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Everything posted by 88reaper88

  1. Ask the guy for pics without the tape and get a nice close up of the headstock
  2. Necks shouldn't move even with the strings off. Shim it!
  3. Picked up a bargain from Si today, couldn't be happier. Top bloke! Thanks again Si
  4. If your running out of adjustment room, it may be time to move the bridge back.
  5. Just an idea; Why not fibreglass the polystyrene body and actually use that? Might be an interesting experiment tone-wise
  6. Am I wrong in thinking adjusting the truss rod for a high action isn't the way to do it? Surely the main way of adjusting the action is at the bridge and nut? The high action will mess the intonation up, especially if there's a big bow in the neck.
  7. Ram a match or two in the hole and screw them back in, works a treat
  8. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1416760446' post='2613260'] So how exactly do you measure the impedance of a big door ......? [/quote] Depends how fat you are
  9. If you think of the signal being people and the cabs being doors into a venue, the bigger door (less resistance, 4ohm) will have more people going through it then a smaller door (more resistance, 8ohm)
  10. [size=3]Ohms are units/measurements of resistance. [/size] [size=3]In a nut shell: More ohms = harder for the signal to get through = less wattage from the amp. [/size] [size=3]But due to crazy maths and physics and planets aligning this can be combatted by adding Ohms (more cabs) through the correct wiring. [/size] [size=3]For example, Two 8ohms cabs going into a head, wired in parallel will produce a total resistance of 4ohms = all the watts of the heads are 'used'. [/size][size=3]But two 8ohms in series will give you 16ohms[/size] [size=3]There's literally thousands of threads/website/YouTube videos on the subject [/size]
  11. Why not try and make your own?
  12. Unless you accept I.O.Us then I'll have to decline and go cry in a corner... FYI, Paul used Ernie Ball Power Slinkys but swapped the .110 for .115, in drop B! Free bump
  13. I cannot explain how much I've lusted over this bass! If you feel like donating it to a worthy cause (me) then give me a shout
  14. I can only Echo what Pentode said. Looking forward to your build and all my best to your wife
  15. I'd rather have the van
  16. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1414345885' post='2588484'] If what you want is a cheap entry level cab and to just get on playing then you won't be able to match these prices by self building. By the time you've built the cab it'll cost you £50 add in the speakers and you are looking at £150 min. You won't beat Chinese mass production in building a cheap cab. [/quote] Exactly my thinking, I want to play bass not gain a masters degree in acoustics. I shall tackle a cab when money is no option. But a huge thanks to the help
  17. Might just buy a Harley Benton BB210T cab... Works out cheaper
  18. If only I could make two cabs and test them out!
  19. How much was the repair? (If you don't mind me asking)
  20. Thanks ALLOT for that info Mr Starr. My bass is normally down tuned so the lower frequencies are important. I also play with a plec (yeh, yeh, heard it all before) how will the added treble effect what speakers I would be best suited to?
  21. I've been doing my homework, yes I've worked out the volume for the cab, drawing up the plans too. Haven't found a driver with a lower Fs in my price range. (If you know of a particular one then please let me know )
  22. Good to hear, and I was planning a 2x10 so that's also good They're £55 each (brand new), is that a good price? Couldn't find any cheaper.
  23. [size=4]Hi,[/size] [size=4]I'm in the planning stage of building a cab. [/size] [size=4]I've been trying to find some speakers/drivers that I can afford (skint!) and I've found some Celestron B[/size]L10-200X 10" 200W 8 Ohm Green Labels that seem perfect price, power and ohm-wise. Does anyone own these or know how good they are?
  24. Thanks guys Learning allot already!
  25. Did you have any trouble with the reverse of the pages showing through? Looks great!
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