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Everything posted by tonyf

  1. tonyf


    Oh lordy. Have just done a few YT reviews of that. Sounds flipping awesome. ABSOLUTELY want now!!!
  2. https://xvive.com/audio/product/u4-in-ear-monitor-wireless-system/ Have spotted these recently in terms of IEM transmitters. Wondering whether anyones tried them? Using an X32R, me straight wired into that nowadays with a EBS Microbass DI pre. Think latency will be an issue? It's saying it's about 5ms on the Xvive, plus whatever the X32R is doing. @EBS_freak is it worth a crack to get above the cheap LD Systems I've been using for a while? Have gone wired with the P1 recently and like that but it's a phaff having an extra lead strapped to me.
  3. Or living it up, living it up
  4. Been following the podcast since episode one and I've listened to all of them save for that one. Seemed to have no sense of humour and even less a sense of humility. Lasted 15 minutes before I bailed.
  5. 'pin hell. Absolute artistry.
  6. I've got BA55 SCS. I play bass in a band called Second City Soul. Just hoping I never get sacked.
  7. For sale is a set of EMG45 pickups, a TW (splittable) and a J plus a quick connect wiring loom (V/V/T/T). Also included is the quick connect push pull pot and the connector I ordered from EMG for the TW as well as a loom. The TW gives some great tonal options with the J. I brought these a couple of weeks ago in order to swap out a pair of 45DCs in my Yamaha but have since realised I prefer the original pairing. In terms of wiring the push-pull, there's wiring diagrams on the EMG website.
  8. Harley Benton do an exact copy of it, called the FXL8 Pro. I've got one and it's worked amazingly and has served me very well over the years, only stopped using it when I retired my pedals 18 months ago and moved to a Helix Floor. @FarFromTheTrees it's available for sale at a VERY reasonable "make me an offer as I need the space in my parts drawer" price if you're interested! 😂
  9. Loving that. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a modern Fender PJ with the Noiseless pickups. Guessing a Kemper floor? Can't quite make it out but the Kemper seems a logical 'nowadays' choice for going straight into the desk for modelling stuff.
  10. Howdy all, Anyone know of a reasonably priced UK based person who'll make me a tort scratchplate for my G&L SB-100? It's obviously not a standard P bass shape and size so will need custom making. Could try and make it myself but it'd be a bit too much of a faff and end up looking rubbish.
  11. There's a WHOLE LOT of issues with my Maggie May's bottom end. It's all over the place. Can you get Will to get his wood sorted?
  12. Took a punt and it arrived this morning. Apart from the damage to the paint, it's a great bass. Proper P-Bass vibe to it. Quick setup and it's playing and sounding ace. TBH, the fact that the paint damage was on the back was the reason I went for it. Can repair/make good it in due course with a bit of work (aka a furlough project), just doesn't bother me that much at the moment. Everything else is good on it and I've saved 60 quid.
  13. Where did you find the exdemo one on the site?
  14. Wow. That's a good spot. Have just decided I need a decent but not expensive P bass for some recording and that could fit the bill quite nicely. Thanks for the heads up.
  15. Calling @EBS_freak! 😉
  16. Russ taking one for the team again. How can our lug holes ever repay him?! 😂
  17. Come on then, spill the beans. What are they like?
  18. Up in front of a couple of thousand folks last night at the Beer on the Wye festival in Hereford. Last on, the crowd were in fine form having seeming sampled quite extensively from Great Britain's finest breweries 😂 WHAT a hoot. Did an hour and a half set finishing at 11pm and the crowd wanting more. Due to the curfew, we couldn't oblige unfortunately but we'd have loved to have carried on. One of those "wow, that was really special" gigs. We were preceded by a great band called Fired Up. Brilliant set, if the bass player is on here, terrific work fellas.
  19. Bumping like a bumpster. Still available. Price drop and postage included.
  20. Bumpitty bump! Still available!
  21. Shifting pedals that have made way for the Helix on my pedalboard, I've got a Line6 M9 Stompbox Modeller for sale. Fabulous pedal, which I brought when I downsized from the larger M13. Full of top quality Line6 goodness for bass. It's been indestructible and dependable and has formed the centre point of my pedal board for a few years. The only issue is that I've lost one of the parameter knobs. Comes with box and PSU. SOLD
  22. Another one of the "now got a Helix" sales, my Source Audio Envelope Filter Pro + Hot Hand. It's in great condition and I've loved using this envelope. Sounds fab and the ability to program it is so useful. Comes boxed with a Hot Hand which apparently (according to the vendor) has a fault whereby it doesn't turn off so once on, it'll keep powered on until the charge runs out. As I didn't buy the pedal for the Hot Hand functionality, and have consequently never used it anyway, I've no idea whether or not it's faulty or not. £110 + postage from Solihull.
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