallica new album will sound like. Crunchy riffs in E at 190bpm with lots 'Yeaa-eah' over the top. Boring. Metallica are brilliant, I don't know why they are so scared to take risks with their live sets, surely they can put Creeping Death away for just 1 gig and replace it with something less heard but no less great like 'Broken, Beat & Scarred' or Shortest Straw?
  3. [quote name='interpol52' timestamp='1440759098' post='2853547'] I thought it was the strings hitting the neck. [/quote] He plays right up near the edge of the neck aswell where the strings are looser. SH is far tighter than Cliff ever was. Cliff was not actually all that great with his tightness on the faster stuff - Steve is amazing!
  4. We don't have much choice when it comes to heroes do we? Lemmy, McCartney, Sting, Pinnick, Lynott, Lee er...... the bloke out of Asia?
  5. Right On Time by RHCP. Those octaves at 130bpm are killer!
  6. ^ thats actually pretty good!
  7. Like Bilbo said its just pentatonic in E...the staple of all good heavy metal fills!
  8. If you don't sing you are not a musician - just a bass player! learn to play melodies on your bass, then sing them, then do harmonies. It will make you a 100% better musician!
  9. Sounds like delay to me on warpigs. back in those days people tended to play only what they could do live
  10. Ha no not quite Atari.... it just seems these days Garageband and Logic have overtaken everything, nobody seems to use cubase anymore.
  11. I know its old and out of date now but my vote goes to Cubase. Its so simple even I can do it!
  12. Last night at my gig I thought I'd test this theory out. I dropped all my syncopated Jamerson lines and just played the basic riffs. (It was a Soul/motown gig). And you what? I really enjoyed playing - I could focus on the groove and locking in more which can be just as enjoyable as playing flash. Although I have to say I got a bit bored and just went for it on the last 3 songs!
  13. I already know about Zorn and Bungle through being a Faith No More fan. California by Bungle is a fantastic record. The bass player Trevor Roy Dunn is amazing. [quote name='Dapper Bandit' timestamp='1439991136' post='2847312'] To further Bilbo and Leonard's suggestions you could also give Painkiller a try which is Laswell and Zorn along with Mick Harris (of Napalm Death and Scorn fame). Free jazz/grindcore/dub trio that were entirely improvisational. Check out the Execution Ground box set as it is truly an astonishing accomplishment and I'm only partly saying it because they are one of my top ten bands ever. [/quote] I will check out Painkiller - I never really rated anyone from Napalm Death as being a good muso so thats interesting
  14. That Bill Laswell stuff is awesome! Wow, that has blown my tiny mind! When I said I was making punk jazz I meant pop tunes with loud guitars and walking bass - that stuff has sent me back to the drawing board!
  15. Once again I have to play Devil's advocate on here and say yes, while its a compliment personally I wouldn't like it. Solid implies boring to me. I play like Jamerson, very syncopated and busy .... and hopefully tight as well!
  16. Ooh thanks..I'll take a look! The Impossible Gentlemen sound quite good. Is Steve Swallow not with them anymore?
  17. I have just started getting into jazz and trying to find a way to mix it with punk rock! Its hard to get right but I love experimenting with it. I will post some stuff up here once Ive recorded it. But in the meantime can anyone recommend any punk jazz (if it exists??!) I've started buying jazz albums and like The Bad Plus, Steve Swallow, Miles' Kind Of Blue and Ahmad Jamal's live album But Not For Me. Where should I go next, please? : )
  18. Matt Osman is great. Considering how the guitarists in Suede were very busy and creative with their parts he does a great job of holding it all together. If you like 'Trash' have a listen to Barriers from their new album - its great : )
  19. ^ I agree. I'm on the other side of the fence here - if I sense the band isn't quite right (which is 8 out of 10 times) I will just pack up, leave and never go back. Now I'm a full time pro so it worked for me! Don't accept crap, people!
  20. Haha yes I am jealous! No, sorry for spoiling this post and yes, I agree what he does works for the band, I really just don't rate the guy at all. The only interesting bassline he ever had was the walking one on 'See You'..... and I'm not even sure he played that. (I think Dave Grohl played nearly all the instruments on 'Colour and the Shape'.) Its the live situation where he really falls down. He doesn't even do BV's - he just stares at the floor looking bored. Thats the kind of bass playing that gives us all a bad name and is why the general public think that bass playing is just less less talented guitar playing wannabe's - an attitude that needs to be stamped out.....along with Nate!
  21. Nice bass. Shame its wasted on Nate Mendel - a guy who plays 8th note roots whilst uncharismatically staring at the floor. Its not like he's got a hard job is it? Terrible bass player!
  22. people who f*** about on their instruments like that are highly unprofessional and should go back to the bedroom mirror practice!
  23. Has anyone heard of Dirty Loops? I'm currently having a crack at their version of 'Baby' by Justin Bieber. It's a challenge.......
  24. 9/15 because I have no idea how to read alto : )
  25. Fender J all the way!
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