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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. i think that using the fleshy bit at the tip of your thumb (if you look at your thumbnail as a clock, the bit at 10/11 oclock) to slap is how they recommend you do the double thumb type way...i can't get on with it but unfortunately it's not a new method (if I'm understanding you right!), sorry! Good luck, if you get on with it you might get some heft chops with your new way!
  2. i know it's probably bullpoop, but i vaguely recall seeing Macca playing his violinbass with a fat string at the bottom...any of you think this might be right?
  3. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='274874' date='Sep 1 2008, 07:49 PM']Just to show off again I bought a 5 string this weekend for a tenner [/quote] flash git punkassed checkerboarded so&so
  4. very nice mate! you've got me gassin for a C-string now! also, you use the same leads as me gotta love the clicky-button circuit breaker!
  5. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='274624' date='Sep 1 2008, 03:24 PM']cheaper to get a new cab. [/quote] hmm..bugger
  6. [size=1] just noticed my stacks got a vote (and no, I didn't vote for myself! ) Someone wants to see my toys! *does a jig*[/size]
  7. [quote name='mcgraham' post='274569' date='Sep 1 2008, 02:42 PM']Do you mean hit a G with your bass or your voice? If you mean your bass then simply drawing out a chart of where the notes are is a good start. If you mean your voice then you're talking either perfect pitch (i.e. singing a G without any prompting or starting note) or good relative pitch (i.e. sing a G based on the key you're currently in). Relative pitch comes with efficient practice of a wide variety of scales (modes were good enough for me!) as it is a result of ear training. Perfect pitch [i]can[/i] be achieved (so I'm told) if you practice a lot (particularly singing), but good relative pitch requires less work and will be less painful for you in the long run. Feel free to PM if you want a breakdown of what I did to develop my ear in this way. I'm at work so can't really spend the time typing it all out on the forum right now. Mark[/quote] Hit the G with my voice with no guide note would be ideal, but having a good relative pitch would make me a very happy little lowender! thanks for the offer, PM is about to be sent!
  8. [quote name='ped' post='274575' date='Sep 1 2008, 02:52 PM'] Heheh couldn't resist[/quote] aww! c'mon Ped! just cos I verbally whupped your butt in a previous thred doesn't mean you have to sit there and (s)cowell at me! I just wanna fine tune my vocal range, please help a poor, misguided SR5er into the ways of warbling!
  9. [quote name='Merton' post='274579' date='Sep 1 2008, 02:55 PM']I think what you're getting at is what I thought after posting, i.e. people with a "one-off" rig can bring it (e.g. Alien's power amp, barefaceBass stuff, the Epifani rig etc) but having 3 Trace rigs and 3 hartke rigs of almost identical nature is a bit, well, dumb and therefore it's those which should be voted "in or "out" in a terrible parody of Big Brother.[/quote] yeah, I for one thing the BFM cabs (due to EVERYONE being curious!) should be in, and as you said, the one-offs are show-pieces. I personally don't mind swapping 100+kg of rig for a coupla BCers who are on my route to the 'Bash
  10. good idea, 30x couplahundred watt rigs all rumbling away will probably break the building! *edit* thinking about it, the rarer rigs mebby, possibly might just be given a Get-Into-Bassbash Free card...? vote for the more standard stuff? feel free to flame away if you disagree!
  11. [quote name='Merton' post='274553' date='Sep 1 2008, 02:20 PM']Yup, in the words of Harry Enfield "you don't want to do that"... [/quote] lol! you said that in the squeeky voice as well, didn't ya! If I was to go for a non Hartke cone, I'd rather replace the lot with a complete set of high quality cones. Obviously gettin one Hartke should be cheaper ( i hope) but I really don't wanna start altering the size of the holes. I'll shout up Eminence, see if they can recommend me a model cone that'll drop right in there...see if they do a discount for a set of 4! OOOH!, it'll then give me 3 decent cones for a BFM something-or-other!
  12. Ok, I've only recently discovered that I can sing. It was kinda suprising cos i'm a notoriously bad singer, so much so that it's a standing joke within all the bands I play in but over the past 2 weeks I've found I can now hit the correct notes, as long as the note is played first (aka I can quickly slur to the right note, as long as I can hear it!) The one thing that I want to be able to do is to be able to hit any note, at any time. EG, you say "gimme a G" and I hit a G. This'll also mean I'll be able to quickly work out vocal melodies, cos if I can sing 'em I'll be able to play 'em! I'm usually singing along to tunes as I play 'em so the dexterity to sing and play is fine (as long as it's not too hard a line!) but I wanna (pardon the pun) fine tune my singing as this'll improve both my musicallity and value as a musician immeasurably! Another added bonus is that Mrs PTB won't complain about me singing whilst hoovering if I'm actually in key! *edit* I forgot to ask the bloody question! Does anyone know any books/excersises to help me hit the note I want, or is it a matter of singin as I play scales and hoping it slowly seeps into my brain?
  13. Love cats!! admittedly, it's easy as sin but its the only fretless line I've learned and I FREAKIN LOVE IT! and yeah, wtf was the thread title?
  14. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='274386' date='Sep 1 2008, 12:21 PM']That'll be your 5-string blowing it up. Taken it apart and seen what the drivers are? You might struggle to get a direct replacement - although it is a current model. Maybe worth giving their distributors Sound Tech a call. Sound Technology 17 Letchworth Point, Letchworth Hertfordshire, SG6 1ND England tel: +44-1-462-480-000 fax: +44-1-462-480-800 email: [email protected] website: [url="http://www.soundtech.co.uk/"]http://www.soundtech.co.uk/[/url] Give me a hollar if you're stuck without a cab for a gig and I'll lend you mine if I'm not gigging it.[/quote] lol! Admittedly it's worse on the low end, but it wasn't my B, honest ! I'll give 'em a call, I wish I'd jotted the part number down when I was trying to swap it out with the peavey cone! Thanks for the offer mate but I'm not gonna be short of a cab. I've still got my 2x15 but I wanted this'un fixed up ready for the Bassbash (I'm on the list to bring it, and I can't back down now, can I!)
  15. [quote name='BassManKev' post='274320' date='Sep 1 2008, 10:57 AM']i use my zoom b2.1u[/quote] +1 I've got a little multifx that I plug my cans into. It's also got a simple drum machine too, so it's a pretty good option!
  16. Morning! I've got a hartke VX410 cab, and one cone's FUBAR. I managed to find a peavey 10" cone, but the framework was about 0.25" too big for the hole and didn't fit, unless i made the hole bigger. I'd rather find some straight drop in replacements than start routing out one hole, so does anyone know where I can get a hartke replacement? Failing that does anyone know of a manufacturer that makes a direct replacement? Cheers in advance! [size=1]*edit*[/size] The cone in question is a hartke speaker model VLF1008, if this helps!
  17. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='273743' date='Aug 31 2008, 02:59 PM']Effects pedals, why spend a fortune on a bass and amp, then plug an effects pedal in to the chain to make it sound like a flatulant blue whale.[/quote] hey! My flatulant blue whale's got fantastic tone and superb bottom end, thank you very bloody much!
  18. [quote name='chris_b' post='273627' date='Aug 31 2008, 12:00 PM']1. The term "mojo" - meaningless nonsense. [b]2. GAS - Waste of time and energy. How much bass gear is brought and never gigged? [/b][/quote] +1, with the caveat that GAS is frustrating, and absolutely pointless but I find it addictive! [quote name='6stringbassist' post='273642' date='Aug 31 2008, 12:25 PM']Musicman basses, Stingrays just don't work for me.[/quote] Nope, you have an incorrect opinion there (soo tongue in cheek it's making me talk funny, no flaming please!) [quote name='ARGH' post='273657' date='Aug 31 2008, 12:59 PM']Plastic corners on cabs ANY pedal encased in plastic Cheap active systems....Im not a fan of 2 bnd eq's [b]People that dont see the need for high C strings.[/b][/quote] +1 but the C string... don't usually see the need, but some of the classical stuff I'm (making a meal out of) playing could really be made very easy with a C! Also, personally Fender P-basses aint my cuppa (much like 'rays aren't 6stringbassists). They're nice n all, but the thing that bugs me most is that in films/tv, whenever you see a bass it's a freakin Fender P. No MM, no Jazzers, nothing vaguely interesting!!! WHERE'S THE REST OF THE BASS MARKET!!! Whats consensus on FatFinger sustain headstock clip-on thingumies?
  19. I never sleep more than about 6hrs a night, even when I'm boozed up...mucho frustrating, but it gives me plenty of time for makin a MAHOOSIVE fryup [quote name='Sarah5string' post='273521' date='Aug 31 2008, 09:23 AM']It was just amazing...[/quote] WOOHOOO! glad it went well, and to get that kind crowd AND get paid on your first gig, thats a freakin RESULT! Nicely done! o yeah, wheres the photo! <<ignore...it just took longer than usual to load up!
  20. morning all! Just thought I'd give you an update on how it went... IT WAS BRILLIANT! Much to my initial chagrin, the rest of the lads weren't up for chillin the set out, but it worked really well. I had to REALLY pulse the beat to keep everyone in check, but we had a great laugh, the crowd were behind us, and the management's pockets are significantly fuller now! We were a bit shaky for the first 3/4 songs, but we all started listening, paying attention to what's goin on, it was definately a musical workout, and truly knackering! We were pulling in a helluvalot of punters off the streets (probably for the novelty factor) but they were all staying (and drinking ) and cos we were that much quieter they were crammed up close to the stage Also, during the interval we had one of our regular followers come up and ask "what was different? something sounds different, but I cant work it out!" but that just shows how much she pays attention usually then! Thanks for the words of support, I only hope Sarah5String's gig went as well, if not better! [size=1] ooh, just a little side note I got drunk enough (on free beer ) to join in on some BV's (which i used to be famously bad for) and I actually hit all the notes I was aiming, WHILST keeping in time! WOoHOo! now considering officially increasing my repertoire from "bassist" to "bassist with BVs" [/size]
  21. [quote name='teen t-shirt' post='265168' date='Aug 19 2008, 06:02 AM']it must be a bassist thing, i personally love em but i showed my guitard of a father and he hated em... whats he know tho... [/quote] +1 swirls rock, there's no two ways about it! They, do, so there! [size=1]hows THAT for an eloquent and well put argument?[/size]
  22. good on ya...sounds like some little ebay monkey needs his knees knocking backwards. I'd be the same, even tho it's "ONLY" £90, that's still a decent chunk of a weeks wages (well, unless you're on stupid money! lol!) and it's the principle of it all too! Good luck, and keep us informed!
  23. [quote name='ped' post='272459' date='Aug 29 2008, 12:34 PM']To be honest I would probably just blow you away at the bash, public execution stylee. Might buy this cab to put your carcass inside and punt it back on eBay for a tenner ;0) ped[/quote] bwahahah! but you don't know what I look like, yet I, the master of all things, know what YOU look like, so I do believe that no-one'll be popping anything into MY bottom...I'll be the bottom popping one around here. ...wait, that's not such a good thing is it
  24. [quote name='ped' post='272437' date='Aug 29 2008, 12:22 PM']Why you little... I challenge you to a duel! *slaps with glove*[/quote] I accept your duel good sire! What'll it be, pistols at dawn, claymores at Tea, .45 revolvers at high noon, or the Deliverence theme at dinnertime *tunes up banjo, and informs kidnapped cityslicker to "squeel like a piggy" cos they've got a "real purdy mouth, yukyukyuk!" and trims all 11 fingernails in preparation*? Come Git Some! *edit* I do believe we're officially O.T., ATM
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