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Everything posted by phil_the_bassist

  1. [quote name='steve' post='535373' date='Jul 8 2009, 08:18 AM']could you not get the MM pre repaired? - not that I'm trying to dissuade you from the acg pre[/quote] And where's the fun in that! I'm gonna explore other options to get my ray working then I'll have a half dead pre to play with at my leisure
  2. [quote name='obbm' post='535257' date='Jul 7 2009, 10:54 PM']I've looked into all aspects of SR5 pre-amps including what you are suggesting. Just to repeat what I've said many times before, the coil switching function is an integral part of the EBMM pre-amp and uses the first two stages of the op-amp. Take away the EBMM and install something else and you'll have to decide which of the three selections you want to hard-wire. The alternative is to replicate the EBMM circuitry on a new PCB and interpose it between the pick-up and the new pre-amp. By rewiring and reconfiguring the pick-up from 5 to 6 wires and completely rewiring the selector switch you can do it but then you lose the switched gain adjustment that compensates for different levels when coil switching. I know I've been there and done it. Tread carefully.[/quote] so which bit/where abouts is the op-amp? I've googled it and i was merely informed it was a basic preamp...does this mean its the first stage of the EBMM pre? Will this only be a concern if I don't change both the pickup and preamp?
  3. So, my MMSR5's preamp has sh*t itself and thus I need a new one. Rather than beg EBMM to send me a new SR pre, I'm now looking into the options available to me in the world of Aftermarket Preamp Goodness. My initial idea was to get a SeymoreDuncan/Bartollini/Nordstrand high output MM replacement pup, and put that in with a John East MM-preamp, so I can get a real hot MM sound with active/passive and all the benefits that come with using JE equipment ...I've now had a thought, what about the ACG filter based pre? Why limit my bass to The Stingray Sound? Why not allow all the options of the ACG/JE filter based preamp? So, what do you guys think?
  4. used to use schallers, now moved over to dunlops because 1: the fit was [i]slightly[/i] less fiddly 2: the whole having-to-make-sure-you-keep-the-nut-tight-or-the-bottom-drops-outta-your-world 3: the bit on the strap was easier to fit into my old bass case It's 6 and two 3's tho...they both do exactly what it says on the tin!
  5. very tasty....wish I had the foldin'!
  6. [quote name='vispo' post='531541' date='Jul 3 2009, 11:45 AM']where is you new owner? [/quote] Vispo, I've just looked in your Ebay Store...you've got some AMAZING basses in there! Guys, check them out!! Serious contender for a collectible genre like the Japanese contingent! I'm LOVING the Hohner-fake with the hook on the headstock!! epic!!
  7. i just keep reading it, and laughing some more I've gotta have that pic as my phone's backdrop...it'll cheer up every bad day!
  8. [quote name='bassmandan' post='376758' date='Jan 11 2009, 02:33 PM'][/quote] "no, you dont" there are few things that TRULY make you spit your single malt all over the laptop, but that was one of them
  9. [quote name='ahpook' post='533292' date='Jul 5 2009, 08:26 PM']c'mon...safety first [/quote] Give me SOME credit! I [i]was[/i] wearin crash helmet and safety pants at the time!
  10. [quote name='Platypus' post='533280' date='Jul 5 2009, 08:17 PM']Expect Dood will be able to help here...[/quote] +1...or he'll be able to find out!
  11. So, I took delivery of a DHA-DI box on Thursday, and was kindly asked by Dave to give my thought on the product...so here goes! [u]COST:[/u] £33.50 delivered to your door [u]SPEC:[/u] The item is a [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44902&hl=DHA+DI"]DHA-DI[/url] and click the link for Daves own words on the spec, and reasoning behind the most simple pedal in his line. It's got an Input, Output, XLR DI out, threeway ground switch (ground, float & [b]ploat[/b] <= ) and comes with a 9v battery already installed. It will also work with a 9-12vDC centre negative powersource. [u]INITIAL THOUGHTS:[/u] It was sent recorded delivery, very well padded in a jiffybag and bubblewrap (and was impossible to get into without using a knife!). One way I test the build quality of anything i buy is by shaking it HARD and see what rattles: Not a peep! The case is bombproof, the XLR output is all metal with a metal plate to stop it ever disappearing into the body, the LED had a protective metal outer, the threeway switch has a good, solid action with little wobble, the output level knob has that slight resistance to it that makes you feel assured that it's [i]working[/i], like pulling back on a longbow string and the rubber feet make the pedal stick fast, even on a wet kitchen floor! The one slight 'raised eyebrow' was that the pins in the XLR out don't [i]quite[/i] look straight. I asked Dave about this and he said that the XLR connector pins sit in a soft rubber base so sometimes they look funny. The connection is secure, tight and connects/disconnect with no problems at all! [u]LOOKS:[/u] As most of you've seen, Dave does a great line in handpainted items, and this is no exception! The box is thickly painted white, with bloodred streaks daubed across and over the whole unit to make it look like it's had a bad day at the abattoir! The irregularities in the paintjob, with the dust and fluff just add to the effect The labels on the unit are written by hand in black marker, with the DOB, s.n. and extra info written on the bottom. For yet another unique, handpainted, original and distinctive product design...10/10 [u]EASE OF USE:[/u] It's got an Input, an Output, a DI out, a output level knob, and a switch....not much to work out, not much to get wrong...I think it's safe to give this 10/10! [u]SOUND QUALITY:[/u] I first plugged it into my crappy soundcard to check the output. Had the dial on 50% just to check, and it nigh on blew my card! Super-high output, scared the crap outta Mrs PTB (who was stood next to the speaker at the time) and that was merely with me plucking a string to get a level! Dialled it back to about 25% and it had a great solid output with no noise, and fantastic for home recording. Took it to rehearsal yesterday, and used it to send my signal to the PA. Good, solid signal, again with no noise and with the dial below 50%! The only problem with the sound was when I was playing the wrong notes...and in no way attributable to the pedal ! 10/10 [u]RELIABILITY:[/u] Although I've not had the pedal long, I can foresee no reason for it to go wrong at all. There's nothing I can balls up, it's built like a tank, and if I ran this over with aforementioned tank, the tank'd come off second best! It comes with a year's warranty nonetheless, and if it breaks outside that time you can send it back to Dave to get it repaired (at cost, of course)! [i]Provisional[/i] 10/10 [u]CUSTOMER SUPPORT:[/u] Being as Dave is always willing to answer any queries the forum poses, and the fact that he's answered all my questions within 24hrs, I see no reason why the aftercare would be anything less than top notch...but obviously I've yet to put it to the test! [i]Provisional[/i] 10/10 [u]OVERALL RATING:[/u] Bare in mind that this is the same price as the Behringer unit, and you're getting the DHA quality and reputation, it's a Brucey Bargain!
  12. i think (from listening, not be reading up on them...i could be wrong) that RATM probably knock out a stonking riff, then wrap a song round it. Timmy C tends to do kinda the same thing(s) repeated throughout the song, and Tom morello gets his PedalBoard O' Doom out and starts squeeling over the top. The songs all seem to be in roughly the same place musically, to fit with Zach's natural tuning of his voice, much like the Dust Junkies tracks always seem to be in and around D, so the vox sound good. so, in a rambled, longwinded answer to your q, the riff the bass plays was the first bit, and everything else gets shoehorned in around it...it's not so much choosing what to play, but thinking of a wicked riff and letting everyone else to the hard work
  13. [quote name='dannybuoy' post='530943' date='Jul 2 2009, 06:59 PM']The song I've had the most fun playing after learning by ear is Dimension by Wolfmother! Give it a go...[/quote] Epic Track, BTW...immensly fin to play if only I could find a band to play it with
  14. I definately agree that the more you do it, the easier it becomes. I've had to quickfast learn sets for gigs that come with no notation and I'm not allowed music onstage and I find these tips help: IMMERSE yourself in the songs you need. Have them on in the car, around the house, at work (if you're able) and even so far as to goto sleep listening to them! I find that even if I'm not [i]listening[/i] to the songs, they still worm their way into my brain. Start making a mental note of when the parts change, so just click your finger, say 'change' or 'now' at the beat where the new part comes in, so you get used to getting to that lyric/drum fill/guitar riff and something [i]happens[/i] Then sit down with your bass, and one songs at a time just work thru it, as said above, with getting the root notes, then adding the inbetweeny bits. I now like to work songs out in blocks of 5's, so I can kinda half learn some bits of one song, then another, then another etc till I'm back to track one. It makes me remember them more intensely cos I'm having to mentally file away riffs and lyrics together with each other rather than a 3min solid block. It's good for when you stumble, you can restart any song from any point in the song and still be in track. I also find that if you're learning a shedload of tracks from one songwriter, you start to learn their style and what chords they like to use, so you can start to second guess where they're gonna go next. For my new band, I'm having to learn 32 songs from The Jam: the first 5 took a week, second 5 took 5 days, third 5 took 5 days, the last 10 I managed to do in a straight week, and yesterday I got thru 6 tracks...purely from recognising where Paul Weller 'likes to go next'. It'll come in time, but it's just like using 4 fingers on your left hand...awkward and painful at first, then getting easier the more your do it, till you don't even have to thing about it
  15. Welcome To Basschat, sir! It's a pretty bass tho, looks kinda like my Washburn [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='529215' date='Jun 30 2009, 11:02 PM'][size=1]No[/size][/quote]
  16. That's officially the first P-bass I've GASsed for! nicely done matey looks like a stunner!
  17. Ive tried cycling with a bass on my back before, I couldn't get the bloody thing comfortable! Low and it bashed my back wheel, high and it stopped me from lifting my head so I was lookin at my handlebars constantly, loose and it slopped around! good luck, I've taken the option of using a steiny synapse cos I can fit it in a rucksack!
  18. [quote name='Mikey R' post='499777' date='May 28 2009, 12:44 PM']Heres some photos taken by my brother last weekend: [/quote] ooooh, that's one MEAN lookin' Moth-hair Focker! If you get another one built, I think it'd look epic with ebony fingerboard, sprayed translucent black with black hardware and black strings :ph34r:
  19. Can I be on the list too? Based in Newbury, but can collect from Oxford, Reading, Andover, Winchester, Basingstoke type radius
  20. bump...what would you give me?
  21. bump...still open to offers...
  22. I think you're getting the answer you're looking for...most people think that getting the 2nd hand version and saving the money is a best bet, whereas buying new you're guaranteed an immediate loss as soon as you get it outta the box. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='530165' date='Jul 2 2009, 01:00 AM']But then why is it being sold? someone has vetted it and rejected it![/quote] personal preference...one man's dogsh!t is another mans Diamond! Whereas I'd reject an original mint cond'n early P with OHSC and candy (cos I just don't dig P's!) someone else would rip off their own right arm to beat me to death for it! Also, the Grass is Greener syndrome comes into play often
  23. A well kept, nicely set-up cheap bass will go a hellishly long way, especially compared to a poorly treated, badly setup higher-end bass IMHO...my £200 Washburn Bantham is a SlapMeister Of The Gods, and I've tried some high-end warwicks in the local shops that have been so badly setup by the monkeys that work there that I feel like I'm been indecently assaulted when I play them... But I think that once you get to the MIA Fender/MM/Lakland/Sandberg/warwick etc etc territory you're kinda pretty much guaranteed a [i]nice[/i] bass and its down to personal preference as to which once you like best. The extra grand+ for a GB/Overwater/RIM is like (time for the car analogy!) spending the extra money to go from the 2 litre TDI Audi to the RS4 crazy-nutty-bastard lunatic-mobile...90% of the time it'll be giving you exactly what you can get from the standard version...but WHEN YOU NEED IT, it blows them outta the water! spending the 3+grand on a GB will give you the same tones as a MM/fender/lakland etc etc for whatever you're playing, but [i]when you need it to[/i] it'll do SO much more. At least, thats how I look at it, YMMV obviously! [size=1] ...did that make any sense at all? [/size]
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