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Everything posted by tonyf
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Thanks for the heads up. Blimey, why on earth didn't I look at the Bass Direct website?! Doh! BD is just a half hour down the M40 from me and I know Mark really well. Wish I'd realised they had them or I'd have popped down earlier. That'll be my treat for tomorrow morning.
If you don't mind me asking, where did you order your 735A from @Al Krow? Online or shop brought? Really interested in one now but feel like I'd want to give it the once over in the flesh first. Being Midland's based, don't mind getting in the car for an hour or two if I can find somewhere with one in stock.
@EBS_freak turned me onto this last night. For the money, it looks an amazing pedal. The only major downside for me is the lack of MIDI switching. I use my FI a huge amount for the weddings/functions band material as I switch it from the loop switcher via MIDI. Shame about the MIDI as the UI looks so much simpler on the Mono Synth and would have quite happily swapped out the FI for one of these other wise.
Yeah, I've had my 64 Ears V8s for about 4 years now. Still absolutely fantastic, always bring a smile to my face when using them, especially when I finished paying off the crippling debt that @EBS_freak put me in when he convinced me to take the plunge!
This. @EBS_freak is the absolute truth of all things IEM. Having used custom moulded 64 Ears V8s, I've also has a pair of zs10s for a while. Whilst they're fantastic value for money and sound great listening to music whilst at work, getting anywhere near the fit (and isolation) of custom moulds is a fair way away. As mentioned WAY too many times in this thread, it's a mind shift. I've not used an amp for dozens of dozens of gigs. We don't think twice of investing in hugely expensive back line. Maybe we need the same approach to IEMs. Spend big but spend once. Trust me, the absolute joy of a great in ear mix through some amazingly good custom moulds is a wonderful thing.
So sorry buddy. Is it DEFINITELY lost? At this time of year, it wouldn't be a surprise to have the thing turn up late with all the deliveries that are going through the system. Has the courier confirmed they can't find it and it's disappeared?
It's a plan B, just in case I do go wired with the bass. Are going through a bit of a declutter in general though. Have unloaded the Sony wireless and the EBS MicroBass from the pedalboard which I'll run on the next gig. No other pedals. Can power the MicroBass from the board using phantom power and the receiver will be in the funk trunk so there's no clutter out front. With this setup, I'll use the wireless for IEMs. However, if I choose not to use the Sony, I can then wire into the MicroBass (or the Orchid) and will then use the P2 for the IEMs. Nice to have some options.
Ordered one and it arrived yesterday. Neat bit of kit, simple enough to use and switch to mono. Will drag the funk trunk out later and test it with the mixer against the IEMs.
Is the P2 the mono version? Since I've sacked the pedalboard over the past couple of gigs and gone back to wired straight into the Orchid DI, maybe using one of these would be easier than the LD Systems IEM to cut down on the wireless kit we're running. Our keyboard player and drummer could benefit from them instead of their wireless and mixer respectively. Are they battery powered or can you phantom power them?
Thank you, yours looks amazing too. Love the fact you've got all that funk in the trunk with the options for synths and envelopes! 😁 Great idea using the 1010. Had played with the idea of using a MIDI controller to patch change the Source Audio envelope, the M9 and the Future Impact but then came across the PXL Live switcher which did all I needed in terms of patch changing. Made such a difference, I've got a couple of banks full of Future Impact patches which has made life really easy. There looks to be a lot on the board but I don't think so really. For me, tend to stick to several "stock" patches for the funk/soul/r&b functions band which mainly involves synth'y/envelope'y stuff with some EQ's courtesy of the M9. There's loads of modulations I've programmed into the PXL live but I don't use them on this gig. Just take the view that they're there if I need them. lol Re the M9, it's a great sounding unit but TBH, I'd be all over the HX Effects if it was physically a little smaller. Space is so tight and I'm too lazy to recable it all to fit one on the board for nominal gain. The M9 is still a great unit and does all I need it to. Maybe at some point it'll give way to a HX Stomp when I can get my hands on one and see what it's like but I'd feel I was wasting a lot of the modelling functionality purely to use the effects. Dunno. Heard a lot of love for the SYB-5 with an expression pedal, by all accounts, they tend to come alive once they've got one of those attached.
Blimey, well done, I'd forgotten that it had indeed. Don't think I've ever used the DI, have always used an external DI/pre.
Bloody hell, you a mind reader? 😁 I ordered an Orchid Classic DI earlier this week with the very intention of having a bare bones straight into the board option. Still leaves the issue of powering the Sony if I do go wireless with the Au Naturale approach but I can use a 9v in it can't I?
I'm assuming that a power conditioner would give us a "clean" supply of 240v, thus not causing issues with the signal processing gear.
^^^^ this. Part of my concerns about the Future Impact and the Sony wireless the other night, hence the question. Did notice the display on the FI and the power light on the wireless occasionally flashing. Checking the wireless documentation, it seemed to point (when using a battery in the receiver) that power could be below optimal.
Have been running my pedal board for dozens and dozens of gigs without issues but a couple of recent shows, at the same venue, seem to have given me some issues with the digital items I'm using (my Sony digital wireless and the Future Impact). I know they've had a lot of work done in terms of electrics and due to the fact that the digital desk and other wireless gear seemed to be noisy and temperamental, I'm wondering if the quality of "juice" into the gear is to blame. Any suggestions on how to maintain a solid 230v/240v into the digital kit we use (in particular the pedal board and mixer)? Would a power conditioner help?
Recent rejig of my pedal board. Completely recabled, using really good cabling and connectors. Had been using odds and sods patch cables which used to assault my OCD every time I looked at it. Lost the MXR Envelope Filter and a TC Mic Mechanic which I didn't use. Brought a new integrated power supply because I needed something that gave me AC to the M9 rather than having to have a plugboard velco'd untidily to the board. The major change was introducing the PXL-LIVE Programmable Pedal Controller. Now gives me the ability to switch the Future Impact, Soundblox Envelope Filter and the M9 with MIDI program changes. Has taken a little while to get used to switching with banks again and programming it quickly, but it's been a huge improvement both functionally and also in terms of noise. The EBS MicroBass II is shown with a lead going to an amp for home use. I don't use an amp live and go straight to the board so the output from the MicroBass is the XLR out.
It's been there for years both as a garden centre/adventure and a music venue. It's such a great place, really quirky but in a good way. Chris and the team also run a charity out in Africa and there's lots of events throughout the year to support that, including the annual music festival which we've done for the past 4 or 5 years. Always a great day.
Bit of a rare nightmare one for me on Saturday night. Did a gig at Akamba in Dickens Heath, 10 minutes drive from Chez Tony. It's a local club we play at 3 or 4 times a year and love it. Always a hot sweaty one, always a fabulous crowd and (usually) always a fun one to play. Soundcheck was fraught, we lost the settings from the XR18 a couple of times and had to basically mix from scratch. Not necessarily a bad thing, somehow seemed to end up better starting with a clean slate but was stressful having to redo all the monitor mixes into the IEMs as everyone likes their own thing and it took a little time to sort that out each time we lost the mix. We also noticed really bad intermittent RF interference on one of the (usually ultra-reliable) wireless mics and my Yamaha wireless power button flashing amber and green. Not to worry, as always, I had a standby lead next to my board in case I needed to swap out the radio and go old skool. More on that later. Sound check over, zipped home to change rather than hanging about. Back to the gig, onto stage as scheduled with the baying crowd ready to dance off their jerk chicken and several pints of red stripe. First number, more interference from the radio mic and then halfway through the first verse, no bass. Look down, no signal coming through the wireless. Checked the transmitter, plugged in, turned on, volume on the Ray turned up. PANIC! Bent down and went into the much practiced emergency drill: unplugged wireless out the EBS MicroBass and plugged the lead from that to the bass. Fluid like, just like a trained athlete. Nothing. PANIC, part 2. Again. Visually checked bass. And lead. And preamp. And XLR out preamp to DI. Still nothing. We're into the chorus now. With not a trace of bass. Unplug the effects loop so it's just the DI. Nothing still. Keyboard player (near the XR18) signals me for the other end of the lead and he goes straight into the desk. Couple of tweaks on his Mac to swap from line level to instrument and he give me the nod. Still nothing. Again, a visual check of volume and that I'm plugged in. Zip. Nothing. Nada. We've now virtually finished the song and the vocalists are brilliantly engaging the crowd in a bit of banter. Typically, it's all good nature and nobody gives much of a toss as they're up for a good time. Me however, it's literally the end of the world and I'm getting desperate. Swap bass. Nothing. Not the bass. PANIC. Again. Last shake of dice and I reach into my bag and try a second lead. Now this is where it gets REALLY freaky. Into the bass, volume up and Brian plugs the new one into the desk. BOOOOOOOOM. The open E of wonderfulness. Crowd cheer, band give me a "thank the fook for that, lets get back on track and we're having words in the break" look and off we go for a pretty uneventful rest of the gig. In fact. straight into the desk from the bass without the effects and DI, it sounded absolutely fabulous through the in-ears. The intermittent interference on the singer's wireless mic continued for a couple of more songs so he eventually sacked it off and went back to a wired backup. Kinda made me feel a little less of a liability. But not much. Anyhooo, this is the first time in 100s of gigs that anything has gone wrong for me. I'm always ABSOLUTELY meticulous about my gear and making sure everything is maintained and there's backups of everything. But, in this case, the pedal board down AND a seemingly faulty lead? Don't much believe in luck, but if I did, that seems pretty unlucky. Back to the venue, in the postmortem afterwards, the chief suspect is the amount of recent work they've had done on the lighting and stage area. With all the additional kit, could this have meant a lot more pull on the power to the front of stage maybe not as clean a supply to the 240v outlets supplying all the digital gear in our PA and pedalboards? Dunno. Not an electrician but just a suspicion based on the fact that there's all this additional stuff and we've never had the number of things go wrong in the dozens of times we've played there before. Anyway, based on the fact that the bass sounded SOOOOOOO good straight into the PA, it's started me thinking about selling the pedal board and getting small rack with a power conditioner, a REALLY good DI and a wireless and just going bare back into the PA. Keep it simple. Job done.
My only gig is a wedding/functions band. We go out with our own PA 99% of the time and I never take an amp as my pedal board runs a DI straight into the PA. We all IEM from the desk so there's just no need for me to be dragging any form of back line. It's just an extra heavy box to load into the car that I wouldn't hear anyway once the IEMs are in my lug holes. VERY occasionally, we'll do larger festival shows where there's a PA provided. Only then will I take my smaller amp (EBS Reidmar with a Classic 1x12 rather than the EBS HD350 plus Berg HD212) for monitoring but I'll generally not care that much about what I sound like onstage as I know my DI will sound good out front.
I'm deliberately not clicking that link. Just to spite you. Blimey, it's bad enough getting stick from the other band members let alone from friends outside the band! 😂
Brought one of these recently as I needed a mixture of voltages and some AC for my Line6 M9. It's very flexible as you can vary the voltages using dip-switches. Dunno if it'd work for exactly what you need but worth a look. https://www.musicstore.de/en_GB/GBP/Fame-DCT-200-Multi-Power-Supply-/art-GIT0019066-000
Fab. Thanks for the info. Have just booked a space via JustPark. Pretty painless and I was able to find somewhere close-ish to my route back out the city.