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Everything posted by Gomez68

  1. Crag42 great album about time some new decent music coming through !
  2. P bass and paitience I like that combo yeah defo the patience its a long old road for me ha thanks dad3353 and cameltoe !
  3. Geek99 I need all the help I can get ! Think of an alien landing been handed a bass and asked to learn how to play and understand music / bass notation! My poor tutor ha ! I will get that dummies book another Xmas hint present! Thank you !
  4. Brilliant that's on my Xmas list from the kids ha thanks jmchich!
  5. Thanks drbike, how much for a decent strap?
  6. Basachine2112, ladywithabass, mornats, tonyquipment thank you all so much ! I have the Hal Leonard book ! I was thinking of getting the dummies book for clarification ! After Xmas an amp set up a good strap! Oh I need a bass stand and prob music stand so it's on my own Xmas list to myself oh no GAS is going take over my life ha ! Thanks all! 👏
  7. As always thank you for your input
  8. I will listen more in depth to smoke on the water! I have a wide taste in music and as a newbie I want to just get to grips getting a few songs together !
  9. Thanks some great ideas ! Funkshui I'm learning Cochise at the moment a bit of get lucky and day tripper ! I love the funk stuff but my slapping at funk is going to be a while away ha I love James Jamersons bass lines! The main bass lines I really thought was wow I love this sound was hearing the bass to fever and off the joe Jackson alb stepping out ! Oh and pinos bass on Paul Young albums.😃
  10. Wow guys thanks for the information that brilliant ! Let's get Xmas over I can fee some major purchases ha thanks again! 😃
  11. Thanks westie9 it's brilliant and the help and advice is amazing.
  12. Great tracks thanks esp my Sharona! 😄
  13. Ha Gelfin your wetting my appetite all ready ! I can see me actually getting the GAS soon! Il no doubt see you guys wisdom and penchant for exotic wares! 😃
  14. Ha thanks miles'tone 😄
  15. Haha that's brilliant ! I know iv been looking about and thinking of getting a decent amp /cab in the new year ! I can feel the force it's strong on this site I will have to use Jedi mind tricks not to fall under it's spell! Thanks for the explanation of the acronym !!
  16. listening to royal blood album with windscreen wipers for fills
  17. Hi gelfin... Gas? Ha go on.... ? Cheers
  18. Guys I really appreciate the information ! Yes I'm at the begginers stage frustration , flying fingers , missed strings , still getting confused where I am on tab! A total raw newbie no musical experience but the will to get playing bass as best I can with years of a journey ahead! Thanks for info on cabs and amp this will be a 2015 purchase oh and a strap ! Is there a particular strap to look for? Sorry so many questions !!! Thanks again
  19. Hi guys I have an eclectic taste from alternative rock QOTSA , foos , incubus to old scool stuff I grew up with joe Jackson , jam, old scool bass funk, Motown etc my question is any ideas for basic bass tunes ? I need new ideas please no smoke on the water ha thanks
  20. Guys I'm a newbie ! I have purchased a soundgear Sr300 I have inherited an old 50 watt amp it has a big v with amp inbeteen ? It's ancient but it's a start for now! Got my gig bag check a tuner check and a metronome! Having lessons with a great bass tutor check! Any good books to supplement my learning and understanding? Plus in the new year I want a bass practice amp not this old guitar amp! Any ideas for a raw beginner? Thanks
  21. Hi discreet thanks for the welcome! Been looking over the forums and it's brilliant ! 😃
  22. Thanks Funkshui I will pass on the the great comments to Jon! Thanks guys amazing reception! Have a great week !!!
  23. Thanks Allie it's a big learning curve for me as I'm totally new to this ! I love music but as for playing it well let's hope in a year il be playing enough to jam with mates! Thanks
  24. Thanks mark ! My music taste is quite eclectic ! Any good simple bass lines to play to? So just at along to a music cd so no need to buy fancy software. I just bought a metronome so I got work out how to use it! I said was zero at music ha thanks for great help!
  25. Fair play im a second lesson in and Jon is amazing bassist and teacher! It's just time and patience to start to nail the basics ! I love the bass and music is my passion but unfournatley skill and music theory is zero ha but hey it's all about the journey! Guys again thank you for your tips and great welcome !
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