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Everything posted by Bassjon

  1. Muse are not so good these days but this guy is amazing!
  2. Mike from Therapy? Dirty, dirty bass tone!
  3. Play what people like and they will come. Still too many bands doing covers of Basket Case and Smoke On the water. NO-ONE CARES!
  4. I have a bit of a dance instead
  5. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1427829253' post='2734849'] From a punter's perspective, I'd say live music is struggling to appeal to me. I don't go and watch covers bands or tributes generally and the original bands on offer just aren't doing it for me. Most of the artists and bands I'm listening to are usually from the US and don't gig over here...even if they did they don't gig within an 8 hour round trip to see them. [/quote] Thats the problem - live bands just arent appealing to people anymore. Why go to a gig and watch guys playing instruments with a limited repertoire when you can go to a karaoke/disco and have exactly the songs you want pumped out non-stop all night? Can't blame people for not wanting to go to a band when the alternative is cheaper and gives you exactly what you want.
  6. Brilliant. Been watching on youtube
  7. Nottingham is still thriving but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that some of it is to do with the bands themselves...(hear me out!) A lot of muso's are forgetting what they are up against. People go out and want to dance to non-stop music with deep bass like your clubbers and people who only know music from the charts. But every time I go to a local gig its full of tired musicians who have put no thought into their image or setlist and just play' Smoke on The water' and 'Basket Case' in solid workman like fashion while staring at their fretbords with long gaps between songs so the guitairist can tune up and the drummer can sip his pint! Its crap and boring and no-one cares anymore (I do - but i'm talking about the general public here). We all need to go through this to cut our teeth and get good but where are the guys covering modern songs?? Its just not exciting to watch anymore. Sad but true.
  8. yep thats a good un!
  9. Yeah thats great - thank you sir! I owe you a pint : ) I ended up taking it to a competitor of his who saw I had a slight twist in the neck which hadn't been accounted for. He tweaked it and now it feels great to play. Happy again but thank you all for your support
  10. brill - i'll take a look!
  11. tried it. it was a disaster! I loosened off the strings, turned the truss rod left a tiny bit. Nothing happened so I did it again and now it sounds worse. all that happened was now the open strings buzz aswell! I'm pretty sure this whole guitar set up thing is a myth as Ive never had any luck with it.....!
  12. Thank you all, you've put my mind at rest. I will try putting a tiny bit of relief in the neck but phone him tomorrow and kindly ask if he will tweak it.
  13. So I recently took my bass to a well renowned set-up/repair guy who has years of experience and a good rep. He handed me my bass back after a set up and it sounds great through an amp and the neck is perfectly straight. Yay! I thought. But unplugged it sounds horrible! Lots of frets from 1 -8 buzz terribly. I have wound the bridge saddles up a bit but am scared to go to far because I have no idea what Im doing! I dont want to take it back because a) He is an expert and knows what he's doing so I'd feel like a muppet. I dont want to cause any bad blood with the guy who thinks he has done a great job and c) It will mean booking my bass in and not having it for another few days. So guys, can anyone tell me - is fret buzz and rattle acceptable unplugged? (its driving me mad!) If I decide to have a tweak myself which way should i turn the trussrod? Thank you Jon
  14. ^ Fair enough!
  15. Not sure if i have a gig. If not i will come. Can I get pissed and act like a fool?
  16. [quote name='Joel McIver' timestamp='1425333477' post='2706386'] To whoever posted that Billy Gould would make a good addition to the bill, I couldn't agree more, but when I invited him to perform he said he'd love to but would be in New Zealand that weekend. Cheers Joel BGM editor [/quote] Dammit! Ah well see you there!
  17. (Disclaimer post) I wish they had more solo bass guys this year that are known for tapping and slapping solos. Then I could be awesome and also not have to defend myself from elitist trolls who make wrong assumptions about me for having a difference in opinion.
  18. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1424775176' post='2700222'] I have never understood bass players that assume because someone has great technique and can play at a million miles an hour that they also can't groove or play in the context of a song and support the song just makes no sense to me. [/quote] I assumed no such thing. I just said I don't like show off bass players. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1424774706' post='2700212'] You're missing my point, you think that Hamm has never written a song, or played a bassline on a pop song? Si [/quote] Again, same thing. Where did I say he can't groove? I just don't like show off....... oh forget it! You're right I'm wrong. There, happy? Sorry all for having an opinion that isn't the same as yours.
  19. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1424712258' post='2699480'] Sweet, didn't see Jah last time, so looking forward to it! With regards to the above comment of "They're all show-off players"? Very odd. Divinity, Jah Wobble, Steve Lawson, Ethan Farmer. I wouldn't call any of these players show-offs, can they show-off? Sure, because they're asked to at a bass show, do they earn the bulk of their income showing off, definitely not. I'd probably even argue that for Sheehan & Hamm too, sure they can show off, they get booked for the firework shredding etc, but they'll be the first to say that it's all silly and just for fun. If all you see from a life-time of work is what people upload on Youtube from gear shows, maybe you should attend to actually hear what they're about? Si [/quote] I'd just like to see some more bassists from bands tell us about their approach to songs. Why are there no guys like Cass Lewis, Michael McKeegan, Duff, Nicky Wire, Jason Newsted etc. If I have to hear Stu Hamm do that country and western tap thing he ALWAYS puts in his solos for the last 30 years I'm going to lose my mind! (Although I will admit to learning it!)
  20. ive bought a ticket but still not sure if I'll actually bother. i'd like to meet some cool people and play some basses but if theres not much there i dont see the point..... Plus I'm not interested in any of the stars there really, its all show off players.
  21. at least we are FINALLY getting some info as to who will be there,,,,, 4 weeks before. Next year I will not buy my ticket so early, I will wait until a few weeks before the show.
  22. [quote name='TommyK' timestamp='1423648041' post='2687332'] Another one is Twisted by Skunk Anansie. It is seriously tough to play it exactly as he plays it I reckon Rhythm Stick is one of those songs where i can nail all the little sections every now and then, but never seem to be able to stick it all together.. more homework needed [/quote] Same with me, bro! Just thought of another that gets me - Same Old Song (Jamerson I believe?). The verse and chorus are very alike and at speed that takes up all m y concentration. Especially as my band do it in a flat key so there's no open strings. Ouch!
  23. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1423642562' post='2687257'] Shows how different we all are as players. As you can tell from a lot of people saying, Hysteria is hard for a lot of people. Or variably hard. I can do it with one finger, but doing it as I want to do (and as the original) with two fingers, I can do it, but getting it to sound smooth and consistant is pretty hard. One on the other hand, that is something I find pretty easy, as you can do fast groups of three finger triplets on it and as you say, it doesn't have to be tight, it can be pretty sloppy and sound right, which makes it easy enough. For me that is what makes most things hard. I can do rhythm stick now, but I can't do it *well* because my fingering is not smooth enough, sting playing consistency isn't right, some notes are louder than others and on that track it does matter. [/quote] I play One with 2 fingers..... maybe I'll try 3 : ) Rhythm Stick on the other hand it seems is hard for EVERYONE, me included! I can't play it tight to speed at all
  24. Weird- quite a few people have said Hysteria by Muse. I found that one easy to master, after all its all done on the open strings and its not too fast. An open string song I DO have trouble with - One by Metallica. At 214bpm triplet fingerstyle that is impossible! Im at about 180bpm. Although Cliff Burton 'fluffed over' a lot of his fast parts with sloppy playing so I'm sure I can get away with it if he can ! ps - And yes I know Jason played on that song, I'm just saying if you listen to Cliff on songs like Disposable Heroes the playing is VERY sloppy pps - please dont complain that I am dissing Cliff. I love Cliff I am merely stating if you listen to his isolated tracks they are not perfect.
  25. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1423484167' post='2685249'] both guitarists want more space eventhough they both remain static the whole gig - our drummer explores more of the stage than they do! [/quote] Haha, to me thats unforgivable. you are there to entertain - not just play the notes but make people feel part of the show aswell.
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