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Everything posted by joe_bass

  1. joe_bass


    [quote name='Machines' post='383850' date='Jan 18 2009, 11:40 AM']Yamaha RBX775, got it for my 21st birthday and have since defretted it.[/quote] I got my Fender American Jazz in December for my 21rst. It's lovely to play, sounds great & looks the part. Unlike most of my other gear I bought it new, from GAK in Brighton after a couple of times of playing it. Plan to keep on to it & for it to pick up wear & tear along the way with me [url="http://img255.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p1801091202kb9.jpg"][/url] Best quality photo from the 5 megapixel camera on an LG Viewty. EDIT: have put a black scratch plate on as think it suits the look I'm after better.
  2. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='383575' date='Jan 17 2009, 09:18 PM']I offered to buy it from him but he didn't like my price.[/quote] How much you offer?
  3. As pointed out I love the fact a cover set is the last thing he bought on Ebay. What a complete & utter f*ckwit, & w*nker it goes without saying. Would have been great if every single part of that guitar was listed in his feedback as a buyer!
  4. [quote name='6feet7' post='383526' date='Jan 17 2009, 07:58 PM']Sorry, too technical for me (I am a bass player after all, hehe). I'll keep trying on basschat. until then people can email me for the photos.[/quote] Couldn't you just do what Budget has suggested & then paste links to Photobucket?
  5. Hmm odd. What's the value of the bass? Ie. would it be worth someone to screw their own brother over (if they're like that anyway of course.) Don't wanna worry you mate but I know what would be front of the que in my head if it was my brother & that's if he's okay.
  6. £300 could probably get you something decent 2nd hand wise. A nice Ibanez SR500 say.
  7. I used formingbands.co.uk Went with a one off payment (£1.50 or so) that gave me like 14 days to have a search, wasn't interested in the monthly. Found the band that I'm in now, I also came across a fare bit of drift though. Including someone that fancied themself a lot & after some contact I got my hands on some mp3s, result.... Not saying different sites attract different types & abilities etc. Just wanted to voice my experience.
  8. [quote name='lushuk' post='381254' date='Jan 15 2009, 01:33 PM']For example there is a post on there now with 6 bumps in the last 24 hrs[/quote] Yeah that is a bit extreme.
  9. [quote name='Stan_da_man' post='381192' date='Jan 15 2009, 12:54 PM']But this in turn would make other people bump their threads more...[/quote] Most people already bump their threads though, you'd presume Lushuk isn't doing the same so based on that it would just be a case of if you can't beat 'em join 'em.
  10. If it frustrates you then perhaps just bump your threads more?
  11. Nice find! Interesting stuff, Rob seemed a lot more suited than some of the others. I didn't know Clarky tried out for them either, see 4:10!!
  12. [quote name='fatboytoo' post='380997' date='Jan 15 2009, 09:17 AM']She does have a point. After all, they're taking up space which could be filled with shoes.... You're welcome to try it if you're in the area.[/quote] No mate, I have a Thumb 5, which I'm currently wanting to get rid of because the neck is too thick. But thanks anyway!
  13. [quote name='fatboytoo' post='380976' date='Jan 15 2009, 08:53 AM']Also under pressure from the [b]new[/b] ladyfriend to shift an Ibanez AGB200 and an OLP Tony Levin[/quote] Don't take that mate! Not from a new one at least lol!! Anyway good luck with the sale, always wanted to try a $$
  14. [quote name='bumfrog' post='380059' date='Jan 14 2009, 10:36 AM']I've been using my rockbass streamer (double soapbar) for the last two years. I like the neck size and I'm one of them people who likes to anchor his thumb on the neck pickup.[/quote] I had one of these, loved it. If you feel the same then i recommend just "upgrading" to an actual Warwick. £500 should get you one second hand.
  15. Yeah there are some real gems around when it comes to Mexican Fenders.
  16. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='378854' date='Jan 13 2009, 12:09 PM']Awful generalisation. But yeah - Pre '91 is considered by some as the golden era for Warwicks.[/quote] I've only ever played Warwicks made in the past few years & all have had chunky necks.
  17. That is nice. I thought about getting the candy red & sticking a black plate on.
  18. [quote name='Josh' post='375352' date='Jan 9 2009, 04:31 PM']The Stu Zender Sig is a massive dissapointment.[/quote] That sucks!! I thought it was going to be a replica of the bass he is using in my avatar?
  19. [quote name='Linus27' post='369645' date='Jan 3 2009, 11:00 PM']I just fitted a set of Elite Stadiums 45 - 105's to my new Stingray and it sounds stunning.[/quote] Do they really help bring out the classic Stingray growl? I've got slinkys on mine at the moment which sound good but I wouldn't mind switching. I've got DR black beauties on my Thumb bass at the moment but its more for the look, the black strings with black hardware agains't the wood looks lovely IMO. Need to get some new strings for my recently acquired jazz soon, not sure what to go for though but I do know they have to be tapered.
  20. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='374889' date='Jan 9 2009, 10:53 AM']Quick Tune tuners they cost a fiver and last a lifetime.[/quote] Was touching more on the convenience of it.
  21. Cool keep 'em coming guys
  22. Zoom 506ii pedal for me. Multi effects pedal, loads & loads of patches that could easily be customised & saved & it also had a built in tuner. Granted the sounds it could produce weren't that good quality wise but for a relatively inexpensive pedal it was great for a newbie experimenting with different bass sounds for the first time.
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