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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. [quote name='Gretschilli' post='255674' date='Aug 5 2008, 06:51 PM']Crazy.. What are the .rar files ?! [/quote] someone bitchslap me if I'm wrong, but .rar files need WinRar to open 'em...think of it like a newer version of Winzip, it's just a file compression thingumy! It's free to download winrar, and it's pretty easy to use/useful too
  2. course not, he plays for rhinestones, judging from the spangliness of his jacket! lol!
  3. ahh, they may be sh*te, but if you get 'em all wired up together into one monster outputting BEAST, you could make some really LOUD crappy tone
  4. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='309147' date='Oct 18 2008, 11:46 AM'][/quote] OT, but WWH, that's one DAMN sexy bass!!!
  5. pluss to the one with the superglue comment, after all, it was designed to hold broken soldiers guts in (as per Dog Soldiers )! Also, I always found that putting a pad of soft tissue or medical dressing stuff on the cut, and wrapping a 1cm wide strip of gaffer tape around it to hold it in place (tight enough o grip, not tight enough to cut off circulation) helped. It usually would last the course of a hours gig before the sweat would detach the adhesive and made playing possible.... yet another use for gaffer tape!!
  6. [quote name='Gamble' post='308775' date='Oct 17 2008, 05:23 PM']In that top pic, it looks like soemone's trying to climb out of Phils monster Hartke rig![/quote] good spot! I thought I'd locked it securely, obviously not!
  7. the thing that stuns me is that it's Andrew that was blessed with the looks in that family!
  8. +1 if you could, it'd be legendary!
  9. [quote name='casapete' post='307798' date='Oct 16 2008, 12:34 PM']The bass playing on Amy Winehouse's ' Back to black' is for me an example of modern/retro feel&groove,where the playing complements the songs perfectly. Perhaps nothing technically amazing, but just tasteful,economic and 'right'. Love it.[/quote] ...fantastic playing, but notice how Tears Dry On Their Own (or wft it's called) has taken the bass straight from Marvin Gaye&Tammie Tyrell(sp?)'s Ain't No Mountain. I think it's one semi-tone higher, but apart from that it's a carbon copy! Very Sneaky, Miss Wino !
  10. [quote name='Rich' post='307871' date='Oct 16 2008, 01:52 PM']Personally, I do this religiously. SO many people leave 13A fuses in all their mains leads... trying to protect an amplifier with a 13 amp fuse is like trying to protect a kettle by using a nail. It'll catch fire before it blows![/quote] ok, this is the most worrying part of your post...I have standard fuses in my plugs. I do use circuit-breaker-type ext. leads on all my equipment (and the rest of my band laugh at me for taking care to do this )and I use one of Dave (obbm)'s power leads (can't get much better quality ) but I had no idea that a 13A fuse would f*** your gear before it blows. what's a recommended fuse, and should I install this new size into all plugs, or just ensure my amp's direct power lead has one?
  11. just a note on finger positioning...when I play it, it may not be perfect but it's damn close to the original and I find it easiest to play the main riff in 2nd position. I know it's a bit of a stretch but i find it sounds better and it loosens up my hand nicely for the rest of the set. I'm prepared for the flaming re. using finger-per-fret up close to the nut, but it's not caused me any troubles...merely a suggestion on this ace song.
  12. nice one! I've wanted one for a while (as I love to let notes riiiiiiing out), and it's nice to see that real people have experienced good things, and it's not just all hype!
  13. [quote name='jakesbass' post='305379' date='Oct 13 2008, 12:11 PM']Bit of a nice one last night. I was involved in a charity night for the teenage cancer trust (so my services were my donation) I played bass for Leanne Jones (from west end musical Hairspray) I also played with Yamit Mamo (with whom I work regularly) and then did a 15 min spot with The Casablanca Steps (my bread and butter gig) As well as what I was invoved in it was a great night with a host of very talented people. Mark Goodier compered the whole evening Lawrence Leyton (CH4 fear of flying) did an act, Judy Tzuke, and a few other singers did a spot, but the ones that really stood out for me were: Lucy Silvas... great voice and nice material, I must admit I have never really paid her much attention before (she was also very complimentary to me saying I "added a bit of dirt" with my bass playing) and the headline was Graham Gouldman of 10cc who is a fantastic songwriter. It was great to hear him do those songs I have heard for so long. A good night was had by all and many thousands of pounds was raised for charity. [/quote] you lucky, name-dropping git! lol! I had a charrridy gig last night too. We had me on bass, the ex-Foxcubs (if you've heard of 'em) drummer, a elec-piano&keyboard player, a lap steel guitarist, a lovely lass called Sophie Hill on acoustic/electric (looks like a hot version of KT tunstel, and sings better (imo)), a three piece string section, 12 piece female choir, and 140 schoolkids belting out the tracks. It was under-rehearsed, under equipped, overcomplicated and we were all dreading the first downbeat, but everything came together in that sorta "it'll be alright on the night" type way, where we played to a full (450ish) capacity audience, all the songs went down a storm and we raised £3.5k for Macmillan Cancer Support. Thoroughly enjoyable, especially now I don't have to spend most of my week putting up with the M.D. (who's just turned 16, and organised the WHOLE EVENT hats off to him!!) changing setlisting/ending/keys etc etc etc. Good fun in the end, but would I do it again.....
  14. I've found that my covers band's getting more bookings than ever...we're a dirt-cheap pub rock covers band who do 3-4hrs for a small fee, and we always get the Newbury live music crowd into whichever place we playing, and they drink the place dry. There's practically NUTHIN to do in Newbs, and altho we're far from the tightest band in town, we do always manage to give everyone a good evening. I think we're seen as a sure-fire way to get 60-100 (dep on venue) punters in, drinking and spending money, so it's pretty good business sense in that aspect. On the flip side, the Originals band is a risky venture, cos we can't promise to fill a pub...so I can see why they don't wanna fork over some readies for us to play at an empty venue.
  15. [quote name='stewblack' post='303537' date='Oct 10 2008, 08:20 AM']So did languae ! Seriously though, it's sadly familiar. We used to organise and run a small festival out in the sticks (not Glastonbury but 5000 punters so not too shabby) and we would carry gear from the vehicles, help set up, had guys side stage ready with spare strings and leads, carry all kit on and off stage - we loved doing it and everyone appreciated it. Then one year this guy who was nothing special announced that the band name had just changed (as he's about to go on) to the Andy West Band (yep - his name) and he then proceeded to wander on stage and stand there waiting for someone to pass him his guitar. Then waited for it to be plugged in. He's in a field in Midsomer Norton for f***s sake!! Our chosen hobby/profession attracts people of a fragile ego.[/quote] well, on average bands do seem to consist of somewhere between 75-80% fragile, egotistical morons, and 20-25% the bassist (depending on your lineup) so it's not suprising when you have to deal with cabrones like that!
  16. [quote name='breedlove' post='303447' date='Oct 9 2008, 11:48 PM']Can anyone help me? Im trying to find a bass effects unit which can replicate a 'pan pipe' or 'woodwind' sound. I use synths but cant even get close... any ideas?[/quote] You'll probably get a few more people spotting this post if you put it in the [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showforum=6"]Effects[/url] section. I've got no idea, but some of those effects genius' might be able to help!
  17. Didja use a Behringer head too? if so, could've been the Behringer Ultra-Bass feature or something?
  18. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='302504' date='Oct 8 2008, 08:18 PM']I decided that £550 although would leave me utterly utterly skint was too much of an opportunity to miss. Sadly.... [/quote] awww! mate, that sucks! Lets have a cuppa, work out who's said they'd buy it and then we'll "Take Him Outta The Picture" if you get my meaning
  19. I brought my 'ray from the BassMuppets in Denmark St for about £1300 "brand new" (notice the quotes, turned out it wasn't brand new, but that's another tale) with some insurance money from a crash. I know I was shafted, and could've got it for cheaper, but I've [b]never[/b] regretted payin that much cos I've grown with the bass, and tweaked and fettled the setup and intonation and experimented with strings etc etc etc and now I've got a bass that feel so [i]RIGHT[/i] I can't think of any reason to buy another! I think I'll probably spend more, if I find a bass that would give me a worthwhile improvement on my 'ray, but I've not found one yet! There are some blahdy tasty customs out there that would tempt me to spend £2k+. ACG, Shuker, RIM, GB etc etc look freakin awesome, and sound incredible but I need to be 100% that I wouldn't just go "ooh, that looks very pretty, now hand my my Stingray, I've got a gig to go to!"
  20. I've just been munching thru an album I've gotta learn for this local singer, and the ones that I'm used to reading from a chord chart, I can't remember without reading it, and the ones I play by ear I can't tell you which key they're in without having my bass to play it on. Really backwards, and highly frustrating!
  21. Welcome to the world of Basschat, sounds like you'll fit right in! Some tasty basses you've got there, don't forget to show 'em off in the Gear Porn section! Phil
  22. Morning! You'll get a lot of drivel and random chat, but usefull info might be a push! Welcome nonetheless, glad you've chosen the [i]correct[/i] path in life
  23. I'm glad I'm not sellin mine (I'm chuffed to f*** with it ) cos I agree that the new head's damn nice and completely cuts us outta the 2nd hand market! Good luck with the sale!
  24. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='288589' date='Sep 21 2008, 04:27 PM']ahh man - good link I was trying to find that site for ages cos i forgot what it was called, but yeah that's the one that I use.[/quote] +1, I've been looking for a site I can get supplies for all my pedals (mostly boss type 9v, but I've got a couple of EHX, DOD, Morley etc that take random powersources!) Cheers!
  25. jezuz! thats a fair whack!
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