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Everything posted by funkyjimbob

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1455880587' post='2983199'] Pickup "playing up". What does that mean? How old and what condition? Unless it has serious damage (truss rod etc) £650 sounds bloody good to me. That's cheaper than a Standard in perfect condition. A replacement set of pickups could be around £120. Many thought Fender 5's had iffy B strings for the first few years. I've read that they fixed that and various QC stuff in the last 5 or so years, but whether any of that is a problem or not is down to your preference. As it's with a friend, I'd borrow it and try it with a new set of strings after a full set up. [/quote] The bridge pick-up is not working but this will be fixed at it's service it is getting Monday. It's a year old and in good condition. Needs a good clean. There's no serious damage to it. Neck is fine. There is one ding on it (about 7mm in width) and there is a couple of places where the paint has worn off but that's it. I actually have the bass at the moment so was going to change the strings and set it up.
  2. Hello! I am after a bit of advice on this bass as I know nothing about Fenders. I own two Warwick Custom shop 5 strings and but have been looking to add a Jazz to my collection and have been offered one by a friend. It is the American Jazz Deluxe 5 and he has said I can have it for about £600. It has a couple of dings and could do with some TLC but otherwise is in in good condition. Is this good value? I haven't got a clue. One of the pickups is playing up but the bass is due a free service so this will not cost anymore to fix as this will cover that. I had a bit of a play but the strings are mega heavy (I play cheese graters (30-110) and the action is very high so it's sounding like crap at the moment. I have flattened the neck and I am going to bring the string height at the brige down so hopefully that should help. I have also heard a few people being negative about the Fender 5's and I'm not sure why this is? What's peoples general thoughts on them and is this something you'd personally go for at that price? What i'm worried about is that if I part with my money then get it setup to my liking that I'll hate it and then struggle to sell it on! Thanks
  3. funkyjimbob


    Just bought a Focusrite Scarlett off of Kev. Paid the amount in the morning and the item was with me the very next day. One of the easiest transactions I have had on here.Can't recommend more.
  4. I'd imagine Hardy will be here in a sec...
  5. Just thought I'd bump this thread instead of starting a new one and adding clutter. Was thinking of getting one of these after hearing someone use one last night. Does anyone on here use one? What's your thoughts? I current have an SVT3-PRO. Thanks!
  6. The Warwick stands out so much more than the others which I think all sound pretty much the same.
  7. Well, I know what the usual outcome is when someone posts a Warwick Infinity on here.. Has anyone got a spare shed I can hide from my girlfriend in for a few weeks?
  8. funkyjimbob

    Bristol Bash

    Me too. I'm based in Exeter but it's only up the road.
  9. I believe this is my old bass? I'm seriously tempted to buy it back.....
  10. And for anyone interested, here is a little video Martin put together which explains the repair process better than I have [url="https://www.facebook.com/875497729172556/videos/980103778711950/"]https://www.facebook.com/875497729172556/videos/980103778711950/[/url]
  11. So, the Warwick arrived back with me yesterday and for the first time since I have owned it the neck is getting forward bow and adding relief. This is exactly what we wanted as the problem in the first place was the neck back-bowing!! In fact, the bass is still getting more and more relief as it acclimatises. Because there was only a few mm on the truss nut available when loosening the truss this is brilliant news as the more I tighten it, the more thread it eats up inside giving me more room to play with. Martin rang me today and said to tighten the truss a quarter turn periodically over the course of the next few days until it settles back down again. I play with very low action so will try and get it as flat as possible. Very please so far. Sent Martin the pics and he's pleased. Here are some pictures! LOOK!! FORWARD BOW!!!
  12. [quote name='gazzatriumph' timestamp='1452115965' post='2946717'] Is it possible having LED's fitted could affect the neck at all? [/quote] Not sure to be completely honest!
  13. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1452106926' post='2946531'] Unless I'm mistaken there wasn't the bass is not as standard? You'd already added LEDs hadn't you? If you send the bass to Warwick, their position would be that will as standard practise they will warranty the bass after the work is done. Sounds to me like the quote was one that reflects a situation of Warwick not really wanting to get involved in a bass with non-Warwick LEDs. I were in their position I'd do exactly the same. Why should they warranty LEDs they don't know? I sell LED technology for a living and most LEDs sold on the market are crap. I guess where Warwick may have gone wrong is maybe they should have simply said, "you've customised it, you're on your own". The course they took did, however, leave you with an option. [/quote] You are mistaken. The original build was all done through Warwick (who were using Martin for the LED's at the time. Martin used to be Warwick's LED guy) and there was no later customisation by the original owner.
  14. Exactly, guys. When I originally contacted Warwick they quoted me just the price of the truss replacement and the cost of tidying it back up again... ranged from 500-1000 euros. The guy I spoke to then said he had to query something with the boss and that's when I got the quote back with all the extra stuff on that I didn't need to be done. The funniest thing is, I was was quoted 1800 euros for the LED's to be refitted afterwards. Martin at Sims charges £500 to fit a set in a new guitar!! And he was the man who used to fit them for Warwick (and most likely does a better job too). It was a 'thanks but no thanks' quote. They didn't want the work.
  15. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1452076987' post='2946076'] The high end Warwicks, currently labeled custom shop products are what they are. High end basses. Not only purchasing one costs a lot of money, service on them after the guarantee period also costs a lot of money. The same goes for high end cars and other goods. It is nice to own a Ferrari, but any service on it in the future will set you back quite some pounds/euros/dollars. This is why only rich people drive Ferrari. Yes even I sometimes ridicule the high prices asked for spare parts or service, but these prices come with the product you have chosen. They decide their pricing system, not you. I wouldn't ever buy a new Warwick custom shop product as I do not ever want to spend more then approx 2k on ANY instrument. I am a weekend warrior not some rockstar millionaire. I just think it is a shame Warwick are being portrayed the way they are by this thread. They are by no means an evil company and my experience with their customer service has been nothing short of exemplary and awesome. After having bought a used Warwick broadneck Dolphin Pro1 fretless five string from 1991, (which by the way is on at least one Simply Red album) the removable truss rod appeared to resonate inside the neck with some notes being played. I mailed Warwick asking what could cause this problem and within half a day Hans Peter Wilfer himself replied, sending me a photograph of the silicon grease I needed to re-apply as over the years the grease must have either dried out or was whiped off the truss rod by a previous owner. I ordered a similar pack of silicon grease, applied it to the truss rod and the problem was gone. What manufacturer offers this kind of service/advice to people using 2nd hand market instruments and therefor are no customers at all? Exactly. Most would have replied "take the bass to a dealer to get a quote". About the truss rod remark someone else made here: Thousands of Warwicks have been manufactured and sold, and are being played without anyone ever hearing about these instruments. They simply work. Over the last five or six years I have heard/read (I'm an admin on the Warwick forum but do not work for them) about only a hand full of problems with necks and/or truss rods. That's not a lot is it? Yet they get slag. Booh! Of course, if your neck goes bad on a standard Fender like bass you can simply purchase a brand X new neck in the aftermarket and your problem is solved. With Warwicks, and especially the neckthru models this of course is not the case. Final words on this: Taking any problems you have with a manufacturer to forums or social media instead of solving it with that manufacturer says more about you as a person then it does about that manufacturer. Ugh. [/quote] If Warwick don't want to be portrayed in a negative manner then they should reconsider their pricing system! You only have to look at the price hikes in the last few years to see why people are annoyed with them. As I pointed out before, I have no issue with Warwick's response times and quality of help. I have an issue with the fact they are trying to charge me over £3000 (THREE THOUSAND POUNDS) for work that is nowhere near that value. Another interesting point is that when I emailed Hans recently with a custom shop quote (which came to around 8k) he said they would do the repairs on the old bass for free if I took out this custom order. Makes you think how much work is really involved if they can just write off £3000 worth of work in an instant. [quote][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Final words on this: Taking any problems you have with a manufacturer to forums or social media instead of solving it with that manufacturer says more about you as a person then it does about that manufacturer.[/quote][/font][/color][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]The same could be said about someone who forms an opinion of someone who is trying to help others on an Internet forum. This thread was here to highlight the frankly ridiculous prices Warwick are charging for the guitar repairs to alert and inform potential buyers about the alarming costs they may be faced with. I'd say that's helping a lot more people than not. And judging by the amount of people posting in here your view is quite frankly in the minority on this forum. I also find companies tend to act quicker and with more integrity once they are exposed to the public eye. I'm not in the wrong here. Warwick are. That's all that matters.[/color][/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]My 'Final words on this': I have had my bass repaired for £500. I love Warwick bass guitars but have had 3 or 4 of the 10 or so I have owned go a bit 'squiffy' (regardless of the excellent care I give them and the regular services they receive). Therefore I am in two minds about going through with my next custom shop order. [/color][/font] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]All's good in regards to this guitar being repaired though so I'm happy. [/font][/color]
  16. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1451943426' post='2944947'] But buy that bass a brass nut!! Happy to see an all round pleasing and value for money result. [/quote] The brass nut is too twangy for me! Only joking. I will upgrade it when I get the chance.
  17. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1451927166' post='2944682'] Ah, that's looking pukka! Hopefully it didn't cost too much and it'll be back with you soon. A happy ending if there ever was one, I reckon. [/quote] Just waiting till Wednesday as he wants to be triple sure it's all fine then i shall call him and he will be sending it back Thursday! In regards to the price, if you were to take the Warwick quote in pounds (4180 euros = £3075) and divide that amount by 6 then you have the cost.
  18. [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Happy New Year everyone.[/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]I have a reply from Martin this morning:[/size][/font] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]'Hi James,[/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]I think we are all ready to go.[/size][/font][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]As it happens I haven't had to re adjust the neck back the right way as there was a little to much bow this time so that bodes well for the future of the bass.[/size][/font][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Here are some pics so you can now see how she looks as well.[/size][/font][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Kind regards'[/size][/font][/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Happy is an understatement.[/font][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4]Here are the pictures![/size][/font][/size][/font] [font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [size=4][/size][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [size=4][/size][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [size=4][/size][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [size=4][/size][/size][/font][font=arial, sans-serif][size=3] [size=4][/size][/size][/font]
  19. Also, just for the record. The basses are treated like royalty!
  20. I know people who have had no problems too but it always seems to be Warwicks that I have heard having issues. Especially with the necks. I've had 3 now that have had serious issues with them (2 of them having been owned from new). I think I have owned around 10 in total so it's not a great hit rate. I have a 2007 custom shop Streamer Stage 1 too that has had no problems whatsoever and plays amazingly!
  21. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1451041749' post='2937961'] I'm another that's had several Warwicks with issues, out of phase pickups, blown preamps and ruined truss rods on four figure basses [/quote] I love Warwicks but I have had several issues with mine too (including one that I have posted about on another thread that is ongoing).
  22. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1451232945' post='2938971'] Ah, somebody said the 'S' word! How about cutting your losses and buying from a company that offers peerless after sales service. [/quote] This is a thread about my broken Warwick bass guitar! Not a conversation about which is better between the two companies. and for the record I don't like Spectors. Martin will be calling me beginning of January when the workshop is back open so I will update everyone then!
  23. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1450720790' post='2935228'] [b]Must be a relief[/b], glad things are looking up! [/quote] No pun intended?
  24. [quote name='warwickhunt' timestamp='1450710906' post='2935079'] Glad you've got it sorted and I'll bet it will be a massive amount less than quoted by 'W'... and I bet you'd never know the board has been off! [/quote] I hope so! Martin has been great. A real nice guy and he has run through every last thing with me, explained how he is doing it and why, what needs to be done, etc.. He is definitely getting my custom again in future.
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