This thread does illustrate the benefit of buying from a specialist. That will usually (if not always) mean a smaller shop and you will almost certainly pay more for the privilege. However, there are benefits to doing so. The larger shops depend on volume for their turnover. They buy in larger quantities at lower cost, enabling them to charge less. However, their tighter margins mean they spend less on set-up and detail and will not be able to offer such a personal service. This applies especially to the predominantly online retailers. If you don't mind taking a chance that you will have to either do set-up and finish yourself or pay someone else to do it, you may save some money by buying from them. If, on the other hand, you value service and want your purchase to be a pleasant experience and to get an instrument that is right first time that you can just play and enjoy, you will be better off supporting that specialist who tries harder. Given that a good instrument is generally not a frequent or cheap purchase, I know which option I prefer.