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Everything posted by joe_bass

  1. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='259978' date='Aug 11 2008, 02:24 PM']If it plays great, I'd leave well alone Looks like a really well played working bass - Excellent![/quote] Exactly, why try to fix some thing that's not broken eh?
  2. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='260088' date='Aug 11 2008, 04:10 PM']when I say I'm going to go work on my fingering technique with Dean. [/quote] ........... Naming things does seem to be a trend with girls lol.
  3. Dammit I knew I shouldn't have got my wallet out! That listing it at a much higher value to drive prices up tactic is a bit sneaky!!
  4. £21,500!?! I thought a 60's jazz goes for say £3000 to £6000 depending on condition? What justifies £21,500 though?!
  5. Should be alright there lol, my parents lived in Germany for a few years before I was born. Going to order the stuff later tonight.
  6. Is doing this some thing you really want to do out of your own interest? Or is it to make up for the lethargic guitarist? If it's the second one then just forget about him, there's plenty of guitarists out there ready to go!
  7. Legend! Cheers mate I shall be ordering it tomorrow most likely! Haven't heard anything back from the seller, haven't even been able to raise an issue with him yet, before I found out about the nut I emailed him asking what gauge the strings are but no response. No feedback for me either!!!!
  8. I used to do shifts anywhere from 8am to 10pm. The real bitch was say working 2-10pm & then having to be back in at 8am the next morning!! People would normally be willing to swap shifts, only thing is once you've done it they will expect you to jump when they want to swap for some thing.
  9. No sanding the headstock is not some thing I'd be willing to do either so Just A Nut 3 it is then!! So it's just a case of removing the original nut, taking the "Thumb" cover off and gluing the new nut in, then just putting the cover back on??
  10. [quote name='Galilee' post='257917' date='Aug 8 2008, 11:15 AM']Just get a JAN3 from Warwick. The JAN2 is rubbish anyway, because the retaining pegs snap off and leave you with nasty sharp edges at the edge of the nut. The JAN3 is cheap, Warwick send it quickly, and the swap out is a piece of cake.[/quote] Cheers Galilee I think I will be doing that, was looking on Warwick & prices are reasonable. Might as well get some beeswax while I'm on it. One thing though is I came across some stuff on Google debating if Just A Nut 1 or 3 is better. Argument with JAN1 is that the tone is better because the brass nut goes with the brass frets yadda yadda yadda. What do you think?? Or am I deff best off with the JAN3 full stop lol?
  11. Tech, That was enjoyable to listen to!! I do agree with the other members on a few points though. The vocals do sound very dry. For Time that raw sort of sound coming from the guitar when playing the chords just doesn't fit with the song imo.
  12. [quote name='lwtait' post='257193' date='Aug 7 2008, 01:44 PM']i'd say put a black bridge on and keep the black knobs, or chrome knobs and keep the chrome bridge.[/quote] Yeah now you've said that with the black bridge it would look pretty sharp, maybe black machine heads as well?!
  13. Wayne you are always telling us how bad you are though? I'm willing to bet I have smaller hands than you, seems to run in the men on my dad's side of the family, never held any of us back though! That's odd them telling you you are too old. I couldn't imagine phoning up a tutor & them asking how old you are
  14. Yeah has a Just A Nut 2. It's worn width wise, if you imagine it looks like this... l / l l l l l l l l It's not quite that bad a slant! But literally looks like someone's got at it with a file though *Hmm diagram didn't quite look how it did in editing. Each l l is meant to be a string groove!
  15. What if you had stuck some masking tape over the head stock and written BC Rich on it?
  16. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='256403' date='Aug 6 2008, 03:46 PM']Most rattly strings I have seen have been down to a worn nut. It's the string slapping against the sides - as it were.[/quote] Mate you are unfortunately correct. I took the strings off last night to find the nut very worn under the B string. The bass was described as near mint condition and I am now stuck as I left positive feedback for the guy yesterday morning. I've learnt the lesson to [b]thoroughly[/b] check over an item next time. Looks like I'll be ordering a nut from Warwick, does anyone know if I have any ground to stand on demanding the seller to say refund me the cost for a new one?
  17. That plate does make it look quite a girly guitar! Nice none the less! Black knobs look cool I'd say.
  18. [quote name='Cliff Burton' post='255932' date='Aug 6 2008, 01:45 AM']reminds me of a Perfect Circle type Tone tbh with that metal pic.[/quote] Does "Thinking of You" spring to mind for you??
  19. Will have to find a decent set up instruction guide, will also email the seller asking if he knows what gauge the strings are.
  20. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='256285' date='Aug 6 2008, 02:13 PM'][url="http://www.thebassgallery.com/"]The Gallery[/url][/quote] +1
  21. Cheers mate I will be following that manual when I get home tonight! Will take the strings off tonight & cut them down a bit. No he didn't say, didn't even cross my mind to ask Using BEADG. Never really bothered playing around with other tunings.
  22. [quote name='BassManKev' post='256049' date='Aug 6 2008, 10:06 AM']get some new strings on it, set it up as best you can if your confident enough, and see what its like then[/quote] Cheers Kev it's looking that way. Do you reckon it is a case of it being strung with 35" or more scale strings then?
  23. Home insurance will not cover you for any item that is used for business use unless stated (or not even at all) M&S is an excellent policy, we used to deal with their claims at Norwich Union. Very pricey cover though.
  24. Hey guys need your help Just received my thumb bass off American Ebay, ordered it about a month ago. It's a 2003 BO 5 string. In great condition and sounds great!! (Will get some photos up in gear porn later) There's just a couple of problems though... Firstly the low B string rattles a bit when played open, however this isn't a problem when going through an amp so I'm not too bothered about it. Secondly all the strings feel slightly slack, I haven't come across this problem before so aren't too sure what to do. Could it be a case that the strings on it are too long? I'm going to adjust the action tonight because it's pretty high. I'm just wondering if there are any tips to deal with the above problems though. Cheers Joe
  25. That's alright mate. When I move out the first thing I will be doing is getting contents insurance. Make sure you read all terms & conditions etc.
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