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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='413811' date='Feb 19 2009, 12:47 AM']Sounds like she doesn't want a rickenfaker, just get it back and sell it again, otherwise she'll be more hassle than its worth. Then report her. Watch all the items she puts for sale and report them too. Then go round her house and piss on her door handles, you have her address.[/quote] ...yes, yes and a thousand times, yes! If I hadn't already been stung for £60 of pay/bay fees I would be doin that right now! She said she wanted EUR150 for a replacement p'up (aka a full-on Ric part) and other such ridiculous marked-up prices for various (supposed) issues, which was quite infuriating, but it has now all been resolved and everyone's happy (I f***ing hope!!). But it's quite satisfying that I know her home address, her work address, her telephone number, her normal email, her paypal account email and her ebay username...just in case she kicks off again
  2. Beedster, that bass is BEAUTIFUL!! I WANT!!!! [quote name='wateroftyne' post='412940' date='Feb 18 2009, 12:28 PM']I'm trying to picture this bass in sunburst. It's not doing my GAS any good.[/quote] Do you like 'burst colours? I hadn't realised!
  3. I'm having a mare with the 'Faker I sold, the buyer's sayin that the neck pup doesn't work (this is after she unsuccessfully tried to re-haggle the price and the postage down, after winning the bass, and the bass worked perfectly when I played it 30mins before packing it into its case) and I think it's a ploy to get some money back offa me. SO, whats the cheapest neck pup for a faker? I just need some info so when she says it'll cost £200 to repair I can laugh in her face and tell her to f*** off.
  4. [quote name='HarryPotter' post='412425' date='Feb 17 2009, 08:49 PM']Cheers mate, as to the bedspread, well it's the lads blanket and I like my nuts just fine where they are thank you [/quote] I was gonna ask how much you'd throw the spidey blanket in for too! Epic paintjob mate, I've always thought these basses were underrated...every one I've played's been a dream! Good luck
  5. very logical, if i were forced to loose a string, it would definately be the G, and I'd loose it in a heartbeat!
  6. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='410413' date='Feb 15 2009, 08:39 PM']You've played it at the SE bass bash, you numpty! [/quote] i was too used to seein the 'ray, and I got all confused ...i'm a simple creature, what can I say! lol!
  7. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='410310' date='Feb 15 2009, 07:08 PM']Gig a 4-string one of these all the time. Great basses. Light, loud and punchy.[/quote] so THATS whats in your pic! I've been tryin to work it out! lol!
  8. shiny mate! I had a go on obbm's G&L and it was incredible! Great bass, if only I had the cash/needed it/could get it past my now bass-savvy Mrs I'd have it in a jiffy!!
  9. Here's my Trace combo, I got it so's me and Mrs PTB can practice togeva (everybody say "Awwww!") but now I need to make some room (aka, she wants me to make some room!) so this'un's gotta be shifted! It's an All Fet preamp, [i]real[/i] nice sound, everything works, the carpets scuffed and slightly torn (see the pics!) but that's it. All four feet, and has the delightful nickname of Tracy Elephant (from my niece), and is fully housetrained (both the amp and the niece) [attachment=20321:TE2.jpg] [attachment=20320:TE1.jpg] [attachment=20322:TE3.jpg] [attachment=20323:TE4.jpg] [attachment=20324:TE5.jpg] [attachment=20325:TE6.jpg] [attachment=20326:TE7.jpg] [attachment=20327:TE8.jpg] [attachment=20328:TE9.jpg] [attachment=20329:TE10.jpg] I'm looking for AROUND £80 collected, but I'm very open to trades and offers! Gravel and car can be included at extra cost
  10. [quote name='lee650' post='409890' date='Feb 15 2009, 08:47 AM']Hi there read a thread with john east a while back, and he said it will work with a stingray ray5,(same switching as a sterling) but you would lose the gain compensation, so using the switch would result in diffrent volumes between series/parallel/single coil, which wouldnt be a problem for me as i only use the parallel setting. Very tempted by this for my sterling,(would go great with the nordstrand fitted) but by the time id bought chrome knobs for it,and had it fitted it would be too expensive at the mo, mind you, getting black hardware for my cherryburst sterling would look cool Anyone in the market for an EBMM sterling preamp so i can buy this!!![/quote] Ahh, I didn't realise that! Handy if you want a slight cut/boost perhaps? Thanks for the info, can your sterling pre-amp easily work with two p'ups? if so, I MAY have a buyer for ya
  11. Valentines evening bump!
  12. [quote name='josh3184' post='408553' date='Feb 13 2009, 01:25 PM']I'd say cracking deal, makes me consider keeping my sterling and seeing if i can hook it up... Is that possible?[/quote] I can't see why not! It's meant to be an easy swap-out for a SR, and so I'd recon the Sterling'd be fine!
  13. Yep, that's fair comment! I love my 'rays, but fenders will never do it for me, I don't like Warwicks as a rule (but Gamble's really impressed me!) and Rics are best looked at, rather than played...IMHO of course! Very much horses for courses, but I think that once you've found YOUR bass, nothin' else will touch it.
  14. [quote name='Anton346' post='409437' date='Feb 14 2009, 02:47 PM']bump[/quote] [size=4]I WANT IT!!![/size] but I can't justify it right now...
  15. Here for sale is a John East MM pre, with sweepable mids. It was originally owned by OldHorseMurphy, who sold it to CrazyKiwi, who the sold it to me. Neither me, not CK installed it...I got pretty close, but with the loosing of jobs and tightening of belts, it's time to move it once more! Here's the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=28053&hl=john+east"]original thread[/url], and it's still got the black knobs that were on it when I bought it. As you can see, I got it for £80 +P&P, but cos I'm good to you guys, I'll pass it on for £80 incP&P. Whaddaya say?
  16. [quote name='bassicinstinct' post='405972' date='Feb 11 2009, 09:03 AM']I think you should proceed in accordance with the contents of your avatar.[/quote] plus to the 1 You'll be fiiiiiiiine mate, just keep the kettle hot, have plenty of jam sarnies, and ensure you don't run out of hobnobs (these are my staple foods for practicing!) good luck anyhow
  17. A 9hrs-30mins-to-go Bump for all you overnight BCers! Go on, you know you want to!
  18. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='303544' date='Oct 10 2008, 07:27 AM']C'mon guys, it's not that difficult. DASH DASH DASH / DOT DOT DOT / DASH DASH DASH = O S O Just call him [b][i]Oso[/i][/b] and pretend he's Japanese. [/quote] surely the dots would be along the bottom, and the dashes in the middle, so it's actually a distress signal..? I'll call the coastguard, someone else call the FBI, we'll find you, Bassist Formerly Known As Help! ....wait, another tangent ,he may be a Beatles fan, but couldn't put semaphore in his name! I'm a genius! He's Macca's long lost son, Hence the SOS call!! Basschat Detective Agency strikes again!
  19. ...if the sterling basses are gonna not 'compromise materials or construction' A: why is it cheaper, and B: why by a Full Fat MM?
  20. [quote name='tonybassplayer' post='405833' date='Feb 10 2009, 10:39 PM']At one point we never depped anybody fearing that we would lose that special ingredient but the availability factor of everyone went up dramatically when we realised that it was possible to do it and still put on a good show.[/quote] Bah! i bloody wish we had a je ne sais quoi, but I've quickly realized that my band is held together by me and Carl (the tubthumper) and have NO f***ing talent by themselves i wanna be in a f***in band with f***ing talented musicians who f***ing know how to play their instrument, and know what f***ing chord they;re playing and that every song doesn't need a f***ing 5min guitar solo, and doesn't need a f***ing Wah effect on EVERYTHING!! [/rant] tbh, if I managed to find some people who were able to and willing to dep for my band members, I'd just start a new band. It's official, I'm sick of it. bah.
  21. [quote name='Musky' post='369041' date='Jan 3 2009, 12:51 AM']That's a slightly bizarre move by MM. No Subs and no licensed copies - I wonder what the thinking behind that is? It's not like there aren't other copies about.[/quote] I was gonna say that they're probably gonna make a new version of the SUB line, but about 5,000,403,127 people beat me to it. Slow on the uptake? moi? never!
  22. bump for price drop! I need it outta the house, Mrs PTB's gettin fed up with it! £40 posted, £30 picked up!
  23. My band's the same...I'm the youngest by about 12yrs, and all the others are high-flying managers/CEOs/MDs etc etc with wife&2.4, and we've had to cancel many gigs cos one or more members can't make it. I think gettin some guys specced up to dep for (or gettin some decent cheat sheets sorted out for) each member would be a good idea, and the drummer is onboard, but the other guys aren't up for it. Personally, I think that its a case that they're insecure about their position, and are scared that they'll be asked not to come back...and in some cases I think this would be a good thing (we don't call our lead guitarist Mini-Hitler because of his easy-goin attitude and charmin personality!) It's an awkward one, and one that ain't gonna change till I fix up my own band and make it stipulated in the band agreement! lol! btw, if you ever need a bassist to dep for you, gimme a call
  24. Yeah, Ebay's the winner today mate, [quote name='beerdragon' post='404723' date='Feb 9 2009, 08:08 PM']Don't suppose you want a SX Pbass with Wizards fitted plus some cash do you?[/quote] and thanks for the offer, but I need that cash
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