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Everything posted by joe_bass

  1. With the amount of estabilished members here it gives confidence that you're not just buying from anyone. Also as mentioned it's nice knowing the history of what you are getting. Eg. my SR5 used to belong to OBBM, who took it to the States for some recording which I thought was pretty cool then it ended up with Silverfoxnik's friend who then sold it to me at a great price. Just wish I'd discovered this place before I'd ordered my "mint condition" Thumb from America, will never know what the idiot did to the original nut.
  2. Probably the Corvette model if it's got jazz bass active style pick ups. A little more info on your Strat would help to determine if this is a potentially fair deal or not. I owned a rockbass Streamer 5 string for years, got on really well with it, was my main bass. Just sold it recently actually because I got a Thumb. It sounded good, felt nice to play & was a really nice looking piece of equipment IMO. Meet up with the seller, sit down & have a go on it through a decent amp.
  3. Hey mate www.warmoth.com or www.wdmusic.co.uk would be your friend's best bet IMO.
  4. How about Guitar Pro? That has both.
  5. joe_bass


    Feedback/abuse for moi. Cheers Joe
  6. joe_bass

    Mr. Foxen

    Received my Boss pedal. No problems!! 5 thumbs up!!
  7. I was about to hand over over a grand for a nice Sandberg a few months ago. As I got thoroughly messed around by one of their main competitors I emailed them some queries about ordering & paying. Never heard anything back. Needless to say I didn't make the order. Just wanted to share/vent my experiences lol. Good luck sorting it.
  8. Route out the plastic either side of the strings & put these in... [url="http://www.ebuyer.com/product/42959/show_product_reviews"]http://www.ebuyer.com/product/42959/show_product_reviews[/url] But in blue of course.
  9. Cheers Steve! [quote name='Hit&Run' post='276402' date='Sep 3 2008, 05:17 PM']Whereabouta are you based, Joe_bass?[/quote] Based on the south coast near Brighton, of course I would be happy to post though. Dr Funk I'd describe it as probably a wine red colour. It's a lovely piece of equipment, just deserves a home where it would be played!!
  10. [quote name='budget bassist' post='275554' date='Sep 2 2008, 04:04 PM']That sparkle ray is awesome [/quote] So is that neck.
  11. Heya guys I'm wanting to push my Dearmond bass on as it's surplus to requirements. It's a Pilot V electric bass, immaculate condition. 3 band EQ, 22 fret Rosewood board, 35" scale, wide neck. The body is in excellent condition & there is no sign of wear to the frets. I bought this bass with the intention of using it for a college music course I was taking at the time, however I didn't quite take to it as preferred using my Warwick. Therefore it has hardly been played. Think this bass would ideally suit someone wanting to try a longer scale bass, a 5 string or some one who just wants an active bass that won't set them back too much. I'd ideally like around £150 for this, however I'm open to offers so no harm in asking [url="http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p2208080810lc1.jpg"][/url] [url="http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p220808081001vu9.jpg"][/url] [url="http://img520.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p220808081101if0.jpg"][/url] [url="http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=p220808081002hn6.jpg"][/url] If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me. Cheers Joe
  12. Leave them in salt water for a while then take them out & let them dry??
  13. I think he was pretty useless tbh lol. His band didn't do too good & then he announced that he was leaving the music side for ever. The only 1 I can think of off the top of my head right now is John Kerry.
  14. Okay cheers guys. I think my old Zoom 506 (if thats what it's called!!) has a head phone input so should get away with using that.
  15. Hey guys Will keep it short... I've decided that it would be easier for me to get a pair of head phones to practice with than lug an amp backwards & forwards. Had a search through the forum etc & have an idea about a decent pair. Only thing is can I plug directly in to the bass & if so would it be loud enough? Cheers Joe
  16. [quote name='johnnylager' post='272573' date='Aug 29 2008, 02:17 PM']Long week for a short week, this one.[/quote] Spot on. Came in expecting good old quiet Friday paper work day but because of the bank holiday that's been written off!! Alembic you're not doing anything Metallica related are you?
  17. [quote name='Geek99' post='272549' date='Aug 29 2008, 01:41 PM']no joe_bass, because if anyone plays his work (presumably fairly obviously derived from the two originals) then the owners are entitled to payment for use or performance of their intellectual property. If he only played his work at home (ie not in public, no audience) then he doesnt need permission because you get rights to do that when you buy the recording.[/quote] Ohh fair play.
  18. A thumbs up from me too. Ordered some stuff for my Thumb late Sunday night: JAN3, bees wax etc. Turned up yesterday, well packaged in some cool little bags stamped with Warwick lol.
  19. If it's pretty much amateur then don't you just need to declare who wrote what?
  20. [quote name='gilmour' post='272270' date='Aug 29 2008, 09:27 AM']Nick Fyfee was a decent bass player, but didn't have Zender's flare or imagination. Most of the bass on Synkronized is keyboard bass anyway, he joined the band when the album was nearly complete, I think Canned Heat is one of those lines, I have an interview with Nick Fyfee somewhere where he talks about it.[/quote] Yeah I can appreciate he didn't quite have Zender's vibe but the way some people speak you would have thought they replaced Stuart with Mark Hoppus lol. Interesting about the keyboard bass, I'll have a hunt on Google when it hopefully gets quiet here later (work.)
  21. [quote name='Starvolt' post='197368' date='May 12 2008, 06:29 PM']Helicopter - Bloc Party[/quote] I'd say the guitar line makes that song. Going to presume Bon Jovi - Living on a prayer has already been mentioned.
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