I had a Chris Aiken Precision bass that was superb. Traded it for a thunderbird but seriously considering getting another one as it really was brilliant.
Just seen this post, ive had exactly the same issue with a squier cabronita with the low output and crap sounding E, to the point of not using it at all and even starting to consider tearing out the fidelitron for something else. Definatly going to try and sort it when I get home today
Here are the tools in no particular order -
Squier Affinity P-Bass (painted white using leftover radiator paint) - [color=#ff0000]Current[/color]
Ovation Magnum - [color=#ff0000]Current[/color]
Fender Mark Hoppus - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Squier P Bass Special Black and White - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Squier P Bass Special Black and Chrome - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Crafter Acoustic Bass - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Westfield P Bass - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Squier Mike Dirnt P Bass - [color=#ff0000]Current/[/color][color=#ff8c00]Undergoing a respray[/color]
OLP Stingray - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Danelectro '63 Longscale - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Danelectro DC - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Squier Chris Aiken P Bass - [color=#008000]Gone[/color]
Epiphone Thunderbird - [color=#ff0000]Current[/color]
Squier Cabronita P Bass - [color=#ff0000]Current[/color]
Theres a video of The Jam playing In The City, Carnaby Street and Slow down, I think it might be at the 100 club, and Foxton's tone is the best thing that I have ever heard. Rickenbacker through a Marshall I believe... BEST TONE EVER!!!!
Anyone have any experience with one of these?
For some reason im finding them quite interesting...
hi all,
ive a squier cabronita bass that comes with the fidelitron pickup and im having a bit of a problem...
The 'E' string seems a lot quieter than all the other strings when playing?!? ive tried pickup adjustments and changing strings but nothing seems to work, and its not my amp and everything else is fine... :-/ starting to get annoying now as its a superb thing and plays really well... :-(
any thoughts? and has anyone else had a similar experience?