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Everything posted by tonyf

  1. Bump to the top
  2. [quote name='bassfan' timestamp='1463466615' post='3051479'] I'm officially now in the queue for batch number 4..... [/quote] Think I need to speak to Gabor at Panda about some commission....
  3. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1463419725' post='3051230'] I'm sure that I've read this somewhere already but can you change patches via Midi or is the MIdi functionality just for programming via the editor? [/quote] Here's the manual (not the quick start guide). [url="http://gg.index.hu/pandamidi/FI_userguide-V122.pdf"]http://gg.index.hu/pandamidi/FI_userguide-V122.pdf[/url] Any help?
  4. Mine landed last week! [attachment=219478:DI_2.jpg] [attachment=219479:DI_1.jpg] Sounded really good when I cycled through the presets. Took forever to go through the 99 patches. There's SOOOOOOOO much stuff in there. The tracking is phenominal. Easily the best synth pedal I've used (even the original DI). [attachment=219480:DI_3.jpg] Used it in anger for the first time on Saturday night. We recorded the set off the desk and was so impressed at how it sat in the mix. [attachment=219481:DI_4.jpg] Will try and find time to get a more detailed review but in the meantime, here's some of the audio from the gig. Excuse the rubbish playing ;-) [url="https://soundcloud.com/secondcitysoul/all-this-love-you-got-the-love"]https://soundcloud.c...ou-got-the-love[/url]
  5. And replied ;-)
  6. Sunday lunch bump!
  7. [quote name='seashell' timestamp='1462880163' post='3046509'] Agreed! [/quote] Funkle Dave is a lovely fella and a fabulous player. But the downside is that he's a southpaw which only adds to the mysticism. lol
  8. [color=#141823][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Up for sale is my EHX Bass Micro Synth (9v model). Been on my board a couple of years and never missed a beat. Fantastic pedal, just moving it on because it's been replaced by a Future Impact.[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Comes with box and power supply. I'll leave the velco on the bottom incase you need it.[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]In great condition apart from the transfer on the top which has come away in places where I've added marker stickers for the settings. Doesn't affect the functionality.[/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][b]SOLD .[/b][/font][/color] [color=#141823][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][attachment=218970:Photo 08-05-2016, 21 21 08.jpg] [attachment=218971:Photo 08-05-2016, 21 21 29.jpg] [attachment=218972:Photo 08-05-2016, 21 22 05.jpg] [attachment=218973:Photo 08-05-2016, 21 22 57.jpg][/font][/color]
  9. [quote name='morsefull' timestamp='1462559391' post='3044089'] Short phone video of Paul Turners solo with the funkalicious Brother Strut last night in Birmingham. Fantastic night !! I recommend catching them on the rest of the tour. [/quote] Bloody hell, you were RIGHT behind us. That is indeed my quiffed up head on the right. It was the official Second City Soul xmas night out, our guitarist and keyboard player centre and centre left. Why didn't I recognise a fellow BC'er? Probably the amount of alcohol consumed? Maybe. Awesome night, PT was sublime. What a monster player. Being that close to a fantastic rhythm section in full flow, just inspiring. So much so, I came home and smashed all my guitars into bits as there was absolutely no point in carrying on playing. If you'd have looked up and to the right, you'd have seen EBS_Freak in the posh dining section, resisting temptation to get sweaty with the scum in the cheap seats.
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1461936395' post='3038925'] It would proper do my nut having those two receivers perched on top of the FunkTrunk™... mind you, mismatched receivers is causing me to break out into a sweat. [/quote] Perhaps a pair of VERY dark glasses so you don't see it all when you dep for me next?
  11. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1461932995' post='3038881'] Mic receivers you say Tony? Rack that shizzle up! [/quote] You need to be telling that to FunkMum(TM) and SoulDaddy ©
  12. The SCS Funk Trunk! Think I'm going to make an official nameplate. Needs more work. We need to rack up the mic receivers but it's finding the time. Also, the vocalists prefer to have them loose in case then need them for other projects which is fair enough, Following EBS_Freak's advice, we're also looking at how we mount the antennas as I know the chaos drives him mad.
  13. I run mine at 24v with a double A23 battery holder with a 9v clip. Means the actual battery holder (with both A23s) is smaller than a single 9v. Is there any difference between 18v and 24v? Not that I can hear. But IMHO, there's a LOAD of difference between 9v and 18v. Something like this..... [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-x-23a-12v-battery-and-2-x-holders-MN21-A23-DURACELL-batteries-/222074353604?hash=item33b4a9b7c4:g:i8wAAOSwEeFVPrRM"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2-x-23a-12v-battery-and-2-x-holders-MN21-A23-DURACELL-batteries-/222074353604?hash=item33b4a9b7c4:g:i8wAAOSwEeFVPrRM[/url]
  14. [quote name='JamesBass' timestamp='1458585071' post='3008869'] What mods if any have people done to these basses? Also how are the B strings on the 5ers? [/quote] I've replaced the stock pickups with a set of Nordstrand NJ5FS. Couldn't be doing with the noise of the single coils after years of using EMG equipped basses. Did a couple of functions gigs where the environment was quite noisy and knew I couldn't live with that. I know that's what you get when you get a Jazz bass but no, not for me. The Nordy's are amazing. Not only gone with the noise, they're just so much tighter, refined, together. Made a great bass greater. Considering the cost of the guitar, I've not got a problem spending the extra.
  15. ....if it had one more string.....
  16. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1457624718' post='3000326'] To be fair, this is what I have found so far. The quality of the compounder and the quality of the RF transmission is absolute key. As I have stated before, I'd love to try the LD systems to give an idea of what the quality of those are like in comparison to my benchmark of the PSM900 and EW300. [/quote] You're more than welcome to try ours mate. I've got them racked up here at Chez TonyF with the XR18 so message me offline and we'll arrange a get together. I'm guessing what you say is true like most things in life, the more you pay, the better you get. With our LD Systems units, they were a great first step into the IEM world and, with nothing to compare to, we've been really really happy with them. Yes, the occasional complaint about a bit of RFI now and again but it's accepted that within the budget that we had, we weren't expecting broadcast quality gear and everyone seems happy with the investment. Have just looked at the Sennheiser and Shures you mention, it'd no doubt make a world of difference to have IEMs of that standard but it's really difficult convincing the whole band that the investment is worth it where we are in terms of gigging.
  17. Brought a 10u rack case off Sean. Sean is a top bloke, it was a really easy transaction and great comms all the way throughout the deal. Thanks a lot for the gear and the hospitality Sean! Tony
  18. Top job, glad it's arrived safe. That's actually quite conservative compared to your Buzzard ;-)
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1455275331' post='2977644'] Yeah, pedal slag [/quote] Someone called?!
  20. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1454872713' post='2973809'] Another question for IEM users. Are ACS the only company to offer 'ambient mics' in their in-ears? The reason for my question is in wondering if anyone makes a headphone amp/mixer with stereo ambient mics actually installed in the kit. I suspect demand would be limited but I am intrigued anyway. [/quote] One of the things Russ has suggested to me in the past is to get a couple of small condensors setup either side of the stage and use these as "ambients" to get the crowd. These are only fed into the monitor mixes, NOT out front. We've yet to purchase a couple specifically for this task but have tried a spare dynamic on the front of the stage on a small boom where the vocalists are and it really helps liven the in-ear mix up and help get back some of the feel of the audience.
  21. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1453757833' post='2962561'] I'm actually surprised there hasn't been more made of these as a modding platform. Not saying they need it, but you know how some folks are! [/quote] Mine's been a revelation since I had it land at the start of December. However, as everything else I've got has EMGs, I've taken a while to bond with it tonally. Not saying the stock pickups are bad, just have used EMGs for so long, they're part of my tone. Adding to that, I did a function on Saturday night at a WMC in Brum and it REALLY suffered with buzzing, something I've not had in the past with it. Admittedly, it was an exceptionally electrically noisy venue and the guitarist couldn't use his strat. My EMG equipped Lakland JO was as quiet as the grave. That's led me to start thinking about swapping out the stock pickups for some EMG J5s. It'll give me nearer the tone I want AND be better in noisy venues. Just need to work out how to implement the active EMGs into the preamp. T
  22. If Jerry's tone is anything to go by, I want muchly too! WHAT a player.
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