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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. phil_the_bassist


    [quote name='Alastair' post='247927' date='Jul 25 2008, 04:18 PM'] Miow?[/quote] I recon the reason the cat's so interested in the camera is cos it's got a FISH eye lense! [size=1]...yeah, I know, Get coat, wear coat, leave [/size]
  2. phil_the_bassist


    [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='247911' date='Jul 25 2008, 04:04 PM']LMAO Best intro thread ever! My face is still aching. Now who the f*** are you? [/quote] Well, the furry little fellow seems to be a mod of some sort, so they've got more clout that me!
  3. Hello and welcome! If you haven't already noticed, Dum[size=4]bass[/size]ed questions are what we do best!
  4. phil_the_bassist


    [quote name='valentine' post='247846' date='Jul 25 2008, 02:33 PM']the bass chat cat? please tell me this is a wind up haha[/quote] *Insert highly inappropriate joke about pussy*
  5. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='247856' date='Jul 25 2008, 02:52 PM']BTW castor or caster?[/quote] I recon Khaszteur...but that's just cos I cheat at scrabble
  6. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='247415' date='Jul 24 2008, 11:42 PM']oh dear... it's worse than I thought... I was of the belief that he'd been peeling the labels off apples and oranges and slapping them on his bass... as you do like... now I have plans to get hold of loads of whisky, rye and Irish whiskey bottle labels and completely cover the body and headstock of my Squier in them... unfortunately this requires consumption of lots of whisky... and effectively working my way through the spirits section of my local Morrisons... otherwise all the labels will be the same... I'm not sure if my liver will hold out long enough...[/quote] MEMEMEMEME!!! I'll help!!!! twice the number of livers, half the damage!
  7. [quote name='steve' post='247511' date='Jul 25 2008, 08:45 AM']We're doing covers and originals in pubs that's all, but I've read about bands getting stiffed over payment. Have you always got paid OK then Si? Am I just being paranoid? (prolly not the first time)[/quote] I've been stiffed a few times in my covers band, but we just take it as a learning curve and when the offending pub tries to book us again we tell 'em what for. Example: A few weeks ago we packed a pub out, played for 4hrs and rather than our standard £150 for the 5 of us, they gave us £18 to split 5 ways, and told us it "was 10% of the abr takings during the time we were playing" LYING BASTARDS! So, when they phoned earlier this week, we told 'em to "Funk off, unless you pay us £150 +10% of the bar takings!" We obviously made 'em quite a bit of money last time, cos thay agreed without hesitation! So, if you don't mind the fight, don't worry about contracts. But of there's significant sums of cash involved, go for it. ....was that any help, or was I just moaning about getting stiffed?
  8. [quote name='Toadonroll' post='247465' date='Jul 25 2008, 01:06 AM']I'm in the middle of playing some terribly mundane sh*te in a bar in Oxford... Awful looking girl: "Do you do anything good?" Me (perplexed and thinking the same thing): "Of course" (we might) Awful looking girl: "So it's David Gray or bust then?" Me: (sh*t - We've been busted) "Err......[/quote] that mundane bar wasn't the Port Mahon was it..?
  9. [quote name='trevthebass' post='247342' date='Jul 24 2008, 10:23 PM']midnight bump[/quote] Pfft! Liar! It's only half 10! Have a just-gone-half-10 bump!
  10. [quote name='Clarky' post='247235' date='Jul 24 2008, 08:18 PM']you too?[/quote] *tut!* such a hard life we lead!
  11. [quote name='BassManKev' post='246881' date='Jul 24 2008, 02:07 PM']what a bland looking instrument[/quote] is that a re-issue? I vaguely remember seeing a guitar that looked like that, but it was vintage...mid 60's or something?
  12. oooh, angular! I kinda like it in that can't-stop-lookin-at-a-blood-splattered-car-wreck kinda way!
  13. woohoo! e-zine rocks! Does beg one question...what do you have to do to cross over from Snot-Nosed Amateur to Up&Coming?
  14. [quote name='MananaMan' post='246428' date='Jul 23 2008, 09:46 PM']Me : (Horribly filty valve OD noises) SE : Do you call that clean? Me (with evil glint in my eye) : Do you call that dirty?[/quote] tea=>computer and poorly located pack of biscuits...better eat 'em before they go soggy!
  15. [quote name='johnnylager' post='245336' date='Jul 22 2008, 01:25 PM']Punter - 'Oi, you're sh*t' Me - 'You're still not getting you're fiver back' Crowd - laughs Punter - leaves[/quote] On a similar vein, we were heckled between songs, about halfway thru our set: Punter: "Does it get any bloody better?" Our Quick Witted Frontman: "That true, does it [i]GET[/i] any better!" (putting positive enunciation on it) :-D
  16. My better half wants some hot pink ones on her bass I've constructed for her...sounds like they'll be fine for a bedroom bassist then!
  17. [quote name='OldGit' post='245082' date='Jul 22 2008, 09:22 AM']reverse if you are sinister[/quote] tea===>keyboard
  18. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='245122' date='Jul 22 2008, 10:17 AM']..said bass is now part of the Collection! Awesome! 6 strings and more wood than Wickes! Nick[/quote] ...and your bringing it to the southeast bass bash...RIGHT?!
  19. [quote name='simon1964' post='244559' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:47 PM']I've been hankering for one fo these for some time: [url="http://www.arbiter.co.uk/italia/electric_bass_guitars/modulo_tipo_1_bass_guitar.htm"]http://www.arbiter.co.uk/italia/electric_b...bass_guitar.htm[/url] A blue tolex bass - who could resist that?![/quote] THATS the mutts nuts!
  20. [quote name='budget bassist' post='244546' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:36 PM']Haha me too now funnily enough [/quote] You gotta love JPJ on that track!
  21. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='244543' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:33 PM']Original of course [/quote] eeeeyyyyy *in the style of the Fonz avec Thumbs* Bloody brilliant! Can't wait till I next see 'em! Whats their new material like live? I've got the album, but din't think it was as good as Bab mkI...still kicks arse, mind!
  22. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='244536' date='Jul 21 2008, 04:26 PM']So what music you listening to right now? Lets see how much people's tastes vary... I'm currently listening to Skindred - Kiss and Make up... tuuuuuuuuune![/quote] YOUR A FAN OF THE 'DRED!?!?! YOU ARE f***ing BRILLIANT!!!! Skindred rock sooooo hard it HURTS!!! so, the big question...do you have the original version of babylon, or the watered down, lesser beast that they brought out when they moved labels? o yeah, and I'm listening to Ramble On by LedZep atm, it's the only band I can play at work without gettin shouted at!
  23. UPDATE: List of Attendees so far: 01. Silverfoxnik: Roscoe Beck V, Wal Pro2e, BC Rich Eagle, plus I'll be bringing my DBX MC 6 Compressor and probably a small rig including my SWR Triad 02. Hamster: Lakland and hopefully a couple of completed BFM cabs 03. OBBM: a couple of basses and perhaps the Orangtino if anyone is interested. 04. NowVertical: GB Rumour 5, KSD 60's Proto-J 5, Mongrel 62 Fender P (now fretless with a J added), Acoustic Image Contra II 05. Happy Jack: a selection of vintage Hofners & a Verithin bass or two 06. Zach: spector rebop 07. Ped: with my usual babies (pair of Vigier Passions as I am sure you are sick of by now) 08. s_u_y: Fender Precision '74, my EBS MicroBass II DI and if my custom portable poweramp being made by Alien (Andy) is finished, I'll bring that too! 09. nig: SB-8 Chapman Stick 10. G-77: usual collection of Graphite maybe the Wal 11. Coasterbass: Lefty MM Stingray IV, Lefty Warwick Thumb V, Lefty Fender Jazz American Deluxe, Lefty Fender Jazz Hotrodded 12. johnnylager: Geddy Lee with Wizard 84's, EBS MultiComp, SansAmp ParaDriver, Aural Xciter and a J-Lo fuzz + ABM 500 combo 13. Gamble: Ampeg SVP Pro pre-amp with Harma and Philips valves, Samson S1 compressor, QSC power amp, SWR Goliath Snr 6X10 14. Merton: Status Retroactive Bass and my TE V-Type 8x8 rig (what about the Groove????) 15. Higgie: Lakland DJ4 & DJ5, Musicman Stingray 3EQ, Original Mutron III, Akai Deep Impact, Akai Headrush, Demeter Compulator, Digitech WH-1 Whammy, Custom Modded Big Muff, Way Huge Aqua Puss clone, EA iAmp 600 16. Alexclaber: will bring some of my new cabs with me! 17. Walbassist: 2006 Wal Mk III 5, 1994 Ken Smith BMT Elite G 5, 2008 Brook Otter 5 string ABG (due 20/7), Epifani PS600, Epifani PS112 x 2, 18. phil_the_bassist: Hartke stack (HA5500& VX215+VX410) and my MM SR5 3eq, [i]Ashbory, pedalboard and whatever else I can fit in the car![/i] 19. Mikey D: Ibanez GWB35 20. clauster: Omni15 (probable) and Omni10 (possible) 21. WalMan: Wal Pro1/Custom conversion, G&L L2500 (4+1 style), Markbass CMD121H combo, Possibly the BOD xT Pro & FSB, Marshall Superbass 100 head 22. peted: BFM Omni 10, Hartke 3500, Aphex Bass Xciter, Line6 Lowdown Studio, Warwick Thumb BO 4, custom butchered Japanese Squire Precision 23. onehappybunny: Fender Mustang (1976), DeArmond Jet Star, Warwick Katana, Mark Bass Jeff Berlin Combo, DHA1-EQ 24. andyonbass: a couple of ACG's 25. sixshooter: bringing a number of interesting basses and an interesting amp! 26. Nick Thomas: CS Jazz, L2500, and Eggle 27. Barneyg42: Jaydee Roadie Fretless 28. craigonbass: custom 100 Watt Harry Joyce (Hiwatt) head 29. 30. I'll bring the ashbory, on the proviso that someone asks to play my stingray with a pick!
  24. [quote name='johnnylager' post='244446' date='Jul 21 2008, 02:28 PM']How about 'Can I use my plectrum on your nice bass please Mr?' And 'Can I leave my belt and bracelet on?'[/quote] Of course you can good sire, as long as you don't mind me disemboweling you with my bass stand, ripping off your arm to beat you with the wet end, and loaning you my Ashborg with such ferocity and vigor that you will have to have it surgically removed.
  25. Hi! Any of you guys want to join a Covers Band? I'm looking for my own replacement, as my situations changed and I can't commit to these guys for much longer, and rather than leave 'em in a spot, I wanna look for someone to jump in and take over at the low end. [u]The Info[/u] Age: mid 20's - late 30's Songs: Rock (thunder, Bon Jovi, Lynyrd, G&R, Aerosmith etc etc etc) Gigs: Paid, my cut's usually £30-£40, but for NewYears type events, it can go up to £100&free bar. Location:Newbury. We practice on Weds in Newbury, and we gig around the surrounding area (basingstoke, winchester, andover, reading etc etc) Any takers? I've got all the music for the set on chord sheets, but can do tab if you'd like. It's nothing too taxing or serious, just a good laugh for a bit of cash! C'mon, you know you wanna!
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