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Everything posted by Bassjon

  1. I love Marlowe DK. His accent cracks me up and he is a great bassist
  2. Can't believe this one never gets mentioned when learning jazz - 'Englishman in New York'!! Not exactly a standard but has some nice simple root note playing and a bit of a walking solo in there. perfect beginner song
  3. This song is actually giving me some problems in that I have seen it transcribed a number of different ways so its hard to know which one is right. I think there are some wrong notes in this version
  4. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1418478253' post='2630507'] ​It's a great song and a very challenging bass line. With me, it's a kind of on going project where I come back to it frequently. I play it slowly and build up the tempo. I can get tantalizingly close to getting it clean and flowing smoothly, but find it hard to sustain this for the entire song. Someday..... [/quote] Practice your 16th note grooves, that will build up your right hand dexterity
  5. looking now - very good!
  6. The Bass of Doom appears at most big Metallica headlined festivals. Great to see it being used what good basses are for - BEING PLAYED!!! And not sitting on some wall mount
  7. I've just found a bassist called Oscar Pettiford 'Blues In the Closet' - amazing! Must learn!
  8. I've bought my ticket, can't wait. Now Sadowsky are there I'm even more interested. Might even empty my bank account and invest in a new bass
  9. [quote name='Romeo2' timestamp='1417991244' post='2625866'] 1 day at £20+ is a bit steep. If there were shop stalls with gear we always buy like strings, cables, etc. that sold this stuff at prices below the usual bargains you can find e.g. online, then it makes sense. At the moment I am not so sure. [/quote] A bit steep? This is a whole day of bass goodieness for less than a ticket to see any name band play an hour long gig.
  10. Some people I would like to see there who I don't think have been there recently or at all: Stefan Redtenbacher, Paul Geary and other members of Bass Guitar Magazine Alex Katunich (ex-Incubus) Steve Swallow Chris from Muse (highly unlikely but you never know!) As for the slap argument - who cares? Yes slapping is lame but you can leave those guys to do their thing and and you do yours and you will stand out more if you're only there to show off. Easy!
  11. I've worked on autumn leaves, i am also just taking some of my favourite songs and applying walking bass to them. gives them a whole new dimension
  12. He's better than most people realise. I think its his public persona that spoils it! 'Entertain Me' also has an excellent bassline.
  13. wicked, cheers again!
  14. Thanks, I've chosen Autumn Leaves to start with like this: Root notes Root & 5th Root & 3rd R, 3 & 5 with chromatic step up to the next chord R, 3 & 5 with step down to next chord.
  15. A very underrated bassist who NEVER gets interviewed (for his skills anyway) is Mr Alex James from Blur. Nice round sound with enough mids just enough to not get lost in the mix : ) www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4CRE8_peVE
  16. Wow, thanks everybody! The John Goldsby book is fantastic - if a little advanced. Hector, I find those Mooney books put different chord substitutions in each chorus - sometimes the II-V secondary dominants, sometimes the tri-tones etc. I am looking to add the chord tones one at a time to get them in my head. I understand the idea of walking jazz, I just have trouble applying it!
  17. Hey all, Can anyone recommend a great book for building bass jazz chops from the ground up? I have been following the Stephen Mooney books but they go from showing you the basics to jumping straight to songs made up of the choruses where the chords change every single time! Good for learning to read, but not great for chop building! Is there a jazz book out there that that gives you one step at a time guidance on how to build your confidence in each key? eg - roots adding, thirds, fifths etc?
  18. The one that made me go 'WOW! What the hell is THAT?!' was Nicky Wire on Archives of Pain. Round and fat but with grit as well : )
  19. good man toneknob. I understand the views that Metallica will 'own' a huge piece of Jaco rightly or wrongly, but Metallica are not business mogul monsters anymore. That time has passed , these days they are good guys and family men, I'm sure Rob (who has been a huge Jaco fan for years) will give this project the respect it deserves and with any luck it won't just be bass players that like it, the masses will catch on as well. I am very interested even though I'm not a big Jaco fan and will definately buy the DVD
  20. Dug from Kings X! I have NO idea how he gets that tone. I'm not interested in copying his rig but if anyone knows how his EQ's are set I'd be interested to know. I imagine its the classic 'scooped' sound but what gives him that grit?
  21. Wicked!
  22. The Blue Album is my top 10 of all time. Apparently the new album is supposed to be great aswell so I might take a look at that
  23. wow, wasn't expecting that warm a welcome! Thanks! Raymondo yes, we like playing the Dixies - cramped but great atmosphere I've really joined up because I have decided to quit my job and do bassing full time. Thought this might be a good place to network and gain advice
  24. Have a go at Saw Her Standing There by Beatles - great fun walking bass line!
  25. Hmm, Nancy Johnson you can't be that big of a fan....the singer is called Rivers Cuomo, not Miles!
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