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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. My condolences to his friends and loved ones, it's terrible news.
  2. [quote name='lowhand_mike' post='290018' date='Sep 23 2008, 02:45 PM']next time we do a gig hand out the web address to get peoples thoughts and i'm sure it would get the message across.[/quote] That may not work. I think, IMHO, that you'll only get false "you guys are great" replies or none. I've found that people don't like giving honest critisism, they'd rather call you all w***ers or ignore you than say "the singer should learn his lines and sing in tune, but the rest of the band are good!". I really hope you find a way to talk to him about this...
  3. [quote name='Pissman' post='289415' date='Sep 22 2008, 07:11 PM']gota love phil_the_bassist though. its so creative, how didyou come up with that? [/quote] Well, it took 23yrs of cunning, skill, and practice to be this inventive...My name's actually dave, and I'm a drummer [quote name='Pissman' post='289977' date='Sep 23 2008, 02:07 PM']i tried sh*ttyf***crapw*** but some sh*ttyf***crapw*** er had taken the name.[/quote] coffee => 'puter screen! nicely said Pissman!
  4. [quote name='ped' post='289981' date='Sep 23 2008, 02:10 PM']More info here: [url="http://www.vigierguitars.com/news-55-0.php?id_news=121#anchor121"]http://www.vigierguitars.com/news-55-0.php...s=121#anchor121[/url] I think it kicks off at about 6.30 and I thought I would pop along as I live quite close now. Anyone else going? Cheers ped[/quote] I would if I had the money (it's kiwi's fault )
  5. [quote name='Merton' post='289192' date='Sep 22 2008, 02:31 PM']01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, plus I'll be bringing my DBX MC 6 Compressor and probably a small rig including my SWR Triad 02. Hamster: Lakland and hopefully a couple of completed BFM cabs 03. OBBM: a couple of basses and perhaps the Orangtino if anyone is interested. 04. NowVertical: GB Rumour 5, KSD 60's Proto-J 5, Mongrel 62 Fender P (now fretless with a J added), Acoustic Image Contra II 05. Happy Jack: a selection of vintage Hofners & a Verithin bass or two 06. Zach: spector rebop 07. Ped: with my usual babies (pair of Vigier Passions as I am sure you are sick of by now) 08. s_u_y: Fender Precision '74, my EBS MicroBass II DI and if my custom portable poweramp being made by Alien (Andy) is finished, I'll bring that too! 09. nig: SB-8 Chapman Stick 10. G-77: usual collection of Graphite maybe the Wal 11. Coasterbass: Lefty MM Stingray IV, Lefty Warwick Thumb V, Lefty Fender Jazz American Deluxe, Lefty Fender Jazz Hotrodded, Ampeg SVP-Pro, Eden WP100 Preamp and Schroeder 1210R 12. johnnylager: KSD 704 Proto-J with EBS inside, EBS MultiComp, Russian BassBalls, SansAmp ParaDriver, Aural Xciter, J-Lo fuzz 13. Gamble: Ampeg SVP Pro pre-amp with Harma and Philips valves, Samson S1 compressor, QSC power amp, SWR Goliath Snr 6X10 14. Merton: Status Retroactive, Groove 5 and Groove 4 fretless 15. Higgie: Lakland DJ4 & DJ5, Musicman Stingray 3EQ, Original Mutron III, Akai Deep Impact, Akai Headrush, Demeter Compulator, Digitech WH-1 Whammy, Custom Modded Big Muff, Way Huge Aqua Puss clone, EA iAmp 600 16. Alexclaber: will bring some of my new cabs with me! 17. phil_the_bassist: Hartke stack (HA5500& VX215+VX410) and my MM SR5 3eq 18. Mikey D: Ibanez GWB35 19. clauster: Omni15 (probable) and Omni10 (possible) 20. WalMan: Wal Pro1/Custom conversion, G&L L2500 (4+1 style), Markbass CMD121H combo, Possibly the BOD xT Pro & FSB, Marshall Superbass 100 head 21. peted: BFM Omni 10, Hartke 3500, Aphex Bass Xciter, Line6 Lowdown Studio, Warwick Thumb BO 4, custom butchered Japanese Squire Precision 22. onehappybunny: Fender Mustang (1976), DeArmond Jet Star, Warwick Katana, Mark Bass Jeff Berlin Combo, DHA1-EQ 23. andyonbass: a couple of ACG's 24. sixshooter: bringing a number of interesting basses and an interesting amp! 25. Nick Thomas: CS Jazz, L2500, and Eggle 26. Barneyg42: Jaydee Roadie Fretless 27. craigonbass: custom 100 Watt Harry Joyce (Hiwatt) head 28. stingrayfan: G&L Tribute L2000, Yamaha BB614, Stingray 4 w/Status neck, Trace Elliot 715 300w combo, Aphex Punch Factory pedal. 29. Old Horse Murphy (if free): Shuker P5 and maybe a 2008 Fender P Bass 30. Dougal: GW #23, Carvin XB75P, F-Bass Studio 31. Kraken: his kit 32. Kiwi: Smith 5, Trace V8, GB Shuttle 6, EBS Neo212 cab, (maybe Smith 5 fretless, 2 other basses by request from other members) 33. urb: a Sei[/quote] quick edit to what I'm bringing...
  6. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='289557' date='Sep 22 2008, 11:08 PM'] I bought this from Old Horse Murphy with the intention of using it on a bass but its designed only for use with one pickup instruments. It has bass, treble, stacked mid sweep + boost/cut and volume controls and will come with black control knobs, not the gold ones shown. I've never fitted it to an instrument and it comes with instructions and original packing. I can't remember what I paid Nick for it but I think it might have been around the £80 quid mark excl p&p. So lets make that the asking price. They retail for £125 new.[/quote] (soon to be) PM'd
  7. You just need to bite the bullet and say that he's loosin his touch. if worded right, it may kickstart him into lessons, practicin more, learning the songs...or he'll get in a huff and leave! Either way, you'll be better of! It's a kick in the guts, but you gonna have to do it. Be polite and courtious but firm, and you'll be fiiine! Good luck with it mate!
  8. Hey Steve! Good choice on gettin Hartke'd up! There's some Hartke bargains goin in the [topic="28035"]For Sale Threads here[/topic], [topic="25107"]and here![/topic] Glad to have a guitarist on board too, you'll be able to get into some quite, erm, interesting debates Take it easy, Phil
  9. [quote name='OldGit' post='289573' date='Sep 22 2008, 11:28 PM']..... and kissing with confidence? [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dp-4o0IodsE"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dp-4o0IodsE[/url] [/quote] no, but i am badly post-dubbing some drag queen who takes their style hints from Frank N Ferter, and making a poor quality musinfomercialyrical abomination...does that count?
  10. I WANT!! how much would the import duty be on it?! I'd string it Righty, B.E.A.D. and live my life happy and safe in the knowledge that it's unique!! God i want i want i want!!
  11. [quote name='metaltime' post='289405' date='Sep 22 2008, 06:59 PM']Look no strap for the record im not on my knees as that combo behind my head was sitting on top of a 4x12 Definitive proof that i am so metal im magnetic[/quote] lol! Nice mate!
  12. I fancied a bit of Seller Baiting to cheer me up: [b]"Hi! I think you may be slightly mistaken as to the heritage of this bass. It's bodyshape is styled on a Musicman Stingray, which will definately not have come from Fender, and the headstock logo says it's a Precision bass, not a Jazz as per your description. Does it have any serial numbers, or any other identification to give potential buyers a better clue as to where this bass was actually made? Thanks Phil"[/b] His Reply: [b]"Hi,i did originaly list the item as looking like a stingray but ebay removed the listing.i bought the bass off ebay around 2 years ago.There are no numbers etc on the bass if there were i would have photo'd them.The finish is very good and it sounds sweet,if it were a musicman i would not have started it at 99 with no reserve,i put jazz on the listing so more people would see it,if i put 'bass guitar' it would get limited viewings,cheers pete. "[/b] Soo, do I now question his reasoning for putting Fender as the manufacturer, or just get ebay on his arse for all the other infringements he's got? Admitting that he's listed it as a Jazz to get more hits should mean he'll get asked to take it down, for starters, right? Whatcha recon, anyone else wanna have a poke at him?
  13. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='289153' date='Sep 22 2008, 01:46 PM']Holy mother of p*ss!!!!!!!! Are you crazy?!?!?!? I toyed with the idea of taking the stack to a gig with the 2x15 (powered by my LMII) for a 7 foot tall, 1000w mega hartke experience! That would have been 3x15 and 4x10! Fully brown noise capable i'm sure...................... I'm also considering trades for basses........... don't need any really but if someone had a natural finish beaut then i might not be able to resist! EDIT: If you do buy it make sure to take a pic of the uber rig, also some shots of bemused band members![/quote] ooh, I've got a natural (aka badly stripped by the prev. owner) steinberger headless fretless if you want? it's probably worth about £2.50, but I'll happily trade you! I'd love to have that all, but considering taht when I played a local beer festival the other week with just my 2x15 and 4x10, my parents could hear me 3/4mile away and I wasn't pushin it...with ANOTHER few cones I recon I'll be able to play in a different county to the rest of the band and still be high in the mix!
  14. People who list items like that should be slapped, really hard, with the guitar that they're trying to flog. IMHO, of course
  15. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='288968' date='Sep 22 2008, 09:39 AM']The previous Harly-Benton cheap six string was a through neck model. Does this look better to you? [/quote] AH! I've worked out why it didn't work for me, the headstock on the Ebay one was too small and crowded...that thru-neck looks pretty tasty!
  16. GAH!! I want the amp&cabs to go with my current stuff to make this one monster, mondo, bi-amped 5x15, 8x10 behemoth that'll level the walls of Jericho! But alas, Mrs PTB went shopping in Paris, so i can't afford it now When I win the Euromillions on friday, if you've still got it, I'll take the lot
  17. ooh, shiny! I like, I like a lot!
  18. [quote name='BigBadBassman' post='286865' date='Sep 18 2008, 09:18 PM']started playing Jazz - [i]nice[/i].[/quote] Well said Tim! Nice to meet ya, welcome aboard and I hope that we can getcha some more paying gigs Phil
  19. Welcome aboard! Glad to see you're taking the right route in life (aka the way of the bassist!) and after a fwe lessons you'll be sorted! As for left hand, your teacher'll be able to give you good pointers for that, but if you start by placing your thumb in the middle of the back of the neck when you play (if that makes sense) and see if that eases the pain. You might also need to adjust your playin position, but your teacher'll sort all that out on the first session Take it easy, and good luck with your urinary quest! [quote name='Phaedrus' post='288848' date='Sep 21 2008, 11:09 PM']... but I had to mention it.[/quote] possibly not the *MOST* family friendly name, but doesn't bother me much
  20. [quote name='Annoying Twit' post='288951' date='Sep 22 2008, 08:55 AM']On ebay starting bid of £175 + £25 p&p [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HARLEY-BENTON-6-STRING-BASS_W0QQitemZ120305802115QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item120305802115&_trkparms=72%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/HARLEY-BENTON-6-STRI...id=p3286.c0.m14[/url] New at Thomann £124.69 + p&p [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbb600tbk_6string_ebass.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbb...tring_ebass.htm[/url] But the reviews seem better than you'd expect for a £124 bass.[/quote] what a HELLUVA ugly bass! even if I wanted a cheap 6er, that wouldn't be the one, purely cos of it's fuglyness. It's like sarah jessica parker, but with even less grace and sophistication! But the ebayer's defo a bit of a prat for puttin it at that price too...mebby his minds been corrupted by the staggering non-beauty!
  21. Looks a bit too pristine to be a second hand part possibly? DOn't know enough about electrickery but could [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Musicman-Active-Circuitry_W0QQitemZ260288113605QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item260288113605&_trkparms=72%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C240%3A1318&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14#ebayphotohosting"]worth a pop[/url] if you're looking for that 2band sound!
  22. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='288930' date='Sep 22 2008, 08:07 AM']Thanks Matt, will do... Much appreciate your support![/quote] Hey Nik, would I be able to buy a ticket at the bash, instead of on here? I'm definately comin, and definately buyin a ticket...andy chance you can make this possible?
  23. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='288925' date='Sep 22 2008, 08:02 AM']Hi Folks, Less than a week to go now guys! Please can anyone who's interested in having a set-up done on the day by Joe White let me know here, as I'd hate it for Joe to be available all day and him only have 2 set-ups to do - those currently being one for stingrayfan and one for me? And if there's any other questions or anything concerning any of the Workshops, please post them up here.. I know the old saying is that 'silence is glden' but I'm getting worried because no-one has made any comments about the Workshops.. Is there something wrong?? Should also have some news on Benie Goodfellow's involvement as well by tomorrow.... As you can tell, this is an [i]'early Monday morning with less than a week to go, getting nervous' [/i]kind of BUMP! Nik[/quote] I think everyone's just tryin to work out their schedule so they can get to all the workshops AND have a noodle on everyones kit AND have a pint AND some food! o yeah, will there be a resteraunt in the venue?
  24. [quote name='noelk27' post='288804' date='Sep 21 2008, 09:54 PM']From the cello suites - probably the Prelude to No 1, which is in G Major - a well-known, and beautiful piece. You should also run your eye across the second Minuet to No 1 - wonderfully fluid, and not a chord to be found. There are also adaptations for double bass of the cello suites - so I wasn't being revolutionary when I challenged myself to adapt these for fretless![/quote] Sounds about right! I quite like taking the pieces straight from the cello...I enjoy the challenge of a big stretch (oo-er missus!) and I'll try and get a score the for second Minuet, as per your recommendation! lookit us bein all cultured! my nan'd be dead chuffed!
  25. [quote name='noelk27' post='288671' date='Sep 21 2008, 06:37 PM']Fretless, Bach's cello suite No 3 in C Major - I used to be a cellist - or The Police, Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic. Fretted, a mash-up of Queen, Another One Bites The Dust and Chic, Le Freak / Good Times.[/quote] I usually find myselt noodling thru a Bach piece in G, one of the preludes I think I like it cos it means I can use my low C legitimately
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