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Everything posted by Drax

  1. That’s it. Lefty loosey, Righty tighty. Don’t fear the truss rod. The coated Elixirs are on the less noisy than others but the acoustic zing and clang of new strings will definitely be contributing to the problem and making it sound worse to you ears - especially when not amplified. You won’t be rehearsing or gigging for a long while yet, so it’s worth seeing how the strings bed in over the next few weeks of playing.
  2. This is actually better. Strangest design choice since the Bite headstock. Suppose you could legitimately replace with a Sadowsky logo?
  3. Drax

    Your Go To Bass

    Impressed by some of the monogamy in this thread. I’ve got sentimental basses I’ve owned for 30yrs, but the bass I pick up to ‘noodle on & write’ is generally whatever my latest squeeze is. Daily playing and inspiration currently from this Sire P7.
  4. Incredible. Is this a hoax ?!
  5. Vince Power was on R5 - he now runs some small London venues incl Subterrania - past few nights have all been sold out in advance, but only half the ticket holders have turned up. With venue profit on the bar, it quickly becomes unworkable. Govt cancelling mass gatherings is about public health. Venue / pubs cancelling gigs is about profit. Two jazz gigs this month yet to cancel - but they could rarely be described as mass gatherings (!).
  6. From what (little) we know about the virus growth, appears futile that anywhere would push dates back a few months. I guess it keeps the booking ‘live’ - but if the guitar show isn’t happening in March, you’d assume it’s definitely not happening in June.. The stress for the self employed is immense. My business is already losing money, but I have the benefit of sick pay and I’m able to WFH easily. My wife’s mother is a single, self employed hairdresser - she can’t pay the bills without work. We’ve told her we’ll cover any lost work to try and keep her sane - but this loss, and the stress it brings with it - will be played out across the country / world. The economic situation will eclipse the 2008 crash - but regardless of how big business fares, we have to hope / pray that the govt intervenes to take some pressure off individuals (mortgages , utilities etc ). Emergency measures never considered before will need to be created for the self employed.
  7. Seconded, that's exactly what I use it for. Not cheap though..
  8. Fair enough. I'm a clumsy f*cker and definitely need the added protection
  9. Fox News remarkably high up this chart
  10. Can't say I'm a fan of the Beaky headstock , but the rest of the bass does enough to make me tolerate it. FWIW Sires fit easily into a Mono Vertigo.
  11. Yet to have the time to dig into these with any seriousness, - (possibly the impending mass WFH will give me a chance) - but hugely enjoying the introduction to a stack of tunes I wasn't otherwise aware of
  12. Found these pot recommendations here on BC - can't recall the thread .. Stacked pots are solid shaft, take these EMG fit @ £12 set Single pots are split shaft, used push fit Tele type @ £6 a pair
  13. Got a P7 5 recently - intending to fill the 'P' type gigs I seem to be doing more of, where my other main bass wasn't really right. Possibly still in honeymoon period but haven't put it down. The pre is as useful as Aguilar / East I've owned. The neck and rolled fretwork is beautiful. Pains me to say it - as the bass world would be a worse place without the independent luthiers - but I've been using the P7 for every gig since, over my handmade J (that cost 7x). On some of the points raised above I pretend to play poncy stuff up the dusty end, and have always had 2 octave 24 frets. I've not missed the extra 4 notes. I thought I was sensitive to weight. This one is 10.2lbs but it's been fine on gigs. Like the frets, I wonder weight has been one of those self imposed rules I've lived by without revisiting. Standard mod with new knobs ( who says you can't polish a turdbust @Al Krow )
  14. Always had a soft spot for Charcoal Frost since Clapton’s 80’s strat. Multiscale fretlesses look like they can’t possibly be making life easier though..
  15. The fact boutique builders use both shows there’s nothing in it. The Dunlop flush mount were notoriously unreliable on Warwicks back in the day (I had to find a chair mid song) but have since improved. I was Schallers all the way then got a Roscoe with Dunlop pins, and all basses are Dunlop now. Both systems are easy to use and neither has let me down. Marginal win for Dunlop on the aesthetic.
  16. Funny how finding these lumps of wood, metal and plastic can mean so much to us. Your back story and pics do one of the best jobs I’ve seen on here for a long time in bringing this journey to life. Some people think buying basses is a matter of life and death, I assure you it’s much more serious than that
  17. Aguilar J pups marry well with their OBP3. I specced Hausell J/J into East pre, which sounded great. East’s sweepable mid is much more useful than you’d think, esp live. tbh don’t think you can do wrong with any of their combinations, it’s all quality spec.
  18. Not quite on topic , and feels like a noobie question but can’t find the answer out there. What’s the weird bracket on the Nikki Sixx Blackbird ?
  19. if you really wanted to make good on your investment, trim that bass off that lovely picture and have it properly framed
  20. For me there’s a massive gulf between - Bassists who post on social media vs - Social media folk who play bass The former have a current gig or two and a certain humility, they share playing warts and all, but YT is not their day job. The latter focus on driving clicks through bait titles, bass gymnastics and stunts. There are some amazing bassists who are both great musicians AND make their main money thru YT (Adam Neely for one) but generally there’s an inverse relationship between inspirational Musicality and YouTube £.
  21. I reluctantly square off high ticket prices these days with the fact I pay a pittance to stream music and rarely buy physical copies. Not particularly delighted at the way this model has evolved but that's the gig now. There's some lower overheads at Ronnies, but also a stack of fixed costs that don't change - travel, accomodation, their time, etc. Ultimately would always prefer to see a band I like play a smaller venue, and accept you pay more for this.
  22. Thanks for the tip off, missed this. There’s no bad seats - the band won’t all fit on the stage anyway. ‘Restricted View’ £75 are the ones to get. *capacity listed at 250 apparently
  23. 3 formative tracks released in teen years (from 89) Megadeth - Holy wars Jamiroquai - when you gonna learn orbital - impact
  24. Nice buy. Love the necks on these. Which of your idols was in there?!
  25. This ^. Less force needed to play round (not hex) core - DR or Newtone worth checking.
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