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Everything posted by sixstring

  1. RUSH - The Big Money. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQgu0MpnKq8
  2. I remember back in the early 80's, in Ozzy's touring band was the legendary and infamous Don Costa. He played BC Rich Bichs' and Mockingbirds. He was so far out he was eventually fired by Ozzy as he was so theatrically extreme. He used to have a cheese grater fixed to the back of his bass and right at the crucial moment, he would spin his bass round and shred his knuckles - I kid you not. There was a now infamous picture of that bass in Kerrang!! at that time. He was also fond of playing using a pick axe and an ice pick too. He was in other bands , M80, an early version of Great White, WASP etc. He was a good player but he was just so far out there. To this day, 30 years on, I can never look at a BC Rich bass without thinking of Don and that cheese grater!! https://metal80.files.wordpress.com/2011/09/cronologia-ozzy-osb-batm-02.jpg
  3. I wish I could play like this. The sky would be the limit.
  4. Thank you all for the welcome, cheered me right up. Thanks. Bob is a great player, Many folks don't realise the great songs he wrote. I was pleased all you folks remember the great Gary Moore days too - they were great times, Here's Bob's Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/user/bobdaisley
  5. Rex Brown, ex bass of Pantera playing 'Cowboys From Hell'.
  6. sixstring

    Amazing Busker

    Saw this amazing busker on Youtube, he is so good. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCKU_pffkCg[/media] Thanks.
  7. [b]Hi. new here. [/b] [b]More of a guitar fan but I am a big Bob Daisley fan and saw on his website he was selling this.[/b] [b]Didn't want to put it in any other part of the forum, don't know where it fits, sort of surreal when stars sell their guitars.[/b] [b]http://bobdaisley.com/news/rare-opportunity-own-vintage-guitar-bob-daisleys-personal-collection[/b] [b]He is such a great songwriter and player and so many of our seminal rock songs are down to him.[/b] [b]Such a nice guy too. Any more Daisley fans out there? [/b] [b]Cheers.[/b]
  8. PM'ed
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