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Everything posted by tonyf

  1. +1 for the Jim Dunlops. Have had Schallers in the past and got nothing against them but just prefer the look and functionality of the Jimbos. We keeping score? Who's winning so far? Just like PE at school, don't wanna be on the losing side yet again....! ;-) T
  2. A yard and a half of rusty barbed wire, none of the girly spikey stuff, proper razor wire! Maybe dipped in acid...depends. Wide leather and those comfort straps are for wooses..... :-)
  3. I went years without using picks until I joined a band which did blues'y rock and then found a new lease of life being able to dig in with a plectrum. It's brilliant now and I spend equal amounts of time swapping between thumb, fingers and plectrum but kinda enjoying the plectrum the most. Dunno why, felt for ages that using a plectrum was a cop out and "real" bassists didn't need them. However, I've realised that there's nothing in the "rule book" to say that one has to be tied to one way of producing a note than another. Anyway, to answer your question, I use the Jim Dunlop Gels, the Light one which is coloured blue. Before I came across these, I'd tried several makes and gauges and found that the lighter picks actually help me sound better than the heavier ones. Something about the "give" that gives me the attack initially but then the flexibility of the pick bends a little and the "after note" helps fill out the sound as it comes across the string. Plus, it tends to be easier to play grace notes a lot easier, the heavier picks i found either hit the string or not wheras I feel there's a lot more inbetween with a lighter plectrum. I can't believe I've just spent as long as I have talking about plectrums! lol T
  4. [quote name='Oxblood' post='13682' date='Jun 7 2007, 04:41 PM']I think you've answered the question for yourself. You already know and like the Peavey, which is hardly surprising: the quality and value for money you get with their gear is hard to beat. The other cabs may be marvellous, but they'll be an unknown quantity, and you probably haven't the time to mess about auditioning them all. Get the Peavey and be happy![/quote] +1 on the Peavey's. The 410's are exceptional cabs for the price, if you're using just the one, get the 4 ohm version so you get more out of it. Also look at the Warwick 411 PRO II too (how many 2/toos?). Really top sounding cabs, made in china but great construction and plenty cheapness. Erm what about the Marshall 4x12? BIIIGGGGGG sound, bit more chunk to port about but the 12's are a great cross over between the bottom of the 15's and the attack of the 10's. HTH T
  5. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='13898' date='Jun 7 2007, 10:51 PM']Tony would you please keep me in mind if you do decide to sell? [/quote] Of course mate. PM'd you..... T
  6. [quote name='ped' post='13833' date='Jun 7 2007, 09:01 PM']V nice!! What was the name of the site you found? I think I know the one you refer to.[/quote] Hi mate, Very nice one you've got there too. The site is [url="http://www.everlasting.be/V8/"]http://www.everlasting.be/V8/[/url]. It's run by a fella called Bart who's a sterling bloke. I'd personally register yourself on it, I know it's officially V8's but you more than count! ;-) Regarding cabs, I had the forerunner, the V6 which I had the chance to try with the Trace 4x12 (whilst it was working...not exactly a reliable amp the V6!!). Really huge "traditional" sounding cab, something about 4x12's really works for those valve'y mids. My mate's got a Marshall 4x12 bass cab which sound great, a real in your face great stand alone cab for not a great amount of money. Doesn't "do" hi-fi crisp but just the ticket for rock. Dunno, been thinking about getting rid of the V8 recently though. The gig I'm doing recently has resulted in me using the EBS HD350 almost exclusively. Smaller and easier to cart about. Whilst I love the V8, it's sitting gathering dust. One of those "the moment I sell it. I'll regret it" things though I bet. T
  7. [attachment=529:0033_0049.jpg][quote name='Merton' post='12572' date='Jun 5 2007, 04:11 PM']Pics pics pics - don't worry about getting your bits out to show everyone, we're all friends here. ANd let's face it, having a V8 is like having Dirk Diggler's schlong. [/quote] Here ya go.....me Trace V8 in all it's glory. Found a site that's dedicated to the V8. Really interesting. Apparently there were only 75 made. I went to see the Who a few weeks ago, the support band called Shack had a V8 on top of a Marshall 4x12 cab. Think the guitarist was using it......odd. T
  8. [quote name='ped' post='12438' date='Jun 5 2007, 01:02 PM']I used to have a Boogie 400+ which was lovely, but I think the V4 sounds better to my ears, a little more creamy and refined. Get some pics of yer' V8 up mate! I beleive we have a couple of owners on the forum...[/quote] "Creamy and refined", that's such a great description, I'd say the Trace V series sound exactly that from my experience. Will try and get some pics sorted but the introvert in me's a bit worried about showing everyone my "tackle". ;-) T
  9. [quote name='dood' post='12369' date='Jun 5 2007, 10:47 AM']oh yes terrible.. look.. the best you can do is just take it to the tip.. tell ya what, I'll pop down and do that for you.. just pop it into the back of my car will ya.. before Steve gets here! ;o) I don't think I have ever heard a bad word about the V8 to be honest. They are rather sought after. There's a chap over on TalkBass who pops his on top of an Accugroove el Whappo and then has the audacity to show off some amazing photos of his monster rig!! *'nan' from Catherine Tatee* ooooh the &*£&*$( liberty!![/quote] You'd be pushed to get it in the back of your car without collasping the suspension, they're as heavy as a very heavy thing with something heavy on top! Been a couple of post-gig pack-downs where I've seriously worried about how I was gonna get it off the top of the cab, playing "balancy-balancy" with something as heavy as that is a tad nerve wracking. lol I've heard that they're pretty rare but I'd assumed that it was to do with the limited production before Gibson took over Trace rather than the quality. Tonally, I love it. I've been lucky enough to have owned an Ampeg SVT PROII and to be honest, I think I've always preferred the tone of the V8 to my old Ampeg (IMHO of course). It's a little more refined and whilst it doesn't quite "do" the Ampeg sound, it's such a massive sound with an incredibly articulate top end and such "grunt". I've found the EQ very easy to deal with (simple chap me) and the compressor is so natural sounding. To be honest though, the weight and portability thing has always been the problem with it. Bit like an 8x10, no-pain-no-gain and whilst it's worth the hassle in getting it on stage for the absolutely breathtaking sound, the harsh realitiy of carting it to and from gigs becomes apparant as I get older and the much lighter EBS in my little rack has become my main amp nowadays. Still, I've discovered that the heat off the valves thru the grid on the top makes my slippers really cozy and warm just before bed.... ;-) T
  10. Howdy All, Are there any other Trace Elliot V8 owners out there in Basschat land? Opinions? T
  11. All, My cover's band Dosshouse (http://www.dosshouse.net/) play The Shoulder of Mutton in Barton-Under-Needwood, Staffs tonight (Friday 1st June). I know, I know, it's terribly short notice but hey, I'm the bassist and we're all laid back eh? lol We'll be on about 9pm, bring a friend to do the driving as the beer's fabulous and it's a really friendly venue. Cheers Tony
  12. Hi All, Has anyone replaced the pickups in either of the Yamaha BB series or RBX series basses? The soapbar shaped humbucking ones? If you have, anyone suggest a possible replacement? I've been looking at the Bartolini M5 series and I guess the EMG 45 would fit but it's the "ears" on the current Yamaha pickups that cause them to "look" longer than they actually are. Cheers Tony
  13. [quote name='Marcus' post='8212' date='May 28 2007, 06:21 PM']My Vote for beefy tone is the Nordstrand PJ set-up !! I've got a set that I had in my modified Precision, recently put in a Sadowsky PJ plus Sadowsky pre...... that's great too but if it's meat & potatoes you're after go with the Nordy option you can add an Aguilar OBP3 and that'll give you bone crushing tone !![/quote] +1 for the Nordstrands. Put one in my Sterling and they're absolutely wonderful sounding pickups. Really classy, Carey Nordstrand really knows his stuff. Alternatively, I'd also go for the Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders, really full on sounding with a fairly hot output but lots of articulation which IMHO helps the bass cut through live. I've recently swapped out the Aguilar OPB-1 in my Flea bass for an OPB-3 (only because I wanted the 3 band EQ). Again, fabulous preamp which seems to work well with a lot of pickups. HTH Tony
  14. [quote name='nash' post='7989' date='May 28 2007, 10:56 AM']true about the marshall as i have one. i also think thats correct about the ampeg. i'd just go for all ply.[/quote] Hi Nash, Blimey, you're a braver man than me. Not sure I'd want to go to the expense and hassle of making one when I could probably pick a used one up reasonable cheaply. The reason I say this is that having owned and recently got rid of my Ampeg 810E, I'm sure that it'd probably be much easier to simply buy a decent used one for well under the £500 mark if you fish around ebay or keep your eyes on the classifieds. From experience, they're the type of cabs that are always available. People like me tend to love the sound but sooner or later get too tired of dragging them single handed out the car in the rain at 2am after a long drive back from a gig. lol For a rough guide cost, I sold mine for about £420 and it was in great condition. Cheers Tony
  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='6347' date='May 25 2007, 11:06 AM']Quick! before it goes.. have a look on basstalk and search for sennheiser ew172 g2 Cracking wireless. rack mountable (with an arial extention gizmo) No tone loss if any, all sorts of goodness about it. I typed it all in before and it should all be there Best price I found was £325 from stagebox.com but that was Feb 2006 ... should be a few on t'bay.[/quote] Good shout that man! I've had a 172 for ages now and it's brilliant. I've had a couple of other wirelesses in the past and I was always a bit skeptical about the quality and reliability of wireless in general. However, one of my mates recommended the sennheiser and I haven't looked back. Absolutely transparent, no obvious compression that you sometimes get from some cheaper wirelesses. It's got the flexibility to swap frequencies, alter the gain of the transmitter and also vary the "squelch" to keep the signal clean. The transmitter is built like a brick, mine's taken loads of abuse over the years. I've got the optional rack mount kit, bit more expensive but it keeps it safe in my rack with the DTR-1 and my EBS head and being all contained in one 8u box, it's a simple case of taking the front and back off plugging in the speaker and power and it's go, go, go. HTH Tony
  16. [quote name='Steve_nottm' post='6436' date='May 25 2007, 12:55 PM']Love mine I have to say great tone and punch (compared to the precision I have as well) and looks the part too. I must admit I don't use the full range (as you can switch between active and passive) and I tend to use the passive only.[/quote] They're pretty flexible tonally, some (IMHO) really good Jazz'esque sounds and a great feel. I've a love it/hate it thing going on with the look but if I was you, I'd go for it as you can't go wrong with the price for such a great bass. Incidently, I went to see The Who on Tuesday and was yards from the frankly brilliant Pino Palladino who was doing the bass'ing. Although he used his 1964 Precision Salmon Pink Signature (strung with flats through a couple of Ampeg SVT Classic heads and matching 8x10's!) throughout the show, I spotted the roadie tuning a black Jag bass before the gig started so I guess he had one of these as a backup. Tony
  17. [quote name='christabel' post='2023' date='May 19 2007, 08:33 AM']I'm just starting out on the long road of bass playing. I've got the bass (MIM Fender Jazz) but now need something to play it through. I'm after a simple practice amp so I can play at home without upsetting my housemates and the neighbours and also because I haven't got a huge amount of money to spend on a bigger amp. Any recommendations? Or anything I should avoid at all costs?[/quote] From personal experience, I'd go for the excellent Line 6 Studio 110. Great sounds, small and portable and with the recording functionality built in, has a little more use than simply practicing thru. Alternatively, the Fender BDEC looks an awful lot of fun. Haven't heard or played thru one yet but have done with the GDEC (g**tar version) and it was amazing. T
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