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Everything posted by tonyf

  1. [quote name='yorick' post='786839' date='Mar 26 2010, 01:33 PM']TonyF from on here tried my OTB out last night, and i think he's a new convert!!!!! Mwahahahahahahhaha...[/quote] Amen brother. Nigel converted me last week but to be honest, think I was looking for "salvation" anyway! Picked mine up earlier from the nice fellas at PMT in Brum. So dinky and such a small box. I almost feel cheated by carrying a 500w head out the store tucked under my arm! Having already played with it, man it sounds the mutt's nads. Soooooooo can't wait for next rehearsal when I can really give it some. Nigel, you are officially "da man" for letting me hear yours first! Many thanks mate. Cheers Tony
  2. [quote name='yorick' post='791531' date='Mar 31 2010, 08:57 AM']The JJ went at the weekend, traded for an EUB and some other bits. I'm going to hang onto the JM [/quote] Good decision Nige, was surprised you had them up for trade as the JM sounded (and looked) fantastic the other night when I tried your Orange Terror Bass rig. T
  3. Most (if not all) of the EBS heads run down to 2 Ohms. My HD350 runs at 2 when I connect my two 4 Ohm EBS cabs. I adore my HD350. It got a lovely punchy organic yet transparent tone. Such a great head. For a bit more power (and a valve in the preamp), I'd suggest the TD650 (or TD660 I think the newer model is).
  4. Could get my Ampeg 810e cab in my Fiesta. Pushed the passenger seat forward and it wedged between the B pillar and the drivers seat. Happy days! lol
  5. Playing around with iMovie tonight and I've transferred some video from some old band DVD's. Came across a gig I did with my band back in 2003. It was at Long Marston at a bikers bash, really really good sound due to the singer's mates on PA (all pro sound techs). I was using my long sold 1990 Warwick Thumb NT 5 string and god, does it sound awesome. Really organic, loads of midrange honk and so articulate. Being a loud soul'y funk'y four piece, it just fitted perfectly with the whole tone of the band. Having heard it again, just so gutted I'd sold it. I can't recall why I did but it was probably the usual story. New band, look/tone didn't fit etc. DOH! Anyway, I'm sure there's been one of these threads but anyone else got "really shouldn't have let that one go" stories? T PS. Anyone got a Thumb NT 4 or 5 they wanna trade for a Modulus Flea (which I'll probably regret getting rid of in 18 months time)? ;-)
  6. Wow. That's only 5 days younger than me. If only I had £3k....
  7. tonyf


    Cool as f*ck! Can't believe this hasn't sold.... Have a bump on me!
  8. [quote name='cetera' post='754820' date='Feb 23 2010, 11:16 AM']Beautiful Euro Tony! The Rex I have is just as playable as the Euro but actually has a slightly slimmer, more comfortable neck. Soundwise it comes fitted with EMG-Hz pickups which are tight, crisp & punchy but could benefit from upgrade to full EMGs & maybe even the BTS circuit for a fuller, more ballsier tone...[/quote] Didn't realise they were EMG-HZ's. Thought they were EMG 35s as standard. Agreed, the upgrade to EMG pickups and BTS would make it sound even more fabulous. How does it balance? Sonically, how do they compare to the Euros? Those questions outstanding, you've probably already convinced me. Think I'm gonna have a look around for one, strap it round my knees and get rocking! lol T
  9. My Euro 4LX. Just an amazing bass, love it to bits and it does everything. I've pimped it a little, adding a Hipshot and also upgrading the boost only Tonepump to a EMG BTS. The preamp upgrade has made such a difference. Now looking for a Rex, cetera's one looks stunning and the idea of having something a little more "rock'n'roll" but still having the tonal refinement and playability really appeals to me. Tony [attachment=43370:Basses_4.jpg] [attachment=43371:Basses_14.jpg] [attachment=43372:Basses_21.jpg] [attachment=43373:Basses_23.jpg]
  10. I've had 'rays and G&Ls. Here's my take, IMHO underlined! I think the Stingray is a unique sound, absolutely, no question. There's nothing out there which sounds as "stingray" as a erm Stingray. Probably because of the lineage of design, the G&L's I've owned (2 x ASAT's, 1 x L2500) have been much more "Fender" than "Musicman". I think that maybe Leo went off from Fender, did the genius of the Ray but then came back to a more "traditional" "best of both" design that became the G&L. The G&L kinda gets close to the "MM" sound but the construction, pickups and preamp are much more Fender'y to me. The best "Precision on steroids" sound I've ever had is from the L2500 (and my, do I miss that bass!). The ASAT's were fab bases, the Semi Hollow being ironically the closest "beefy Fender Precision" tone I've ever had, despite me having a 62 reissue at the same time. Only got shot of them because I found the balance and body shape not to my liking. As with everything, try them both. See how you find them. All the above is only my take, I ain't right. Tony
  11. [quote name='cetera' post='753608' date='Feb 22 2010, 11:28 AM']The one on the right is a Rex-4 model in standard holoflash. [/quote] Stunning collection. There's something really really appealing about that Rex. Love the shape. My Cherry Euro 4LX has been "the bass" for my covers band recently, particularly since I changed the Tonepump for an EMG BTS. It does all the P and J sounds I need but just punches through the two guitars. In a constructive way of course! However, just really fancy something a little more "rock'n'roll" and I've played enough T-Birds to know they're not for me. Cetera, How's it compare sonically and playability to the Euros? Tony
  12. A Marcus Miller?! Bah ha ha ha ha, welcome back to "4 string land"! I knew the force of the low B wouldn't hold the young Jedi for long! Fancy a blue sparkle flea bass?! Hope you're well dude. T
  13. [quote name='neptunehealer' post='750687' date='Feb 19 2010, 11:26 AM']Haven't bought the bass yet, but heard that the stock pups are a bit on the quiet side. I will give them a chance first though. Ok, i am slightly getting put off these SD's, iam tempted to try the Wizard Area 51 Stealth option, any feedback on these?[/quote] I've had both the SD Quarterpounder and the Area 51 (in different basses though). The SD 1/4er is a really high output P pickup but I'd agree that it's a definite move away from the "traditional" Precision tone. I felt it was almost "active" sounding, the scooped mids and enhanced highs/lows tend to work really well in some situations but not in others. Ironically, quite close to an EMG Precision pickup I had despite it being a passive. When I got my 62 reissue precision, I wanted something high output and a little more open sounding so spoke to Andy at Wizard and he wound me one of the first Area 51 Stealths. He also distressed and aged the pickup covers a little so it matched the vibe of the bass. Looked old school but sounded really upfront and modern. I found that the Area 51 sounded fantastic whatever I did to it. With the tone rolled off, the Precision "thump" was there in spades. With the tone and vol all the way up and me hitting the bass with a plectrum through a big amp, it totally nailed the "rock" tone. Personally, I'd go down the Wizard route. Andy is a genius, he really works with you to give you exactly what you want and they're such great value when you compare it against an imported SD or Nordstrand. T
  14. Bump for a fabulous looking example of a 70's P bass! Looking at it, I'm kicking myself for getting shot of my '76 Sunburst a few years ago. God, what on earth was I thinking?! If you and Nick don't do a deal on his lovely silver flake Flea, fancy having first dibs on my blue flake!? T
  15. Also check out the second Power Station album, "Living in Fear". Bernard produced it as well as doing the bass'ing. An interesting record, there's some really funky great basslines but also fantastic rock playing. Bernard inventively and effortlessly underpins the free wheeling guitar playing of Andy Taylor. There's a great cover of The Beatles "Taxman", Robert Palmer's performance on a REALLY laid back version of Marvin Gaye's "Lets get it on" is sublime and my favourate is "She can rock it" in which Tony Thompson and Bernard give a masterclass in how tight, powerful and groovy a rhythm section should be. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_In_Fear"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Living_In_Fear[/url] Everytime I listen to this great record, it strikes me as really tragic that Bernard, Tony and Robert are no longer with us. T
  16. Swapped my "long" Comfort Strapps with Phil's "extra long" ones. Top bloke, it was a pleasure to meet up. He makes great coffee and does a great line in bass chat! I found it especially rewarding as I got the chance to play his exceptionally wonderful Spector NS4 and Lakland DJ. Cheers Phil, perhaps a beer sometime as we're near neighbours? :-) T
  17. All, Been toying with replacing the pickups in my (original mk 1) Nathan East signature for a while now. Had the bass for years and absolutely love it. It's a fabulous player, looks amazing, it's a got a wonderfully tight B string and all in all, a tone monster. Jokingly call it the "money shot" bass because it always delivers live or recorded. If it's so good, why am I looking to change it? Well, to be honest, it's probably because I fancy a change more than anything. Probably nothing more than that. Just fancy experimenting a bit, been playing my four strings for ages now and probably just want something to push me back into playing the Nathan again. In my case, a bit of new kit always helps... ;-) Going down the route of looking for suitable pickups, I've found real trouble with the shape. There's very few aftermarket options it seems. I think Bartolini do some BB series humbuckers but I'm not sure. Any ideas? I seem to remember someone talking about Andy at Wizard doing a custom set for a Yamaha. Could be my imagination though. The upside of using the Barts (if I can get hold of them) is that the Nathan already has a Bartolini preamp in it so they'd match really well hopefully (I'd originally swapped this out because the default Yamaha preamp seemed to be soooooooooo hissy when I recorded with it). Anyone else changed the pickups in their Yamahas? T
  18. [quote name='Stewart' post='719003' date='Jan 20 2010, 01:51 PM']I fold the leather ends over so the straplocks go through the 'longer' and 'shorter' holes...[/quote] +1 for mine too T
  19. An interesting subject considering the guitarist in the new band I've just joined decided to spectacularly quit last night, mid rehearsal. Not knowing the history of the band prior to me joining just before christmas, no idea but it seemed out the blue and it was over something quite inconsequential. Dunno. Whilst I've not been in the band long enough to care passionately about it, I'm still a little p*ssed off as it's left us in a bit of sh*t as we've a gig next week and I'd put in loads of work over the christmas period learning 30 odd songs. Anyway, back on topic. As the aforementioned "quit at rehearsal" option resulted in all parties experiencing a somewhat unpleasant pack away of kit, I'd not suggest you do it at rehearsal! lol Going for a beer is a reasonable approach if relationships are good between you all but maybe the mixture of musicians, egos and alcohol ain't that great a contributor to constructive discussion if you don't have such a good bond. Therefore, for me, I'd go with option 1. Divide and conquer. Ultimately, as others have said, choose whichever method you're most comfortable with. Good luck T
  20. isn't that soooooooooooooooooooo weird? i was listening to that earlier and found a vid on youtube with Phil Lynott playing it live. just a fabulous sound. big fat p-bass. big fat flanger. lush. T PS Here ya go... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oayeRmQPQTU"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oayeRmQPQTU[/url]
  21. Here's the current 412... [url="http://www.marshallamps.com/product.asp?productCode=VBC%20Cabinets"]http://www.marshallamps.com/product.asp?pr...=VBC%20Cabinets[/url] JCM800 bass amps..... [url="http://www.drtube.com/marshall.htm#JCM800BASS"]http://www.drtube.com/marshall.htm#JCM800BASS[/url] Ummmmmmm. Can feel a google, an ebay search and a possible "second rig" coming on! T
  22. [quote name='jet1968' post='718545' date='Jan 19 2010, 11:09 PM']That's great info Tony, I guess I will will probably have to go the Marshall route to nail the sound. My 2 x15's probably don't give me the necessary mid growl required? Those VBA 400's look beastly though, might have to invest in a weightlifting belt at the same time.......[/quote] I'd go for a 412 rather than the 2x15 if it were me. The 412's give the signature midrange growl and I think Marshall 412 bass cabs are pretty reasonably priced for such a flexible and loud bit of kit. Have a look at the marshall website. The head was, I think, a JCM 800 bass head rather than the VBA400. Same shape as the guitar heads. Not that the VBA wouldn't give you the same but driving a 100w or 200w head really hard gives the growly grunty tone. Maybe have a google for Marshall bass heads. As I said, I think it was the JCM 800 bass head but not sure. T
  23. Love Bruce Foxton's playing. Grew up listening to The Jam and the intro to "Pretty Green" from the "Sound Affects" album pretty much sums up my ideal bass sound! In terms of the perfect Foxton bass sound, think the nearest I've heard to it was listening to my mate Woz playing "Going Underground" with a Precision through a Marshall head into a 4x12. Just absolutely nailed it and it was almost arousing! lol Further evidence? If you look at the pics on the Sound Affects album sleeves, Bruce Foxton seems to have this setup in the studio. Of course a Ric into an SVT would also be near as damn it but there seems to be something about the Marshall / 4x12 thing that does it for me. T
  24. Just brought Lee's Bass Pod XT Live. Totally painless transaction, Lee's a diamond fella to deal with so would recommend him to anyone. Many thanks Lee, loving the XT Live. T
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