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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. we all wore black suits &shoes, and I did the [url="http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=35876993&albumId=0"]bassist special [/url] of wearing a black fedora with a white band. We were pimp..or misguided...i'm not too sure any more!
  2. nah, thats a bit harsh...but defo round 'em up so's we can all point and laugh!
  3. [quote name='Hamster' post='277499' date='Sep 5 2008, 12:45 AM']I'm up for that - we could have a go at this little tune I discovered [/quote] not so much the brown [i]note[/i] as the brown [b]cacophony[/b]!
  4. ...There's [size=3][i][b]OTHER[/b][/i][/size] forums there's things OUTSIDE basschat ? They still only talk about bass, right jus' plain wrong if they don't! And anyway, I uphold my end of the bargain with sortin the liftshare thread and he blows us out...Ah Recun it's thet thar Guv'nment Conspirisee *edit* conspiracy false alarm, he's still with us! Oi, Nick, you're not really cheatin on us are ye?
  5. [quote name='bremen' post='277359' date='Sep 4 2008, 08:51 PM']Not being funny, but if directional cables make any difference to the sound of a system then the laws of physics don't apply to audio electronics and someone should be getting funding from NASA and CERN to do a phd on the subject[/quote] The only reason that CERN hasn't found any difference is cos they didn't keep the internal SnakeOil reservoir topped up, and they're spending too much money on locating dark matter! ;-P ok, ok, the directional cable was given to me for free with the amp...but I still have never brought myself to put it in the wrong way! Call it superstition, call it susceptible to the sale pitch, but I'm not gonna change now [quote name='chris_b' post='277340' date='Sep 4 2008, 08:16 PM']I would give OBBM a shout here on BC (Basschat.co.uk > Affiliates Forums > Basschat Affiliates > Bassic-Bits). He "lives and breaths" the stuff.[/quote] When I get my pedalboard figured out, OBBM'll be gettin a hefty order for patch leads! I didn't think to contact him for this sorta wire help, but I'm trustin Bremen'll sort me out for the time being! I really appreciate the advice on this guys! And Bremen, thank you for sorting me out with some wire! hopefully I'll have a fully functioning cab ready for the bash (as long as the cone arrives in time!)
  6. [quote name='chris_b' post='277198' date='Sep 4 2008, 04:49 PM']It depends on your gear, what you are doing with it and how you want to sound. You either believe the people who say that any old wire will do, or you believe the people who say that better wire is better for your sound. I use OBBM and Whirlwind instrument leads and 16 gauge speaker cables, so you might be able to guess which side I'm on!!![/quote] I'm very much of the opinion that why rig ££££'s of gear with penceworth cables too...so much so that I've signed up to the 'directional cable' school of thought! I paid enough attention to see that it's more substantial wire than the stuff that holds my basses guts together, but I've really got very little knowledge of wire gauges/materials. If Bremen thinks he's got something suitable then that's good enough for me until I get enough knowledge under my belt to rewire the whole cab with top-notch wires! Do you know what would be decent wire to use for wiring speakers together? I'll be gettin the bottle to do a BFM cab sometime soon (pffft...soon being sometime within the next decade!) so if you know of some good stuff I should invest in pls gimme a shout mate!
  7. I played one of the natural wood kit basses the other day...someone was trying to offload one at the local music shop. The action was higher than charlie watts, and the bodywood felt like nastynasty plasticy crap, but it had an addictive *something* about the tone...I just couldn't put it down...it was really funny, I was just hooked! I must've spent about half an hour twiddling (the shop was empty and I know the guys well, so I wasn't being annoying!) and it was thoroughly enjoyable! wouldn't leave it without a decent layer of paint, mind...
  8. [quote name='kevbass' post='276511' date='Sep 3 2008, 08:03 PM']Heres some fun you could have with it. Being that your in a punk band take it to your next band practice, pull it out of the bag and say "Hey guys from now on im only going to play non fender modern looking five string basses, Im saving up for a BC Rich next!" and watch them all go like this [/quote] THAT is the best sequence of smilies the world has ever seen! too much coffee==>screen to see what I'm typing! Wayne, go for the stickers, skull knobs etc etc AND neons, go balls out with it mate, I'll find a project and do the same, then we can compare/contrast
  9. [quote name='Merton' post='277178' date='Sep 4 2008, 04:29 PM']When I decide who I'm listening to the most Only kidding. Will have a chat to the other organisers and we'll prob make the definitive list a week before if everyone's cool with that?[/quote] lol! works for me, gives me enough time to sort out any lifts I'll be taking
  10. [quote name='budget bassist' post='277163' date='Sep 4 2008, 04:22 PM']Yeah it's those barrel saddles, the groove is on the right side of the screw, but just not far enough, and that's what i thought, as long as they fit and there aren't any sharp edges it shouldn't cause a problem.[/quote] I'd give it a go...should be fiiiiine!
  11. when will you be doing a What's Hot/What's Not list re. cabs?
  12. [quote name='bremen' post='277098' date='Sep 4 2008, 03:37 PM']You don't need anything fancy. PM me and I'll send you a few feet of something suitable.[/quote] LEGEND! PM'd!
  13. [quote name='budget bassist' post='277120' date='Sep 4 2008, 03:50 PM']I'm not sure to be honest, it'll sound how it sounds i suppose! I'm only going to bother with the two pickups though. Also after mounting the bridge and using some thin pieces of wire to see if it's all lined up properly, i've noticed that all the grooves on the bridge saddles are in entirely the wrong place. I'm wondering if it's worth moving the bridge to the left a bit like a flea bridge, or whether it's sensible to use a saw and/or file to cu some new grooves slightly left of the current ones?[/quote] are the saddles the little barrels with a hole drilled in the middle of 'em for the intonation screw? If the groove's on the wrong side of the screw (aka to the right of the screw and they need to be on the left), could you take 'em off and flip 'em round? does that make sense.. ? *edit* if not, get a decent circular file of approximately the right gauge and do another groove in 'em. As long as you smooth any rough edges off, it shouldn't cause any problems, right?
  14. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='277138' date='Sep 4 2008, 04:03 PM']£150 PH and no kissing on the lips[/quote] looks like you&me are not quite in the same league as some of these lucky SOBs!
  15. you have to push the boat a bit...you guys are technically missin out on a new years party, so you can charge a decent amount! beer riders are a MUST, thats for damn sure!
  16. [quote name='budget bassist' post='277085' date='Sep 4 2008, 03:24 PM']I checked, it wont fit in the middle Haha nah, the OLP pickup came with the neck and control plate, eventually i'm going to get a chrome control plate and stuff too, i was mainly after the neck on that one. I'm not sure if i'll use the OLP pickup, i know i want to sue the basslines pickup, but not too sure about the OLP or status... the OLP one is a bit too fat to fit though without deepening the pickup route a bit.[/quote] ahh, fair enough! I'vce got a few projects on the go (who doesn't!) and one of which I'm gonna have a shitload of pups wired directly to each other and straight to the jack so I can have just a mad, fat noise with no dials at all could be a good look for your SUB! Will you be gettin this SUB to sound more like a sterling than a 'ray, what with the extra pup?
  17. we usually get £150 each plus free drinks all night, so yes, we get paid a tidy cash sum to party, rock out, make loud noise, chat up girls and get drunk
  18. soooo, where you gonna put the third pup? ooooh, you could go all Bootsy and have 'em just CRAMMED in there!
  19. Morning all! As some of you may've noticed, I'm currently changing one cone on a 4x10 cab of mine. Due to reasons beyond my control I had to cut the wire that goes to the speaker, and it's now gonna be too short to work with when I get the new cone. Do I need to get a special 'high output/low impedance/multicore/plastic coated spaghetti' wire, or will anything do? As I'll be patching the new wire to the end of the old wire, will I need to match the wires perfectly? I'm guessin it's kinda special, as it seemed to be thicker, and the inner strands were a lot tougher to flex...but some hints&tips would be MUCHO APPRECIATO! I'm getting pretty nifty with the ol' soldering iron and heat-shrink, but wire still just looks like bits of string to me!
  20. [quote name='Toasted' post='276880' date='Sep 4 2008, 12:34 PM']Call Larry - it's virtually odds on that your DI isn't the first of his to break. I'm sure he'll have suggestions. £45/hour and £15 for a fan is criminal. I could change it in 30 seconds once I'd undone the screws. There's usually not even any soldering [/quote] TELL ME ABOUT IT! unfortunately, it was a few years ago now, and when I wasn't at all comfortable with fixin my own gear. Nowadays I quite enjoy gettin the guts of my equipment out on a table and havin a go at fixin it! meh...hopefully i'll find a friendly amp tech who'll do the business for me!
  21. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='276845' date='Sep 4 2008, 12:03 PM']Fair dues just an idea[/quote] absolutely mate, and something I'd love to get fixed so's all my gear's fully functioning! When I needed my fan uprated in the head (long story) I went to a guy in reading (just down the road) and he charged me £45/hr labour and £15 for a (what I've subsequently found to be a) £5 fan...so I'm not willing to go back to him for something that will take some time to diagnose! I might as well give Larry a call direct and see what he says! lol!
  22. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='276828' date='Sep 4 2008, 11:48 AM']I think it would cost you less than £50 to have the DI in your Hartke fixed.[/quote] I can't find a local enough amp tech. It would cost me a fare few quid for the shipping to&from a tech, then with diagnosis time, before even starting the labour it all get a bit pricy. I've had a look, nothing LOOKS broken, all the connections are sound (according to my little multimeter beepy jobber) so I'm kinda at a wall, lookin for options!
  23. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='276797' date='Sep 4 2008, 11:00 AM']The strobe o stomp is a crap di, it's a if all else fails di, see if you can get a Radial Prodi s/h from America.[/quote] great tuner, crap DI...fair enough I've checked out the Radial Pro, I've managed to find one for about £75 delivered which is manageable. Will this be ok to go after my amp? I've got very little experience with DI boxes, as my amp's DI's usually done the business! Cheers for the help lads!
  24. Morning all! I've got a bit of an issue atm...my DI out on my Hartke amp's gone wrong (no signal comes out of it) so untill I find the problem I've had to make do with the DI out on my Pieterson Strobostomp tuner. This is great, has worked well on a few big gigs with no issue, and it's allowed me to have my basses natural tone get blasted out some big hairyarsed PA systems which has lead to a some very positive comments about my bass. BUT, in a recent studio situation when I was DI'd this way, I was told that the signal was piss-weak by the soundguy, and he'd have to really work it to get it sounding good in the mix. Is it worth me getting a DI box to put after my amp, to get my hartke tone and amplification, or was this soundguy being a bit of a prat and just making a fuss over nothing? If so, which do you recommend? I don't want tone controls (i'll do all that via my head&bass) and I'm on a pretty tight budget (£50ish tops)...any suggestions?
  25. [quote name='bassmachine2112' post='275801' date='Sep 2 2008, 09:28 PM']well i,m from merseyside.gear includes-marshall,roland,hartke amplification,some effects,ricky n a musicman.[/quote] Hartke amp, ricks and musicman?! I can see us gettin along! Welcome aboard matey
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