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Everything posted by byrne182

  1. Ive got a magnum 2 with the 3 band eq and can confirm the weight is 9 tons
  2. byrne182


    Going to pull the trigger on a new animal at somepoint soon and am facing a choice.... its going to be a Precision bass but - Do I go for - Fender P or Shuker JJB Signature Anyone compared them? Any thoughts? Recommendations?
  3. Would you consider trades?
  4. Right, I’ve got a squier cabronita p bass and the fidelitron it came with is rubbish. Any recommendations for replacement? Cost will play a part so probably won’t be able to afford tv Jones :-(
  5. I've just seen an Epi Eb0 bass used for a pretty good price.... do I need one? Are they any good?
  6. New side project set up by Taka of Feeder fame. Thoughts? Those two black p basses look amazing. [url="https://en-gb.facebook.com/ReBirthCustomGuitars/"]https://en-gb.facebo...hCustomGuitars/[/url]
  7. Thanks, missed that topic, might invest in some for my Sterling SUB
  8. Anyone had a go with these? Theyre being marketed as Flats that sound like Rounds.... Is this true?
  9. http://www.allparts.uk.com/products/schaller-bass-bridge-steel-w-adjustable-spacing Has anyone got/used one of these? I've got a Squier Cabronita Precision and the E isn't lined up anywhere near the pole pieces at all so the output is super low which is really irritating as the bass plays really well. Would this help to solve that issue?
  10. I've got one of these with the Graphic EQ and its an absolute savage! Such a good bass and massive tonal variations available.
  11. byrne182


    I have recently decided that Spector basses look incredible and I must save for one. Anybody had/own one? What's the general consensus on them?
  12. Anyone know of a replacement for the crappy fidelitron? The E is totally out of alignment with the polepieces and no amount of adjustment will rectify it....... The bass plays really good as well!
  13. So I had to borrow a bass for band practice a couple of days ago as I had to use my motorbike to get there. Wasnt holding out to much hope but actually it really surprised me and now I must have one. It was a Yamaha BB bass but the one with the active circuitry. I didnt even mind the weird metallic colour! Anyone else vouch for these?
  14. byrne182


    So after years of thrashing around on my old P-Bass, I purchased this little beauty [url="http://s1353.photobucket.com/user/byrne182/media/IMG_2717_zpsrmfddym9.jpg.html"][/url]
  15. https://www.instagram.com/p/BH0OkmDgsl9/?taken-by=jsmith_fendercustomshop
  16. one of the fender master-builders has just finished a salmon pink relic with a maple fretboard version of the silver jazz he has been using recently
  17. Is it me, or has the price shot up for these over the course of this week? Tuesday - £469 Thursday - £525 Prices from GAK
  18. Probably treading on dangerous ground here but I can't help thinking that there is a serious amount of "babying" going on with basses..... They are tools at the end of the day aren't they?? Surely I'm not the only on who has the opinion that a bass sounds better if you beat the living crap out of it.... am I? I know not all styles of music allow crap beat-age... I understand keeping them in good working order, but they are built to be played after all.
  19. 4 String, fretted, something classic/old school. Mainly played P's and a Thunderbird in the past
  20. I potentially have around £250-£300 to spend on a new bass at some point but I am really at a crossroads of what to purchase..... Any Suggestions?
  21. Met him once... really bummed by the news.... He was pretty much the main reason that I picked up a bass.... RIP
  22. Hofner Violin Bass
  23. this would be my year of birth bass but sadly.... my funds are non exsistant at the moment..... Gutted....
  24. the worst amp ive ever played through was an Ampeg SVT CL head and matching 8x10. Had zero tone that ampegs are known for and I was really disappointed when it sounded like a fart in a dustbin underwater.
  25. gah! if only i had the funds!!
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