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  1. Dont know if this would help ,you'd have to take a look https://existential.audio/blackhole/
  2. Having a bit of a clear out as not playing live at the moment Roland DB 900 combo 320w , 7 speakers Roland build quality , lot of amp and speakers for the money , can cover a fair few styles with this. collection only from hereford
  3. About 12hrs left on Plugin Alliance Special Sale for Dirk whos moving on from running Brainworx Any 4 Brainworxs Plugins for $49.99 I know they always have sales on but still think this is a pretty good deal.
  4. I was in the same dilemma back in March , also coming from a 2012 macbook pro. Having talked to various music logic mac friends I stared totting up the cost of an Air with more Ram etc etc , and in the end concluded that I was getting close to the Base 14" M1 Macbook Pro price. So very reluctantly I decided to part with what to me seemed a lot of money . Anyway I have to say that my new 14" Macbook is bloody great , got all the ports and connections back on the sides , great in built speakers etc etc. I am running Logic Pro X and only running my third party plugins that are M1 ready , and I have to say it just seems to get on with the job ! So in conclusion , even though it was a lot of money I'm happy I did spend the extra .
  5. In the very beginning before Chic . and theres already not a gnat's d*** between them !!! and
  6. Go Trevor !!!
  7. Some nice playing from everyone here
  8. Niles doing his thing !!! Starts about 0.43 in .
  9. Yeh I wasn't sure whether it was all completely live , probably some triggering going on there in places me thinks ! I agree that he is a talent , it just reminded me of how good Morris Day and The Time were in there day, could even give Prince a run for his money and he wrote some of there songs , anyways its all been done before , but still good to see .
  10. Been loving this very talented family lately https://youtu.be/rWah6plGip4
  11. If I'm understanding things right , your usb DAC may give a flat response , but the headphones you plug into it will then impose its own curve on top there by not giving you a reference flat response. I think what Sonarworks does is, they sample test the frequency response of your specific headphones , you can send them in to be tested or buy a calibrated package from them or use there average profile . Then the software flattens those frequencies to produce a studio reference flat response , so we should all be singing from the same hymn sheet so to speak irrespective of what headphones we each individually have ! I think thats right !
  12. I've been evaluating this https://www.sonarworks.com/headphones on the free 21 day trial , luckily I had probably the cheapest headphones on the profile list Sennheiser HD 201 I've got to say so far I am really impressed ! I know its not best to mix on headphones , but I'm never gonna make the bedroom a flat response , so as a reference tool i think its great. I have been amazed at how much better the flat profile allows me to have a standard to work to , and when i have bounced a mix it is a lot clearer, even when i have played it on cheap hi fi Probably gonna end up getting it , worth trying the demo and seeing how much of a curve response manufactures have put on things !!!
  13. Can I have that off you will pm you tonight when I get home from work Cheers
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