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Dan Dare

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Everything posted by Dan Dare

  1. Wow. Bet they did sound nice. Have you seen how much 15" Tannoy Golds go for these days?
  2. Got to be a result. An amp you can do proper gigs with for less than £300. Hope you find the magic tone you're after.
  3. Thanks All for suggestions. Just pulled the trigger on a P Bass Special - Thomann sale. Jazz neck, which should suit me, PJ pu's, can use passive (rarely found an active I can get on with. Fingers crossed I'll like it.
  4. Gator make a nice gig bag - in several sizes - that would probably suit.
  5. Ampeg 4x10 is a decent width
  6. The 2 previous owners deny making any repairs or hearing a problem with the cab... As Mandy Rice Davies famously put it, "They would, wouldn't they?"
  7. always a few on eBay
  8. xgsjx beat me to it. I thought this thread was about amps nobody likes... As other say, there are amps with heat sink/convection cooling. However, they tend not to like being cased - can get too warm, unless they are low powered. Better amps have quieter fans - my EBS fan is very quiet.
  9. 30 quid for something that works? Bargain. You'll want something better in time a you progress, but you shouldn't have much bother getting your money back. Have fun.
  10. Scott's very good, but got fed up with the daily emails trying to flog me something.
  11. You need a xlr sex changer - an inline plug with male/female xlrs both ends. Try Google. Neutrik and Switchcraft both make them.
  12. As zero9 says, you'd need another and I doubt it would work that well even if you did. Hard to sell things at the moment.Everyone's paying off the Xmas bills. Try later in the year?
  13. Good point from BotB. May be safest to use an additional power amp for the extra cab. Used PA power amps can be had cheaply enough - just drive it from the line out. One extra 8 or 10 won't add a lot, though.
  14. True. Could well be both.
  15. Leaving aside small practice amps, the rehearsal room we use has a Hiwatt bass amp which is spectacularly awful. Eq totally ineffective. Take my EBS along these days.
  16. Another vote for Orchid.
  17. It's the output transformer, rather than the valves, that will usually suffer from open circuit/no load/too low impedance.
  18. Looking at the original question, I wonder if amp clipping may be to blame. Most combos will struggle once the master volume goes over the half way mark.
  19. I keep the thumb nail short, but use the edge of it on the string. Some great thumb bass playing on live film of Gary Moore and BB King doing "The thrill is gone" on YouTube. Lovely fat tone.
  20. Tears of a Clown was the one that did it for me. Genius.
  21. Seashell's right. You have to put yourself about, go to jams, etc. Never know when something good will present itself. Good hunting.
  22. Bill. Not entirely. The purpose of a contoured surface is not only/simply to scatter reflected waves. It has absorptive properties, too. A flat sheet of solid foam (especially hard foam) will, at least in part, reflect sound waves back at the cone - just the situation one is attempting to avoid. In practice, effectiveness is limited by wavelengths. Foam lining is less effective on lower frequencies.
  23. Agree with Lozz about Markbass. The just seem to sound good in the mix.
  24. Orchid. made in the West Country. £35ish delivered. Don't let the price put you off. Sound on Sound was very impressed.
  25. It ain't cheap, but proper contoured acoustic foam is best. Be careful with spray adhesives. The fumes can harm drive units. I use Unibond.
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