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Everything posted by joe_bass

  1. [quote name='Rayman' post='271925' date='Aug 28 2008, 05:43 PM']I've loved almost everything Jay Kay has produced, Stuarts' stuff on the early albums is of course outstanding, but to be honest, I've liked every album since he left. Dynamite is a top album for instance. Anyone else looking forward to the Warwick Zender sig bass coming out in the next year or two?[/quote] Yeah same here, I know a few people who lost interest after Zender left. Don't see what was wrong with Nick Fyffe at all though, for example Canned Heat has some great lines in it, fit the song perfectly IMO. A Zender signature eh?? Hmm the 1 in my avatar perhaps?
  2. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='272248' date='Aug 29 2008, 08:58 AM']The most worrying thing is that I've woken up totally calm about it.. that can't be normal???? lol!![/quote] Result!!!
  3. That's such a cool idea... But wouldn't the plane ticket be rather pricey??
  4. Is looking like Ebay mate.
  5. For some thing with a near £3000 price tag you would have thought the info supplied would be slightly more.
  6. Good luck with it mate. I got my Thumb 5 from Ebay, turned up & after a plugged in play & a quick visual check I left positive feedback. Then a day later discovered a buzzing, took the strings off to find the nut warn & some slight fret wear, nothing major but not quite "Near Mint" As the guy was in Hawaii & took ages to respond to things I just decided to cut my losses. Lesson learnt for me was to thoroughly check things over from now on. Like BassManKev said keep us posted!
  7. Think we might start off a coughing fit here Yep all lies in Google mate. If you didn't know my avatar is a pic of Zender using his interesting Streamer, you should be able to find quite a few pics of this too.
  8. Okay mate fair play lol, was just saying.
  9. Have a look on google, should be able to bring up something basic.
  10. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='271236' date='Aug 27 2008, 07:02 PM']no sorry thats bull crap thing is one i don't like the sound of a bass being tapped and i can't do it [/quote] Give it a try mate.
  11. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='269517' date='Aug 25 2008, 02:43 PM']i do like to keep an open mind when it comes to bass and the techniques that i can pick up but watching or hearing a bass being tapped just puts me right off...[/quote] Because you can't do it? I concentrated a lot on tapping back at college because I thought it was a great technique, was amazing how the people to put it down were the ones who just couldn't do it. [quote name='Faithless' post='270438' date='Aug 26 2008, 05:26 PM']Though, can you comment a bit more about what Degas/Rembrant's brushes have to do with pick/fingers question? [/quote] Think the point is the tools used to create the art, as in who cares what sort of brushes Degas or Rembrandt used to paint, the same way as does it really matter in regards to using a pick?
  12. When's Ian from SMART coming back along? Eagerly awaiting what he has to say!
  13. Nice one mate prices look pretty damn good! *resists buying every brand of string I want to try!*
  14. My friend built a telecaster from Warmoth parts. The quality is excellent. I would love to do this if I had the money & time to decide on all the parts i want. Go for it mate!!!
  15. [quote name='Sibob' post='269436' date='Aug 25 2008, 12:28 PM']What I do if i can't figure out a decent line for a section that requires a bit more movement or harmonic content is to simply hum what I think would sound cool, then move that onto the bass. The best one guitar metal band I can think of to listen for ideas is Mudvayne, Ryan is a monster player, knows when to fill sonic space and knows when to just kick back and riff with the guitar![/quote] Yep the humming idea can be very useful. Another Mudvayne fan!! I've never seen a mention for Ryan on here before. Nice to know I'm not the only one!!
  16. [quote name='Cernael' post='269772' date='Aug 25 2008, 09:14 PM']Oo Now I know...[/quote] Interesting article btw. & as for the compass out of the sewing needle... no I've never tried that. Might be an activity for a rainy day though!
  17. Sarah I thought your first gig was meant to be a couple of weeks ago or so? Anyway... Just relax, as others have said above it will be unlikely that the majority of the audience will notice if you do make a mistake. As for being more critical of yourself if you are suddenly struggling, perhaps put the thing down for a few hours? My fingers some times just don't want to play certain songs. Leave it a bit & then they are interested lol.
  18. Hey guys been away for the weekend. Thanks for all the replies, it is just a case of changing the height yes. I'll get on with it with no worries then Cheers Joe
  19. "This kind of guitar was uesd by Peter Townshend,Tom Petty,John Lennon,many stars." These ebay scammers don't even try.
  20. If you love your Pbass then how about an American deluxe or even some thing vintage??
  21. Heya guys just a quick question, google didn't turn up much specific... I'm going to adjust the pickup heights on my Thumb bass tonight, got a set of screwdrivers that will fit the crossheads, but they are magnetic. Will using these damage the pickups in anyway? Cheers Joe
  22. [quote name='NeonMig' post='267646' date='Aug 22 2008, 09:15 AM']I had my amp (Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0) shipped to me with [b]Interlink [/b] from www.bassdirect.co.uk. Mark at bassdirect packed it up and sent it off on Monday, I recieved it here in Cyprus on Wednesday. Now that was FAST. Great stuff.[/quote] I was just coming in here to leave some positive feedback for Interlink. Although not quite bass related. I reguarly order gym supplements through a company that use Interlink, they will email you & text you updates including a text on the day of delivery asking you to text back if it is not suitable. Because I am at work I often ask for "please leave round back" to be put on the parcel, unlike other companies that will just prop it up by the back door etc Interlink always leaves it in a plastic container we have for storing garden furniture. Only a small thing but it's just nice not to come home to a soggy parcel when its been raining!!
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