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Everything posted by tonyf

  1. I know it's a bit off piste here but as a massive #fanbois, you could run them at 24v. And no, that doesn't involve 2 and a half 9vs ;-) You can get A23 12v cells which are really small. Think a third of the size of a AAA in length and thinner in diameter. You can get these from anywhere, they're the type of battery used for remote controls etc and I get mine from the local supermarket or DIY store. Then search eBay, you'll be able to pick up some A23 double carriers, some 9v connectors and a bit of heatshrink. A bit of soldering and you've got a resusable 24v cell which is considerably smaller than a standard 9v battery. The EMGs will run up to 27v so you'll get loads of headroom which will really open them up. Everyones a winner. You don't have to route out your bass and you'll be able to increase the headroom on your EMGs. Here's a pic..... http://instagram.com/p/jE4LDhgvYQ/ PS. I know I've wired them up wrong. This was the first go, forgot that red had to go to black on the connector. lol
  2. IM'd re the soundblox
  3. I carry mine around in a rucksack type laptop bag. Loads of protection. Also means I've lots of room for speaker leads, batteries, wireless and all kinds of other usefulness AND it goes over my shoulder out the way leaving my hands free for other kit.
  4. I brought mine about 6 months ago as a rehearsal amp/backup to my EBS HD350. Wanted something with the "EBS tone" but in a much smaller format. Still got it, gigged it a couple of times but it gets it's use at rehearsals. I'm very chuffed with it. It's not quite the HD350 in terms of smoothness and authority but it's pretty damn close. Compared to the Streamliner it replaced, it's much cleaner and feels just as loud. TBH, I've really not pushed it at all as it's PLENTY enough for me. It'll sound quite different to the GK. Maybe that's what you want, maybe not. See if you can try one out before you buy.
  5. Absolutely loved that album. I did photography at uni and we used to spend hours in the darkrooms with this blasting out. Get the "phantom" smell of developer, stop bath and fixer now listening to this.... lol
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^ what he said
  7. Been there mate. After using the EBS HD350 for over a decade, had brain fade 4 or 5 years ago and downsized to class D. Found that from that point forward, was ALWAYS comparing amps to the HD350. 3 or 4 amps been and gone and I took the plunge a year ago and got another HD350. Been as happy as a dog with two, erm, bones. There's some really special about that amp. It's got SOOOOO much power for the rated wattage and the compressor is sublime. Totally useable and toneful rather than being a second thought. The drive circuitry sounds fantastic. You should hear it run through an Ampeg 810. So good, a mate of mine got rid of his vintage SVT for one. I've since brought a Reidmar as a "rehearsal" amp. The Reidmar is great but the HD350 is the "marker". Enjoy yours ;-)
  8. Hi Russ. Yeah, that sounds like a plan. We're at Akamba in Solihull on the 31st Jan. Local gig for me and Fiddy #sorted ;-) Having lived with the LD Systems unit, it's been really good but then again, not had much comparison. We're limited by two AUX outs on the A&H desk so we usually run one mix for the singists and then the other mix for the rest of us. Works pretty well but a desk upgrade is the next move. We've got the two MEI1000's that we can focus left and right to give everyone their own mix. As you said all those eons ago, that's the ideal point we'd want to get to. Everyone with their own mix. Brian the keyboard player is investing in a pair of V6 or V6S in the new year plus another MEI1000 so that, with the Mackie DL1608, will give us what we need. As you know, having become the Luke Skywalker to you, the Yoda, it's a real challenge to convince people that the investment in quality IEMs is the way to go. We invest thousands in our guitars and backline but baulk at hundreds in quality IEMs to hear the stuff through. It's one of those "aaaahhhhh, I get it now" moments when you get a great in ear mix through a set of top line IEMs. Because they're custom moulds, you can't exactly pop em into someone elses ears and say "listen to this shizzle".
  9. Top job. Killer basses, your's looks the same colour as mine. Lovely deep plum! Pity you didn't mention it, as I replace the original Tonepump with a EMG BQC, I've probably got the old one's kicking around. The EMG BQC is a great "upgrade", especially if you run it at 24v ;-)
  10. Not trying to derail the thread but have you spoken to the guys at Gumtree? I had a load of grief with someone a while ago and they bent over backwards to "encourage" the seller to send the pedal I'd brought. They're pretty good at having all the reporting tools to be able to notify the local constabulary to potentially pay a visit. Worth a try. HTH.
  11. as pete said, use a socket per cab. that gives you the 4 ohm load. good choice on the amp sire, a terrific head.
  12. My old gal ;-)
  13. Had my EHX Bass Micro Synth for a couple of months and love it but to be honest, I'd love something which sounded equally as good synth wise but was programmable, allowing me to store some sounds rather than keeping sliding the sliders. Any ideas? Does the Soundblox Pro Envelope Filter do synth'y type things? I could sacrifice my MXR M82 if it covered both the synth and the envelopes just as well.
  14. Oooooooh! Been carrying round a BDI21 as a spare for a while now, occasionally using it in my home studio. Have noticed a bit of the mid-scoop but have always been able to EQ it back in. This looks REALLY interesting, may order a couple of DPDTs and some resistors and give it a whirl. For cost of the pedal and the components, can't really go wrong.
  15. Had a couple of NT Thumbs over the years, a four and a five fretless (that I had fretted). Both were 1990 built instruments. As a fretless, the five absolutely oozed mwah. Amazing barking mids. Without doubt, the best fretless tone I've ever heard. I had it fretted because it wasn't getting played in the band I was in at the time. Unsurprisingly, it became a fabulous tone monster fretted bass. As already said, they have a truly unique woody mid focused tone, very identifiable. It is quite "marmite" though, you either love it or hate it, usually nothing in between. Regarding the balance issues, I found getting a Comfort Strapp sorted out mine. The grip that the neoprene gives really helps stop the bass slipping round. T
  16. Sorry, just picked up on this after being away from BC over the weekend. Yes, I went. Bloody hell, what a gig. Finally, my first time seeing Chic in the flesh. Been such a fan for years. As has been mentioned, you've gotta stand back and admire the contribution to popular music that Niles has made. Re Jerry Barnes, sorry, have to disagree. I thought he was absolutely sublime. A totally monster player who, on this occasion anyway, was a star performer in a great live band rather than simply anchored in the back in the shadows showing everyone (or should I say a couple of bass players in the audience) some irreverent "chops". There's no bigger Bernard fan than me and yes, Jerry is a more direct player but in the context of the band I saw the other night, he'll do for me.
  17. My Berg CN212 has proper recessed handles. Just saying..... ;-)
  18. OOOOOOOO! That looks fun. Of course I've just splashed out on a EHX Micro Synth but one of the ideas our keyboard player had was for me to do the 80's and 90's R&B tunes we cover by doing the synth bass lines on erm, bass synth. Kinda makes sense. Of course my playing is flipping useless but I suppose that's no excuse. On the downside, it's just one more bit of kit to setup and break down.
  19. Yep. Get a small practice amp for home as Lozz suggested. You've said you love the sound at gigs. The amp's NEVER going to go quiet enough for practicing at home so you may as well get something which can give a similar'ish tone at practice levels. I've had a Line 6 LowDown Studio 110 for years which has always sounded good at minimal volume. The Rumble is an equally good alternative. T
  20. I've done hundreds of gigs with one of these over the best part of 15 years. Best bit of kit I've had. BUMP for a fantastic gig bag.
  21. A total player is ol' Bobby.
  22. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Hi all,[/font][/color] [b]NOW SOLD, THANKS FOR THE INTEREST.[/b] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]For sale (or trade against a EBS Reidmar) is my GB Streamliner 900.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Had the Streamliner for a couple of years and it's been fantastic but I'm doing more functions now with the soul/r&b/disco/funk so could do with a change. The STM sounds flipping awesome with my Berg but I'm just after something a bit different, a bit more "EBS'esque" perhaps. I've got an EBS HD350 which I love and having a Reidmar for rehearsals/small gigs would be ace.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]It's in great condition (only ever lived in my gig-skinz bag which is also included because the Reidmar won't fit it) save for a minor scratch from a misplaced lead on the upper surface.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Original box included.[/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Pics.....[/font][/color] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:153208] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:153209] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:153210] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:153211] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:153212] [sharedmedia=core:attachments:153213]
  23. [quote name='monkeynuts' timestamp='1405327182' post='2500690'] Wordpress is a great tool to get a page together using straight forward plugins without any coding knowledge. Easy to update so less time spent faffing around. Ours is still in its early stages and being refined but if you are thinking of doing a website then wordpress is certainly worth looking at www.thecarbonites.com [/quote] Great looking site. Really crisp and professional. :-) What theme did you use?
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