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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. i'm guessing any expanded polystyrene foam would work, as it's just gotta stop the vibrations...I'm gonna try using some old packing foam I've got upstairs, and if it works I'll send you some for nowt if you like? PM me if this floats your boat
  2. i blame Gordon Brown.... [/unhelpful post]
  3. [quote name='Shonks' post='351289' date='Dec 10 2008, 09:59 PM']you can see some of my basses here: [url="http://steveshone.tripod.com/"]http://steveshone.tripod.com/[/url] enjoy Shonks[/quote] Jeeeezus!! You've done a bit of work! Welcome onboard, hope you stick around! Phil
  4. If it was a 5er, you'd currently be gettin an offer of a sub5, giannini rickenfaker, a T.E. Profet 15" practice amp, 3 sets of e.b. Superslinky 5string, my firstborn child and a full homemade Sunday lunch... But it's not
  5. I personally think that the main aids in the investigation (Shockwave Rob in particular) should get a BassChatial Medal of Honor, which enables the person free tea and biscuits at any basschat associated venues
  6. [quote name='Cabal' post='346062' date='Dec 5 2008, 04:23 AM']Have you ever walked into a shared dressing room to find a complete stranger playing your guitar for example?[/quote] luckily, no...or I'd then have to hand the offending musicians fingers back to him in a bloodstained wad of tissue! On the subject of the key, it's a dead simple little lock...if you desperately NEED to, you could use a bent paperclip/hairpin? p.s. welcome to the stingray family *edit* and wtf are you up at 4.23am?! lol!
  7. [quote name='BassManKev' post='344681' date='Dec 3 2008, 08:15 PM']if its in bristol i will certainly be coming and il be bringing along my stati-ray and a couple of pedals. Pending how close it is to me i might be able to bring the blx amp, but thats unlikely[/quote] depending on the location, i might be able to do some sorta lifteroonie
  8. I defo don't think it should matter what gear everyone's got, as long as everyone comes along ready to chat sh!t and have a laugh, it'll be a helluva good day out! Once again, I'll be able to bring my penal extension of a Hartke stack, my 'Ray5, pedal board etc. if anyone wants a play?
  9. OOH! I'd be up for a jaunt to wot where them funny talkers be fram loike! COunt me in, gig/practices/work notwithstanding! ahh...the joys of living in the middle of the middle of the south of england!
  10. Hey y'all! Does anyone know where I can find charts for some Chic lines? Le Freak's the main one, but I've got a lot to learn and a short time to learn 'em in, so any help/hints/transcripts will earn you a BC Beer Token to be redeemed at any of my gigs! Easy now! Phil
  11. [quote name='Tracer' post='331646' date='Nov 18 2008, 05:46 PM']Would the bass riff sampled in Rapper's Delight be too long? Because if that doesn't make people grin then there's something wrong with them and they should be publicly flogged.[/quote] [quote name='5_string_death' post='331891' date='Nov 18 2008, 10:13 PM']Try Can't Touch This by MC Hammer, always gets a laugh, no matter what the crowd. Simple as f*** really, takes about 20 seconds to learn. Zach[/quote] or (for those of us who loath the growing number of artists that sample killer funk basslines with no implied recognition to the original) Good Times by Chic, and Super Freak by Rick James /pedantic outburst
  12. oooh.....that's Schmexy! I don't know why I like it, but it defo gets a Thumbs Up from me! It's got some wierd proportions, but...MMMMMMMMMMMM!!! Kinda like the way Fern Brittain would get one...
  13. Good luck with the book Stuart! If you need anyone to give a preview copy to, don't hesitate to shout me up ....failing that, I 'spose I'll just have to wait in line like everyone else lol!
  14. Just relieved him of his Warlock5, and what a top bloke! Thanks for the tour of the Menagerie, basses and audio stuff was a pleasure doing business! Highly recommended, would defo work with again! Phil
  15. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='324575' date='Nov 7 2008, 11:02 PM']Sounds interesting!! A Basschat Bash followed by a gig night perhaps.... [/quote] sounds like a plan! BTW, who won the bass?
  16. Legends! Thanks guys, I'll have a look and decide what to adorn my mac with :-D ...I have to say, Anapod looks like the mutts nuts, esp if it can drag music FROM ipods!
  17. Who's wedding band plays this area? looking for a band for a mate who wants a proper function band who plays rock from the 50/60's thru to the noughties. He's no so much into disco/funk/soul etc, so what can you offer me? I don't know the date yet, but will pass on all prospective details to the groom for appraisal! Mebby PM me with setlists/pricing, or on here if you want more hits!
  18. Dave managed to source, negotiate a price AND payment plan, and ship a EBS envelope filter for me from one of his friends. I posted a Wanted ad, and within hours he got in contact. Entirely painless, totally efficient, and absolutely appreciated in every way! Not only a pleasure to deal with, I'd recommend you buy something from him JUST to experience the service! Dave, Thankyou!
  19. I know that I'm gonna get some abuse for this, but having a mac = I use itunes. That's the way it's worked, and I've not had any problem with the software as a library/storage/organiser and the new visualizer is the Mutts Nuts, but I've just found an old ext. hard drive with roughly 3.2 gazillion tracks in wma format. Is there any software that will play ALL my m4a, mp4, mp3, wma etc files, INCLUDING all the stuff I've downloaded off of Itunes (more flame expected, so go ahead!) without havin to converting it to / will convert it all easily and quickly into a uniform format? If not I'll do the ol' 'download-it-onto-Mrs Ptb's-PC-and-burn-it-to-cd-and-then-redownload-it-to-my-mac' swicheroony. Any help'd be appreciated! xpx
  20. i like to have a pre-gig poop and eat some tasty/greasy crapburger before going onstage, and also make sure teh guitarist's tuned up (as we all know they can't be trusted to do it on their own!) but apart from that I don't have many needs before playin! Btw Kiwi, is 'Shower' the new euphemism for having a personal solo-sexytime?
  21. FeedMe never seemed that bad when I did a few gigs with 'em, they actually paid us the right amount based on ticket sales and everything! Anyway, back to subject: I f***ing HATE lending out my gear, and will only do so BEGRUDGINGLY by prior arrangment, and I don't expect to pay for a single drink that night, and preferably I'll have at LEAST a (fully refundable, if you don't break anything!) £50 security deposit pre-gig. I've spent too many hours watching some dickhead beat all hell outta his bass thru my amp to let anyone near my gear willingly nowadays. And my bass is MY bass. No m*****f***er's gonna be allowed to gig it unless i know for ~SURE~ you know how to handle a quality instrument, and I like you, and you let me have your girlfriend for the night, cos that's how it feels. overprotective? moi? Never
  22. [quote name='The Burpster' post='314623' date='Oct 25 2008, 06:01 PM']Korg DT 10 on the pedal board... I reckon top VFM..... Gassing for a Peterson strobe meter for set ups tho'...... [/quote] the strobo's AWESOME! defo expensive, but I came into some money (the joy of living near newbury racecourse ) and splashed out! The Korg will look the part for my Metalhead Protoge, and that planetwaves one looks like it's worth checkin out in real life too! I don't think he'll approve of the whiteness of the Boss tho Thanks for all the help, I;ll letch know what he goes for!
  23. Ok, so I'm fed up with one of my minions never having his bass in tune and I want to recommend his rents get him one for crimbo. He's started gigging, but uses one of the little plug-in, plastic jobbers so he has to unplug every time he wants to tune up and i think it's a bit more hassle than he needs atm. I know the Boss TU-2's the industry standard that everyone knows and loves (i had one for about 5 years before selling it about a month or so ago)...and even tho it's about a gazillion quid more expensive than a tuner pedal should be, I've got a Strobostomp that I've fallen for and I dislike tuning with anything else (like the elitest Prick that I am! )! So these are the only two tuners I've got any real experience with, and I'd like some honest reviews of the current market. What do you guys use? I've seen Korg have a tuner pedal that looks pretty hardcore, but is it any good? are there any others I should look at? TIA!
  24. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='312948' date='Oct 23 2008, 01:25 PM']He's dead? [/quote] tea => mac classic
  25. Jon Entwistle Stu Zender James Jamerson I've never really been that big a fan of Timmy C, which is mad seeing that my first forays into bass playing were learning RATM riffs...
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