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Everything posted by dieseldalziel

  1. My son has just finished a week's run of School of Rock the Musical in a youth theatre group, he was playing the bass player in the kids band..sounded great and looks great..a little promo clip ..https://fb.watch/mfzZk7i_kd/ 👍
  2. NBD...for my son's birthday...great in all respects other than it looks like it's had a little drop on the strap button..is it worth sending back?
  3. Definitely legit, I have a fretted version from 2001, made me in Germany, gigged it loads..that price is crazy
  4. Incubus- Sick, Sad Little World live at Red Rocks
  5. I'm quite enjoying it but Roadies was brilliant I'd re-watch that if I could find it for free..
  6. The way the E string is coming over the saddle 😬
  7. I don't know, before any bids this was on a buy it now for £151.. surprised it wasn't snapped up tbh
  8. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/404195238591?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=oseuwbiksxs&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=ok8rMAc7SxO&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. In that case they may well have added it to their dataBASS...
  10. Is the HB scratch plate an exact copy of the Fender or did you have to scan it to make a template?
  11. Just saw this on the Gig.ink Facebook page👍
  12. My closest store is Exeter buts it's quite a trek without knowing what they have and price etc.
  13. Just saw that Musicroom are closing 6 of it's 7 stores with only the Denmark store staying open, I believe there is quite a sale going in those stores..50% off instruments and 40% off everything else.
  14. Yes, I took some advice from this forum, which was that I could sell it for reasonable market value, if i sold it on I would owe the owner the money, if I chose to keep it I think it would revert to my ownership after 7 years, i kept it packaged ready to send back for 2 years and then sold it when I moved house. I never heard from the seller in that time
  15. I went through Ebay
  16. I have had a dispute about a bass I bought through Ebay, not a huge sum involved but the seller dragged the process out to the nth degree. Ebay found in my favour and refunded me, The seller then contacted me asking me to return the bass...no problem but he would have to arrange a courier and pay for the return..he never did in the end.
  17. Simmer by Hayley Williams The live lounge recording needs a camera just for the bass player IMO Great tone and groove.. https://youtu.be/6MtMSbOqBME
  18. A few times, after playing on the same bill as Fun Lovin' Criminals and after supporting a band called Rooster...very strange..signed some limbs and jackets too..devalued instantly!
  19. Great. Wonderful. Niice. Suuuuuperb👌
  20. Oops got carried away 🤣
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