Thanks chaps. Someone asked what I've tried. When the Bassman went (too large/heavy), a Trace AH350+4x12 (and 1x15 when more volume needed). Nice and quite close to the Fender sound, but was not exactly light/easy to get around. Next I got the BBE pre with a couple of power amps (Peavey and RSE), biamped. As stated above, BBE + Peavey into the 2x10 makes the right noise, but not at any volume. Tried a Markbass LM3. Didn't like it - too quacky/midrangey. Then got the EBS, which I find much the same as the LM3 - a little smoother, but not much. Am looking at going back to the BBE/power amps, but wondered if you all had any ideas worth pursuing. Being ancient - 60+ - I find most modern bass set ups too hi-fi and possessed of what I hear as a clangy midrange. I like that fat old school sound (but not dub/reggae - like some string tone, too). Have just put a replacement driver (Oberton) in the SVT15, which fattens things somewhat. Thanks for all suggestions.