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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='43290' date='Aug 9 2007, 02:25 PM']1 per woman to beat them to death with for moaning at me about this(2) 1's a Ric so doesn't count 2 in standard tuning for studio work 2 dropped a tone for live work.[/quote] Amen to that! Add to it 1's headless, thus doesn't count 1's fretless, thus doesn't count 3 are in pieces, thus don't count! Next time they start on that broken record, a swift "these appreciate in value, what's gonna happen to your shoes/clothes/makeup/(insert as appropriate) in 5 years time!" seems to stop the noise!
  2. [quote name='Machines' post='200909' date='May 17 2008, 10:16 AM']Wow that came quick... where's the cake ?[/quote] Dammit, I wish I didn't hear that quite so often! lol!
  3. [quote name='misrule' post='223618' date='Jun 21 2008, 03:17 PM']Hi, folks -- I used to hate Ritters ... until I saw this on Talkbass. Now I've suddenly fallen in love with them, even some of the uglier ones. I'm skint, I don't need one and my wife would kill me -- but I'm in the grip of GAS. Tell me I'm a mad fool Cheers Mark[/quote] God DAMN that's a fine looking piece of (b)ass! One question to put out there, the neck looks wider than the M4, or is that just me?
  4. [/quote] [quote name='BassManKev' post='225546' date='Jun 24 2008, 12:35 AM']how so?? gold seems to be used alot on cheaper basses to try n make it look classy, which for me does the absolute opposite, whereas black is less common on cheaper basses, and when used on a black bass or bass with black elements on, it looks absolute sterling. gold looks okay on gold basses, but you dont see many of those, and i think otherwise it just looks a bit tacky. but ye iv never heard anyone describe black as cheap and tacky before...i guess you think your toby pro is tacky then?? coz i think it looks class on your bass all in our opinions anyways[/quote] IMO Good quality gold hardware (aka the MM above) works, cheep&nasty doesn't...same to be said for black hardware! I got shafted when I bought a full set of black hardware for a customized Vintage I'm sorting out for my Better Half, looks naff as F**k, but gold makes it pop! Personal choice etc etc, but I have to admit the black pots on my MM (2007natural ash, maple neck& black pickguard) are the dogs bollocks...wouldn't change 'em for ANYTHING else!
  5. [quote name='Musky' post='225757' date='Jun 24 2008, 11:28 AM']You could do worse than start with [url="http://www.joeysbassnotes.com/Fakericks.htm"]http://www.joeysbassnotes.com/Fakericks.htm[/url] I think the absolute decider would be a photo of the routing beneath the pickguard. Genuine ricks just used to drill a series of holes between the control cavity and the neck pickup - no Rickenfaker was ever as shoddily routed! Edit: Oh - and checkout the basses section under Articles at [url="http://rickresource.com/main/"]http://rickresource.com/main/[/url][/quote] lol! brilliant! Thanks for that, there's gonna be a lot of disassembled ric bodies littering the US soon!
  6. Woot! Hartke rocks!
  7. I'm looking to buy a vintage (70's) Ric and due to the stupid prices in the UK and the current exchange rate to the US, i'm looking to get one imported from the states. Are there any ways of telling the difference between a Rickenbacker and a Rickenbugger visually (aka in the photos posted by the seller) or any significant questions I can ask to make sure I'm not stung?
  8. GAH! DON'T DO IT! I live about 10min drive from the factory and the local music shop has one of the Indie Rics and it looks wrongly proportioned, sounds a bit rubbish and i found it nose-dived like a bitch when I sat playing it...I'd personally save my money and get a decent vintage replica with some mojo and character, but that's just me!
  9. [quote name='Steve_K' post='866' date='May 17 2007, 09:47 PM']Oh cool, good idea My Custom Status S2 Specs: S2 Classic Through Neck Headless 5 String, EADGC Board 302 Walnut/Utile back, "MooWood" front (Spalted Siberian Ash, we believe) Black Hardware [/quote] *Jaw drops* ...stunning!
  10. [quote name='GonzoBass' post='214203' date='Jun 7 2008, 09:20 AM']The best part about this exercise is that it can be done anywhere, at anytime- Waiting in line at the bank, in a boring class, listening to your girlfriend ramble... Well, you get the idea. = ) I hope this helps you as much as it did my students and me. =========================================[/quote] Funnily enough I spend most of my day (sat in a warehouse) doing just that! not quite thought of all the combinations i could do, but it's also helped my two-hand tapping when I decide to get all Wooten-esque!
  11. [quote name='ahpook' post='176325' date='Apr 14 2008, 03:25 PM']although with the way the guitard in one of the bands is behaving...i might have a little more free time coming up... whereabouts in london are you ?[/quote] 'guitard'! great phrase! :-D
  12. I'm bein a prat...I didn't think to check the manual, just thought I'd throw the question out there whilst I was reading that topic! Cheers guys, I'll let you know how I get on!
  13. ok ok ok...even tho (several years ago) I did my physics A-level I still have a nightmare getting my head around this whole wattage/ohms thing! Broken down: Low ohms = more watts get through = louder. I get that bit, maybe not the why or how, but I get that it happens. Now, the big question...I've got a Hartke HA5500 (so that's max output 500w@4ohms but it's currently running 250w@8ohms) and I've got a VX215 cab thats rated upto 500w@4ohms. So, they're matched, it should all work OK but on the speaker outputs on my head it's saying '8ohms'. Does anyone know how I can get the full 500w@4ohms? Will I need to send it back to the factory, or is there a secret switch I need to flick? Any Ideas?
  14. [quote name='Bassassin' post='222224' date='Jun 19 2008, 03:21 PM']I think it did end up on Ebay, but I thought Andy had sold it to someone on here. It turned up on the Bay with a fake Rick trc instead of the original Giannini one. I'll have a dig through the Rickencopy Spotting thread when I get a minute. J.[/quote] Ahh, mine was sold with a paper Rick trc logo mounted behind an appropriate shaped bit of clear plastic, so it could just be a look-alike! I'm trying to find someone to do me a faux Rackenbicker/Blackendecker/Replicabacker trc, I don't suppose anyone here's handy with graphic design software and plastic molding?
  15. [quote name='phsycoandy' post='220977' date='Jun 17 2008, 10:17 PM']I had this a few months back or so, again as heavy as hell, a Gianinni......... [/quote] You didn't sell that on ebay didja? it looks disturbingly like my Rackenbicker that I bought about 6 months ago....!
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